Always Searching


This heart, it beats, beats for only you, My heart is yours

I moaned in my pillow as I heard my cellphone go off. I mumbled something so tiredly I didn't even understand.

I clicked the button and put the phone up to my ear and listen for someone to talk.

I could hear breathing but no voice.


"Morning baby love"

I smiled and yawned. "Hey Joe."

"What are you doing today?"

I shrugged and said "I don't know I have a doctors appointment later."

"Doctors? Why? Are you okay?"

I rolled my eyes and walked out of my room towards the kitchen.

"No, just a normal check up"

"Oh okay. So do you want to come over here before?"

"Sure." I said as I poured some Lucky Charms in a bowl. "What time?"

"I don't know. Whenever you want."

I rolled my eyes. "Um, let me eat my cereal, take a shower, and get ready."

"So in two hours?"

I scoffed. "Try one. I'm not you." I stated "Thank god" I mumbled softly.

He huffed "I heard that Isabella."

I bite my tongue at my name and pulled a look of disgust."I'll be over in an hour."

"Okay, bye Love."

"Bye babe." I said and hung up the phone.

After I was done with my shower I changed into a pair of stonewashed skinny jeans and a pink baby doll tee. I straighted my blonde hair and placed a pink headband in it allowing my bangs to come out of the front. I put on my eyeliner, mascara, and my lips gloss on. Being the only make-up I wear.

I grabbed my cellphone and placed in my back pocket before leaving my house and locking the door behind me.

I walked the five houses to Joe's and knocked on the door. After waiting, the door finally opened.

"Hell- What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Aw, don't be mean Bella, I know you want me." the boy winked at me.

I scoffed and walked into the house and sat on the couch. "In your dreams Jason."

Jason Sawyer. I absolutely hate this kid with a burning passion. He's always hitting on me and the worst part is he's Joe's best friend. I told Joe I don't like him and he hits on me but Joe doesn't believe me because Jason always says something to make Joe believe him over me.

"Where's Joe?" I asked. He gave me a weird look as he sat down next to me on the couch. "You know Joe. He lives here, your best friend, my boyfriend."

"Right." he said as he scooted closer to me. "He's upstairs." He grabbed my waist and bought me towards his face. He licked his lips and looked at mine "I'll keep a secret if you can.

Before I could even react he crashed his lips on mine. I tried pushing off of him but he was much stronger and had a good hold on my waist.

"What the hell?" Joe yelled.

Jason pulled away and smirked before looking at Joe. "She just came onto me. I was like no Joe's my best friend and your boyfriend."

I stood there dumbfounded that he was even saying that, knowing the truth was vise versa.

"Joe he's lying." I said and glared at Jason.

"Dude seriously why would I." Jason said looking at Joe. Joe looked pissed as hell and was trying to decide who to believe.

"Why would I? Jason you kissed me." I said and turned to Joe. "You know I wouldn't hurt you."

Joe looked at me and glared. "Well you did."

I gasped and I could feel the tears stringing down my face. "How could you not believe me?"

"How could you kiss my best friend?" He yelled at me causing me to cry more.

"He kissed me!" I yelled. By this time, Kevin and Nick made their way into the living room looking at us.

"What happened?" Nick asked.

"Bella kissed me." Jason said. I glared at him then looked at Nick.

"Nicky, you know I wouldn't tell him" I said and pointed to Joe. "I wouldn't."

Nick looked at Joe and he just scoffed."Right, because your probably going behind my back dating Nick to."

"What?!" Nick and me said in unison.

"Don't play dumb. You kissed her yesterday." Joe yelled at Nick.

"Yeah but it wasn't like that at all." Nick defended us. "Your my brother Joe, I wouldn't do that. But" he said and looked at me. "I'm not so sure."

"Nick, your suppose to be my best friend how could you basically just say I kissed Jason?"

"Yeah and Joe is my brother I have to take his side."

"Kevin?" I asked. He just looked down and pretended not to hear me.

I looked at Joe and cried. "Your just going to not listen to me and believe Jason?"

He looked at Jason then back at me. He nodded.

I wiped my tears and looked at all three Jonas that I thought was my family.

"Fine." I said and took off the ring. "Take it." I said and offered it to Joe.

He looked at it and shook his head. "Keep it."

"No." I said and grabbed his hand placing it in his hand. "I don't want it anymore." I said and began to walk towards door.

"Bella" Nick whispered. I turned to look at him and shook my head.

"Don't. Have a great life."

"Bella." It was Kevin this time.

"No! I-I" I looked directly at Joe and into his brown eyes. "I hate you! All of you!" I screamed and ran out the door all the way home.
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Fall From A Star
Once Upon A Broken Heart
I'm Not The Only One Who Cries When I See You