Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.

Later, Fae.

Hayden's POV

"Are they angry?" I whispered to Lance as I sat down for the meeting.

"They know about your affair with Fae, lets just say they're not overjoyed that you're involved with a human" Lance retorted.

"Mr. Saxton" Carter said, standing up, eyeing me cooly.

"Yes?" I said, also standing up, reluctantly.

"The Court is somewhat...uneasy with you bringing a human girl into our midst with the intention of keeping her" he said, glaring.

"What harm could she possibly cause?" I spat.

"She's tempting the others Hayden" Carter purred, smirking.

My eyes widened, I didnt know her scent was that strong,"She's safe in my care" I snapped.

"Dont you understand?! They're going to get restless, they're going to intrude on our territory, and you wouldnt like to wake up to find your precious little pet dead, her mutilated carcus staining the bedsheets, would you?" Carter said, maliciously.

"Shut up" I growled, through gritted teeth, clutching the back of the chair, my knuckles turning whiter than they already were. The thought of Fae, dead, was more than I could bear.

"I'm sure the wolves wouldnt intrude, they know the laws, some of them have been here longer than we have, they have helped write those laws themselves" Lance said, standing up.

"What about the fallen ones? or the demons?" Carter said, slyly.

"They are not our biggest problem right now" Lance said.

"And why the hell not? This girl is young and pure, whose to say they arent going to come after her?! Adn the fallen ones enjoy a good laugh, a laugh meaning, kidnap a human and torture them to death. She's endangering the peace we've worked so hard to maintain!" Carter exclaimed.

"I think Carter is right" Henry said, rising from his seat,"But to further evaluate the situation, I think we should all have a good look at her"

There was an appreciative murmuring around the room.

"When?" I sighed.

"Now would be good" Henry smirked.

"Only for 30 minutes at the most, she's scared enough as is" I said "And you know her blood is poisionous, so dont get any ideas, any of you!" I barked, looking around the room.

Some looked at each other, disappointed, or rolled their eyes.

"I'll be back" I said.

Fae's POV

I had fallen asleep in the library, a book about the ancient history of vampires on my lap.

"Fae, sweetie, wake up" I heard a low purr in my ear.

"Mmm...Hayden?" I mumbled, opening my eyes slightly to see a glimpse of Hayden's wonderful face.

"You can close your eyes Fae, its okay" Hayden said, picking me up, cradling me in his arms.

"I dont wanna" I whispered, digging my head into his chest, making him chuckle. He gave me a gentle kiss on the lips and whispered,"We're going to go somewhere Fae, is that alright?"

"As long as you're there" I said.

"I promise" he said, kissing the top of my head.

I smiled slightly,"Okay"

I felt a familiar spinning sensation and clung to Hayden. When the spinning stopped, I opened my eyes to see this huge room, styled like an ampitheater, with seats all around, and about 50 pairs of eyes staring at me.

Hayden set me down and said to the men sitting, annoyed,"Are you happy now?"

"Yes" one man said, standing up from his seat and walking down the stairs, staring at me the whole time. He had dirty blond hair and piercing hazel eyes, standing around 6'1.

"Hello, dear" he said, smoothly, once we were face to face,"My name is Carter, whats yours?"

"F-Fae" I stuttered.

"Hmm..." he studied my face, carefully. Hayden put a hand on my shoulder, glaring at Carter.

"Very interesting.." Carter pondered.

"What? That she's a human? Yes, we've already established that" Hayden sneered.

"I've never been this close to one before...well without killing it" Carter said, softly, smirking slightly. He put a hand on my neck, making Hayden pull me against him with one swift movement, baring his teeth, hissing slightly.

Then, I heard a door open and close and quick footsteps. Everyone in the room turned to see Kristopher, taking off his raincoat and putting it over an empty seat in the first row, which I guessed was his.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late, I found a werewolf in my yard and had to dispose of him" he said, grinning.

Carter turned to Hayden and gave him an imperial look. I could almost see Hayden roll his eyes,"So what? The ocassional dumb werewolf wanders into our territory without permission, it means nothing"

"Hayden, we cant take these things for granted! Dont let your infatuation for some stupid human girl cloud your judgement!" Carter shouted, his eyes red.

Hayden tightened his arm around me and snapped,"You know what, just to get you off my back, I'll have a conference with them, okay?"

"Yeah, see how that goes" Carter muttered, rolling his eyes.

"I call this meeting closed" Hayden snapped, gripping my hand and grabbing his jacket. Without notice, I felt that spinning sensation again. I was about to freak, but Hayden's arms slid smoothly around me, calming me. I buried my head into his chest, whispering,"What were you guys talking about?"

"Later, Fae" he said, curtlyonce the spinning had stopped. Those were the two words I hated to hear the most. He put his jacket on the back off a chair and proceeded to lead me upstairs.

"When are you going to tell me these things?" I persisted, sitting down on the edge of bed, looking up at him as he was unbuttoning his shirt.

"Later, Fae" he repeated, glaring.

I only had one thing to say to that....GRRR.
♠ ♠ ♠
okayyy.....finally. sry for the wait guys, hope you likee.