Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.

I Do Believe in Fairies, I Do Believe in Fairies

"Hayden.." I mumbled during breakfast in the dining room the next morning. Well, my breakfast. Hayden never fed while I was around.

"Yes dear?" he said, absentmindedly, looking over some papers in front of him.

"Can you please tell me about the other...creatures here?" I asked in my quietest voice.

He looked up from his paper, his eyes green. "Sweetheart, i dont want to frighten you"

I let out a snort,"I think I can take it"

He sighed and said,"Fae, I don't want you in the middle of this"

"Its too late for that, from what I've been hearing" I said, glaring

"Come here, sweetie" he said, looking at me whistfully.

I got up and walked over to him, he pulled me onto his lap, ruffling my hair, grinning down at me.

"I love you" he said, kissing my forehead.

"I love you too" I whispered, digging my head into his chest.

"I suppose I should tell you about the other creatures here" he pondered, stroking my hair.

"That'd be nice" I said, yawning.

He chuckled and began,"First off, many creatures inhabit these lands, but there are four 'dominant' creatures, which are the fallen ones, the demons, the werewolves, and, of course, the vampires. The fallen ones are also called 'fallen angels', they fell from heaven for being impure, and reside here. They are not ones to trust, at all. The demons are expert at...well basically everything. Bunch of bigots, i think. Don't trust them either. The werewolves are the ones we have the 'best' relationship with...compared to the others. They are most like us, living off humans. You know what werewolves are, i imagine?"

I nodded,"Half-man, half-wolf"

"Correct, they change into their true form at night, and hunt humans for their flesh" he whispered the last part, holding onto me tighter.

"Don't-" he started, but I finished for him, rolling my eyes,"-trust them"

He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"They're coming here at seven o'clock" he said, lips pressed against my hair.

"What?!" I exclaimed, tensing.

"Shh..." he soothed, immediately stroking my hair, trying to calm me down,"They'll never hurt you, never while I'm around, Fae, I promise"

"What are you going to do?" I asked, fumbling trying to lace my fingers with his.

He smiled and completed what i was trying to accomplish, squeezing my fingers gently.

"Discuss you" he said, persing his lips.

"Why me all the time?" I groaned. I never liked to be noticed, let alone discussed.

"Its very, very strange that I like you the way I do, Fae. And not just because you are human. You see, vampires are not known to 'settle down', let alone fall in love. And look at me, in love with a human" he said, smirking, mostly to himself.

He tilted my head up to face him, staring at me intensely, with those beautiful blue eyes I could simply not get over. He pressed his lips against mine, kissing me softly. He inserted his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss. "I love you" he murmured, between kisses. He stroked my outer thigh softly with the back of his hand, pulling away and kissing my forehead.

"You know, everytime you tell me a 'secret', we end up making out" I observed.

"I just like being with you, you make me happy" he said, kissing my hand, making me blush intensely.

"Did you have anyone special, when you were a human?" I asked.

"I was arranged to marry the daughter of a nobleman. Did I tell you I was a lord back in England?"

"No" I stated, blankly.

"Well, I was. I was arranged to marry Miss Elizabeth Buckley, here father owned quite a bit of land in Devonshire"

"Was she pretty?" I mumbled.

"Am I sensing jealously, Miss Jeffreys?" Hayden asked, looking down at me, amused.

"Just answer the question" I snapped.

"She wasn't homely, I suppose, but no one compares to you, my love, absolutely no one" he whispered, giving me a light kiss on the lips.

"She's been dead for more than two centuries, so I wouldnt be jealous anyways" he smirked.

"I wasnt jealous!" I exclaimed, my face flushed.

"You've never been jealous over me?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head, persing my lips.

"I've been jealous over you" he purred,"And I'm not afraid to admit it"

"Who?!" I exclaimed, almost laughing.

"Sam, and my brother" he mumbled the last part.

"Jacob?!" I exclaimed, laughing out loud.

"He wants you, Fae, and not just for your blood" he muttered, moving some hair away from my face.

"I dont want you to ever be alone with him" he whispered.

"Ew, I dont wanna be alone with him!" I exclaimed.

Then, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" I said, leaping up. but before I could run to the door, Hayden put his hands on my shoulders, keeping me still.

"I'll get it Lucinda" Hayden called, strolling out of the dining room and towards the entrance hall.

I peeked from the door frame of the dining hall to see Hayden talking to what looked like a 12 year old girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a light blue dress. It looked like something found in Tinkerbell's closet. This girl also had wings.

"Fae, please come here" Hayden said, looking straight at me.

I blushed in embarassment of being caught and walked up to him.

"Fae, please meet Jacqueline, a fairy, and messanger for the demons" Hayden introduced.

"More like slave!" Jacqueline exclaimed, stomping her petite foot.

Hayden rolled his eyes and said, through gritted teeth,"Remember your place, underling"

Jacqueline was fuming,"Underling! I'll show you underling! You-" Before she could even move, Hayden grabbed her throat and pressed her up against the wall, his eyes red.

"Hayden stop!" I shrieked,"She's only a child!"

"Child! This creature is no more a child than I am" Hayden exclaimed, dropping Jacqueline to the ground.

She rose to her feet, still glaring daggers at Hayden.

"Seth sent me to confirm that he will be arriving here with Lord Gregory and Lord Bernard at seven o'clock" she snapped.

"Tell your master I said thank you" Hayden said, gruffly, winding an arm around my waist.

"How do you stand him?" Jacqueline asked me, rolling her eyes towards Hayden.

"I dont know" I said, looking up at Hayden.

She smirked and walked out.

As soon as she left, I moved away from Hayden and went upstairs.

"Fae...?" I heard Hayden call.

I ignored him and went into my room and laid down on my bed. Why was Hayden so mean to that girl....I mean fairy, all of the sudden?

I felt a hand on my head. I looked up to see Hayden sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at me. Damn vampires.

"Are you alright, honey?" Hayden whispered, stroking my hair.

"Mmm..." I grumbled, digging my face into my pillow.

"Tell me whats wrong" he pried, softly, his fingers going through my hair, massaging my scalp gently.

"Why are you so mean?" I mumbled, taking my face out of the pillow.

"When was I mean to you, honey?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

"Not me, Jacqueline" I said.

"She's just a fairy Fae..." he started, but I cut across him,"And I'm just a human! But you dont treat me like that!"

He stared at me, slightly suprised.

"It makes me wonder if thats what you're really like" I whispered.

"No, sweetie, I just...lost my temper, thats all" he soothed, still massaging my scalp.

I let out a slight moan. Hayden smirked,"You like this?"

"Mmhmm..." I mumbled.

He laid down next to me, wrapping his arms around me pressing my back against his chest. I could feel his cool breath against my neck, making me shiver. He began kissing my neck tenderly. I heard a groan escape his lips as he continued to kiss my neck.

"You want to bite me, dont you?" I whispered.

Hayden stopped abruptly, his lips pressed against my neck.

"Always and forever I will be fighting this desire, having tasted you" he whispered.

"I love you" I said, trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"I love you too" he whispered, moving his face to my hair, breathing deeply.

"You promise you'll try and control your temper? I asked.

"I promise" he said, kissing my hair.

The doorbell rang again.

"Let Lucinda get it" he whispered, tightening his embrace around me.

I lost myself in his arms and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

"Fae....honey, they're here" Hayden whispered, rubbing my back.

I sat up to see Hayden staring at me, eyes blue.

My face was blank. I didnt want to meet them. I was afraid.

"C'mon sweetie, I'll protect you" he purred, kissing my forehead.

He took my hand and led me downstairs, and into the living room. It was kind of ironic, since none of the people in it were what you would call 'living'.
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sorry for the cliffhanger guys :( but the next one will come soon! :)