Always Searching

Like You'll Never See Me Again


"Come on answer your god damn ph-"

Hey it's Bella...yeah I hate these things so just leave a message

"Hey Bella its uh me..Joe, right so call me when you get this."

I closed my phone and looked at the time. I've been trying to call her for the past hour and she hasn't picked up.

I sighed as I found her number again and hit send.



I scrunched up my nose and looked at my screen to make sure I called Bella's number. "Bella?"

"No its Trace." he sighed. I could hear other people around him and busing nosies.

"Where's Bella?"

"She's" she sighed again. "She's at the hospital."

I think I stopped breathing. "What why?"

"She...uh fainted earlier and she's in the E.R. right now. We don't anything else."

And in a matter of seconds my world froze.

I shut my phone and rushed down stairs trying to find my keys. "Keys.." I mumbled as I passed Nick and Kevin in the living. "Where the fuck are my keys!" I yelled.

"Dude whats wrong?" Kevin asked. He grabbed my keys off the table and held them back as I tried to take them.

"Give me my fucking keys!" I yelled at him.

"Joe, whats wrong?" he asked again.

"Bella fainted and she's in the hospital."

Nick stood up and pulled on his shoes as Kevin put my keys in his pocket and grabbed his shoes. "I'll drive." Kevin stated as we left the house and to the hospital.


"Bella Parker?" Nick asked the lady behind the desk.

I was leaning over the counter trying to find something that had Bella's name on it, anything.

"Her family is in the waiting room down the hall to the right." she stated. I looked to my left and saw in red neon above the doors.

E.R. Waiting Room.

I rushed through the doors and everyone looked up at me before they sighed and looked down at the floor again.

"Joe?" Mrs. Parker said to me in a low voice.

"Mrs. Parker" I said and took a seat next to her. "What's wrong?" I asked.

She shrugged as she ran a hand through her blonde hair. It was the same color Bella's used to be. "She was sitting in the living room with Trace and Mason watching TV and the next thing I hear is Trace and Mason yelling for Bella to wake up." she sobbed as her body shook.

I rubbed her back and looked around the room and saw Trace and Mason with bloodshot red eyes looking over at us. "I'll be right back." she nodded as I stood up and walked over to them.

"She didn't wake up." Mason mumbled under his breath finishing his aunt's story.

"Mr. and Mrs. Parker?" I turned to see an older man with semi-grey black hair walk through a pair of silver doors. I watched as her parents got up and walked over to Doctor.

I used her parents reactions to determine how Bella was. Her mom was crying again and her dad was trying to comfort her holding back tears of his own.

I gulped as I thought of the worst situation that was until, "Can we see her?" floated from Mr. Parker's lips.

The doctor nodded as he walked Mrs. Parker through the silver doors.

Mr. Parker walked over to us and stood in front of us looking at the ground. "She's in a coma."

My world just broke in a matter of seconds.

"The doctor is letting us see her one at a time." he stated. We all nodded.

I stared at the ground trying my best to fight back the tears. But I don't think it would ever work. I let my tears consume my body as I began to break down in the waiting room.

What if she never woke up? What if she doesn't remember when she does? What if I never get to hear her voice again?"

"You going to be okay?" Kevin asked.

I scrunched up my face at him, narrowing my eyes. What kind of question is that? Am I going to be okay? Possibly I'm never going to be okay again.

"Sorry." he muttered at my reaction. I nodded and stared at the floor again.

"New flash Joe! I am fucking dying!"

"Bella, no your not!" I yelled and grabbed her shoulders. "Do understand me! Your not allowed to die. Your going to get better, your going to live, your going to be with me forever!"

Who ever knew forever be so short.
♠ ♠ ♠
♪So every time you hold me
Hold me like this is the last time
Every time you kiss me
Kiss me like you'll never see me again
Every time you touch me
Touch me like this is the last time
Promise that you'll love me
Love me like you'll never see me again