Always Searching


I watched her walk right out of my life.

With out a sorry or a goodbye. Not even to Nick or Kevin. She just turned away.

I looked over at Mandy and saw her crying more than you should if someone was just leaving.

It was like she was crying because this could be the last time she will ever see Bella. And that thought said the hell out of me.

Fuck my pride.

Fuck her pride.

"It would of only took two seconds to say goodbye." I yelled at her.

Mandy glared at me and stormed up the tour bus.

"Wonder whats wrong with her?" Kevin asked. I just shrugged and looked at Nick. He was staring at Bella's back.

"You okay Nick?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

He shook it off and turned to glare at me. "How could you be such an idiot Joe! Shes moving and because you cant just trust her she is not only leaving you but us to!"

I glared right back him and got in his face. "Blame me? You agreed with me. If your "suppose" to be her best friend you would of stuck up for her. Your just as much of blame as I am." I snapped at him.

He pushed me backwards and I attempted to push him back, but Kevin got in the way.

"Knock it off you to." He yelled at us. "Cant you guys just forget about it. Its the past deal with it."

"Easy for you to say." I snapped at him. "She didn't break your heart." I said before trying to push him away and then Nick jumped on me.

"Knock it off all of you!" Mandy screamed at us. Thank God the parents were inside the house.

Her eyes were red from crying and her throat was scratchy. "How could you guys be fighting"

"Mandy shut up!" I snapped at her, as she gawked at me. "She at least said goodbye to you."

"Thats because unlike you three, I listened to her!" she screamed at me. I was a little taken back. "If you would of listened to her she wouldn't of left without a goodbye."

"She kissed my best friend."

"Or he kissed her? Ever thought of that!" she screamed throwing her hands in the air.

I looked at her blankly as did Nick and Kevin.

"And you two" she pointed at Kevin and Nick. " just let Joe talk to her like that and not even listen to her. All three of you don't even deserve her. She is much better without you!"

"Mandy." Nick said softly. "She is my best friend I need her."

She scoffed. "Is that why you called her a slut"

"I didn't"

"You implied it." she said bitterly."She thought of you guys as her family. When I came to talk to her at first I was on her side. But-" she stop trying to thinking if she could say the next part.

"But" Kevin asked trying to get her to speak.

"You guys are idiots." she said bluntly. "This could be the last time you see her." she said and turned sniffling back onto the bus.

We stared at her till she was no longer visible.

"Wait." Nick said as he turned back around. Kevin and me looked at him. "I thought she was coming to show in Cali."

"Yeah your point?" Kevin stated.

"Why might this be our last time?" Nick asked.

I looked over at Kevin and he shrugged.

We were never able to answer Nick's question.
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♪I was fine till 7:05
Till she walked out the door and right out of my life
If you're gone ill move on
But it only would have taken two seconds to say
Goodbye (goodbye) Goodbye (goodbye) Goodbye♫