Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.

And I Thought Vampires Would Never Hurt Me

Oh my god, what was that sound? "Nick if you and your stupid friends broke my window I swear to god..!" I shouted, marching upstairs. I opened my door to find pieces of glass littering my floor and a big gaping hole in my window. "Thats it! I'm telling mom and dad and you are so busted!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. But I didnt hear anything, not a whisper of my brother or his geeky friends. "Nick! Nick?" I shouted, out the window, stepping carefully around the glass in my slippers. No sound. They probably ran off. I'd just tell mom and dad when they got home.Then, I heard rustling coming from my bathroom, and a deep voice whispering,"Shit.." That was not my brother. What if it was a stalker? Or a rapist? Or both?! "Who's there?" I asked quietly, approaching the bathroom, scared out of my mind. I entered the bathroom to find a young man that looked like he was in his early 20's in an all black suit, lying against the floor, his back against the wall. He didnt look like a stalker or a rapist...or both. He was extremely good-looking. I always thought creeps were ugly. He had pale skin, midnight black hair and striking blue eyes. I screamed and suddenly he was behind me, one hand around my waist, pressing me against him, and another over my mouth. "Shut up" he hissed. I kept trying to scream from under his hand, tears pouring down my cheeks. I struggled against him, trying to break free. "Dont make me hurt you" he snapped, holding onto me tighter. I kept on struggling. He growled in frustration and pushing me against the bathroom wall, making me cry out in pain. "I said shut up!" he shouted. I began sobbing quietly. He rolled his eyes and pulled me up. "Be quiet and I wont have to kill you" he whispered, gripping my upper arms. I automatically grew silent. "Good, now are there any cars in your house? I will know if you are lying" he demanded, in a low voice. I nodded, petrified. "Okay, now give me the keys to the car" He kept a tight grip on one of my arms as I led him downstairs and into the kitchen. I reached into the key cabinet and took the keys to my dad's volvo and placed them in his outstretched palm, shakily. "Very good, now come with me" he said, trying to pull me out of the kitchen. "Wait..where?" I asked, scared. "You're coming with me, I dont trust you not to tell anyone about this" he growled. "No...no i cant please...I have a family..I have friends...please I dont want to upset them" I said, breaking out crying again. "Shut up, I will allow you to write them a note, but you cant tell them anything" he whispered. Aw...he was a kind abductor. "Gee thanks" I said, rolling my eyes. "Quickly" he snapped. I took out pen and paper. "Could you let go of my arm maybe?" I asked, annoyed. "No" he replied, blankly. I sighed and scribbled a note.

Dear Mom, Dad, Nick, Lacey, Casey, and Sam,

Please dont worry about me, I'll be fine, I love you all so much.



He watched me as I wrote. "Fae is a pretty name" he stated. "Thanks" I muttered, setting the pen down. "Now go get your clothes, quickly" he ordered, finally letting go of my arm. I ran upstairs, grabbed my duffel and started throwing clothes into it. This was surreal, less than 10 minutes ago I was afraid of what dress I was going to wear to homecoming, now I was afraid of whether my life was going to end. I grabbed my family picture and my picture of me and my friends at the beach and threw them in. "Hurry up" I heard him call. Suddenly, I had an idea. Maybe I could sneak out the window and run to the police. I was about to jump out the window when someone grabbed my shirt pulling me back onto the ground. "Dont you dare" I heard him growl. "How'd you..." I started to ask, astounded. "You didnt think I was going to let you escape did you?" he barked, gripping my arm in his death grip again and pulling me up. He picked up my duffel and started looking through it. "Nice try" he muttered, pulling out my cellphone. "They're not gonna track you" he growled, crushing my phone in his hand. "How the hell did you do that?!" I exclaimed. He ignored me and began looking through my bag. He seemed to find no other infractions and zipped up my duffel and handed it to me. "Come on" he pulled me downstairs and into the garage where my dad's volvo was. "Do you have superpowers or something?" I asked as he pushed me into the passenger seat and got in the drivers seat. He glared at me and didnt answer, just locked the doors. He started the car and pulled out of the driveway. "Where are we going?" I asked, quietly. "You dont need to know" he said, keeping his eyes on the road. I sighed and rested my head against the headrest. "Whats your name?" I asked, suddenly. He turned to glare at me. "Or am I not allowed to know?" I muttered. After a couple minutes of silence, I guessed he wasnt going to tell me. "Hayden" he said,quietly, out of the blue. "Oh" I said, even more quietly. "Dont make this even harder for me than it already is, alright?" he said, lips persed. I nodded, unsure of what he was talking about.

After about 4 hours of driving, we stopped at a motel in the middle of nowhere. He got out of the car, locked the doors again and went into the motel office. He came out ten minutes later with a key, opened the door, pulled me out and into a shabby motel room. I set my duffel on the bed and stared at him, terrified of what he was going to do to me. But he just laid down on the bed with his hands behind his head, staring at me, smirking. "Seriously...how did you crush my cellphone with your hand?" I asked, eagerly. "You really wanna know?" he asked, slyly, getting up. I nodded indignently, trying not to show how scared I was. He began drawing closer to me, smirking as he saw fear come over me. Suddenly he lept into the air and tackled me to the ground, causing me me to scream. He grinned, exposing two fangs at either side of his mouth. My mouth was wide open. "You're a.." I started, horrified. "..vampire" he finished for me, his grin becoming larger. He pinned me to the ground by the shoulders, making sure I couldnt get up. "But I thought those things werent real" I mumbled. "You want me to prove it to you?" he whispered, moving his mouth inches away from my neck, bearing his teeth. I shook my head hastily,"No...no its okay" he chuckled lightly and got off me. "Are you going to hurt me?" I whimpered. "Not if you listen" he said, carefully, contemplating me. "There's only one bed" I said, staring at him. "Well, at least you're observant" he muttered, sarcastically, "And I thought you would be pretty stupid" I narrowed my eyes at him and walked into the bathroom. I was washing my hands when he appeared behind me suddenly. I jumped in suprise and let out an involuntary scream. He let out a laugh and said,"I just wanted to make sure there were no windows in here you could jump out of" "I could have been naked you know" I said, breathless. "All the more reason to come in then" he whispered, amused. "You're disgusting!" I exclaimed,"How am I supposed to shower with you around?!" He let out another laugh and said,"Hmm....I guess we'll have to figure that one out wont we?" And he walked out. I rolled my eyes and followed.