Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.


The next day, Hayden's older brother Jacob paid us a visit...yay.

"Hello Fae" Jacob purred. I shrank under Hayden's arm, scared.

"Still scared?" Jacob questioned, stroking my cheek once with the back of his hand, making me shiver.

"Apparently, yes"Hayden said, rubbing my arm soothingly.

When Jacob took a step towards me, I hid my face in Hayden's arm. For some reason, Jacob was terrifying me to no end.

"Sweetie? Are you alright?" Hayden asked, genuinely concerned now.

"Mmm..." was my response as I dug my head into Hayden's chest, tears pouring down my cheeks. I'd been around Jacob before, why was he scaring me shit less just now?

Then, I heard Hayden let out an agitated growl.

"Stop it" he snapped, punching Jacob in the arm, making him smirk.

"I can't help myself, she is the only human around, I must admit, they look like fun pets"

Hayden kissed the top of my head and whispered,"It's alright, Jacob was just playing a trick on you"

"Hmph" I mumbled against his chest.

"Come in, Jacob" Hayden said, pulling me into the living room by the waist.

We sat down on the couch and Jacob sat across from us.

"So Jacob, what have you been up to?" Hayden said, placing a protective arm around my shoulders.

"I just came back from another hunting trip, lovely place, very rustic, I think it was called Chimney Rock, Nebraska"

I froze. No, Jacob wouldn't. Did he know Chimney Rock was my hometown? Was this intentional?

"I found these two girls, looked exactly alike, very cute" he continued,"I heard them talking about you Fae, so I asked them if-" but I cut across him"If you killed them you monster I swear-!"

Jacob's eyes turned black, causing me to gasp. He was at my side in a millisecond, hissing in my ear,"You haven't even begun to see the 'monster' in me, love"

Hayden automatically pulled me to his other side, growling at Jacob.

"You stupid, ignorant, little brat..." Jacob snapped, lunging at me, but Hayden tackled him to the ground.

"Control yourself" Hayden hissed.

"You heard her Hayden! Monsters! She hasn't even seen a fraction of what a monster is! Lets take her to see Seth, then she'll see a real monster, let him play around with her a bit, good experience for her don't you think?" Jacob sneered.

Hayden looked horrified.

Catching him off guard, Jacob pushed Hayden against the wall, making me scream.

"Did you...kill them?" I whimpered.

"No, alright? But I should've" Jacob growled.

"Jacob I'm sorry I just got worked up, I didn't mean it" I said, pleadingly.

"I'm sure" he snapped.

"Please don't hurt him" I whimpered.

"Fae, you're hurting my ego" Hayden smirked.

"Aw, don't worry Hayden I wont hurt you" Jacob laughed.

Hayden rolled his eyes and Jacob dropped his hands. Hayden sat back down next to me and said,"You seriously think Jacob could kill me?"

"I don't know...I was scared" I said, quietly, not looking at him.

He grinned and kissed me,"No need to worry" I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Okay, I witnessed too much of this for one day, I'll see you tonight Hayden" he said, walking out.

As soon as he left, Hayden pulled me onto his lap. "I love you, Fae" he whispered, kissing my neck. "I love you too" I mumbled as he brought his face back to mine, pressing his lips against my cheek,"I'm sorry about Jacob, its just, he never really liked the thought of being called a monster"

"I didn't mean it" I mumbled.

"I know...I know" he said, soothingly, kissing my forehead, than my lips.

"How did you...become a vampire?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I felt his body stiffen, but his voice was still smooth as he said,"I guess you have the right to know"

He wrapped his arms securely around me and started,

"Just to clear this up, Jacob and I are real brothers, we were born in England in the 17th century, near the end of the Medieval Times. When I was around 24, Jacob and I went hunting for sport, our father was a rich nobleman on the king's court, so we led a very sheltered lifestyle, but anyways, we went hunting and found a dead man with bites in his neck, then, Jacob was attacked, all I remember seeing was him being tackled to ground and his scream of pain. As soon as I tried to help him, I was tackled as well. I suddenly felt this blinding pain in my neck as two fangs bore into it and then, everything went blank.

When I woke up I was in a huge room, with my brother next to me, shouting swears at the man standing in front of us. After my brother had finished his verbal attack, the man, or so we thought, told us he was a vampire and that we had been turned into vampires. He also told us where we were and how we were to survive. Jacob was fine with it, he wasn't very compassionate as a human, but it took me a while before my desires kicked in, because I simply couldn't find myself to do that"

As I listened to his story, I felt bad for Hayden, just being told out of the blue that the only way he could survive was off of human blood.

"How'd you get this big mansion?" I asked, playing with his fingers.

"You know how in the United States they have presidents?" he said, tucking my head under his chin.


"Well, I'm sort of the president of the Coven, if that makes any sense to you. You see, I've always been very persuasive when it comes to getting something I want" he whispered the last part, giving the top of my head a brief kiss and continuing,"People have also said that I am a good negotiator, so they appointed me head of the Coven, and I got this big mansion"

"Oh so you get to make decisions and stuff?" I said.

"Yes, and negotiate with the other species'" he said, twirling a piece of my hair between his fingers.


"Later Fae" he replied.

I sighed and said,"You promise you'll tell me?"

"Yes, but later" he said.

"Fine" I muttered, making him laugh.

-Later that evening-

"Fae, I have to go out" Hayden called from downstairs.

"Where?" I asked, jumping up and running down the stairs, tripping on the last step, falling into Hayden's arms.

"Be careful Fae" he whispered, setting me straight.

"Sorry" I mumbled, making him chuckle and move some hair away from my face.

"I have to go to a meeting with the other leaders of the Coven" he said, putting on his jacket.

"Wait..I thought you were the president?" I said, confused.

"The president has advisers, doesnt he?"

"Oh, right" I said, sullenly.

"Dont worry Fae, I'll be back in a couple of hours" he said, kissing me.

"But I'm scared to be here alone!" I exclaimed.

"You'll have Lucinda" he said, holding back a grin.

I glared at him. Being alone with Hayden's jealous maid didnt confort me much.

"You'll be fine" he soothed, wrapping his arms around me.

"You promise" I whimpered.

"I promise" he said, kissing me. He held my face in his hands, deepening the kiss, making me loose all feeling in my body, only leaving me the thought that I was with him.

"I love you, and I would never let anything hurt you" he whispered, pulling away and kissing my cheek.

"I love you too Hayden" I mumbled, digging my head into his chest.

He smiled, kissed the top of my head and left, leaving me to go to the library and see if I could find anything there.