Always Searching


Today we were leaving and my parents wanted all of us to say bye to the Jonas. I think I'm going to be more sick than I already am. At lest I'll have Mandy.

I looked back at my bare room that only consisted of furniture. I sighed and turned off my light before making my way out the door. I put my bag in the backseat and walked towards my parents who where standing at the end of the Jonas driveway.

I dug my hands in my pockets and looked at the ground as I walk towards them. My parents didn't tell them the real reason we were leaving like I wanted them too. They told them my dad got a better job offer. Blah, blah, blah.

Mandy wasn't here yet so I was stuck in an awkward silence as my three ex-friends look at me while the parents said their goodbyes.

"I'm going to miss you Bella." I looked up from the ground and saw Frankie was walking towards me. I smiled and got down to his height to hug him.

"I'll miss you Frankie." I said and kissed his cheek. I looked up and saw the other three staring at me and Frankie trying to find something to say, but they never did.

"Do you have to go?" he pouted.

I nodded my head. This could be the last time ever I saw any of them. I pulled him into another tight hug and cried.

"Why are you crying Bella?" Frankie asked and he wiped my tears away.

Cause this could be the end.

"I'm going to miss my number one Jonas." when I said that I noticed that the other three got stiff.

"I love you Bells" He said.

"I love you too Frankie." I stood up and looked at the other three and just cried. Nick tired to come hug me but I just backed away and shook my head.

"Bella!" I turned around and saw Mandy running towards me. She engulfed me in a hug and she was crying. "Don't leave me." she said. I knew she wasn't talking about me leaving New Jersey she meant don't die.

And at that point I just cried again and bawled out my eyes. "Don't forget to call when your in Cali." I told her.

"I wont." She said as we pulled away. "You'd promised remember?"

I nodded and looked at Denise and Paul. Basically my second parents. "I'll miss you guys."

"Will miss you too sweetie." Denise said and kissed my forehead. Paul did the same and told me he had a ticket already waiting for me. I thanked them and turned back to the boys and Mandy.

"I guess this is goodbye" I mumbled.

Mandy shook her head. I knew she wanted to tell them but I gave her a look and she nodded. "Don't say it like that Bella." she mumbled.

"It basically is."

"Bella don't or I will!" she threatened. I glared at her and then nodded. "Say goodbye to her you jackasses!" she screamed at the three. "Sorry Frankie."

She startled everyone and they looked at me.

"I'll miss you Bella." Kevin spoke up first. I nodded.

"Me too Bella. I'll miss you." Nick said and I nodded. I looked up at Joe and he wasn't looking at me. He was looking past me.

"Joe!" Mandy nudged him and he looked at me.

He was about to say something but I shook my head and he stopped. I only did because something came into my head, more like a song.

I will not kiss you, 'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you.

The hardest part of not only leaving New Jersey but maybe even life itself was leaving Joe. And then I remember the next line.

Now turn away.

And thats what I did, I turned away and walked towards the car.

Not even saying goodbye to any of them. And none of them followed or stopped me.
♠ ♠ ♠

♪I will not kiss you,
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you
Now turn away♫