Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.

Monster Mash

The living room was filled with around 8 men, all in their mid-late 20's, besides one, with blond hair and blue eyes, he didn't even look 20.

"Gentlemen, please meet Fae" Hayden said, squeezing my hand.

They all eyed me with great interest.

"Hello, dear, my name is Seth" one said, walking up to me. He had black hair, was around 6'2, and his eyes were completely black.

Knowing what happened when Hayden's eyes were black, I backed away, terrified.

"He's a demon, love, his eyes are always like that" Hayden whispered, placing an arm around my waist, bringing me back.

I stared at Seth, still scared.

"Say hi, baby" Hayden whispered in my ear.

"Hi" I mumbled.

"I wont hurt you" Seth purred, taking my hand and kissing it.

Hayden put a hand on my stomach, ready to pull me away.

Seth smirked and let go of my hand. I quickly pulled it away.

I heard a cough in the background.

"Fae, this Alexander, head of the werewolves" Hayden said, gesturing to a guy with brown hair and brown eyes. He looked kind of wild, like he could jump out at me at any moment.

"Hey" he said, in a scarily deep voice.

"Hi" I whimpered.

"And this is Adam, head of the fallen ones" Hayden said, gesturing to a man with black hair and green eyes.

Adam stared at me and smiled in a way that made me not trust him."Hello, love, how are you?"

"F-fine" I stuttered, making Alexander let out a barking laugh.

The dude with blond hair and blue eyes stepped up to the front, only two feet away from me. He was unbelievably gorgeous, second only to Hayden.

"Let me get a good look at her, Hayden" the guy whispered in a low voice.

"If you hurt her in any way, Liam, I swear.." Hayden growled, but Liam cut across him,"I wont hurt her, I just want to see her"

Hayden, grudgingly let go of me and took a small step back, still within reach of me.

Liam took another step towards me. I wanted to step back, but I couldn't, my eyes were locked on his, and I was in a trance. He held my face in his hands, studying me closely, taking in every detail it seemed. He released my face and stepped back again.

"Turn for me, love" he said, still staring.

"Wh-What?" I stuttered.

"I said, turn" he repeated, an edge to his voice, then it softened again,"Slowly, please"

Slowly, I turned. I caught Hayden's eye. His eyes were yellow, obviously showing his anxiety. When I had turned full circle, I stopped to face Liam.

"Happy now?" I snapped.

"Yes" Liam smirked.

"Bastard" I muttered.

Everyone was staring at me and Liam, eyes wide. Liam was staring at me, furious. "What did you just call me?" he growled.

Liam took a step towards me, raising his hand, but before he could get a foot away from me, Hayden tackled him to the ground, and the whole room erupted.

Lance, Kristopher,Jacob, and Henry appeared out of nowhere. Jacob, Kristopher, and Henry went to help Hayden who was now brutally fighting Liam. Lance brought me down to the floor, holding me tightly as I struggled to help Hayden.

"Let go of me!" I shouted, punching Lance's arm.

"Shh....Fae, you can help Hayden by staying out of this" he soothed, rubbing my stomach.

"Dont...hurt..him" I whimpered, tears streaming down my cheeks.

I guessed Liam was a fallen angel because Adam and his cronies seemed to be helping him. The demons and werewolves seemed to have disappeared. I guess no one made alliances here.

I didn't watch most of the fighting, partly because Lance put his hand over my eyes. The part I did see was gruesome. Hayden was growling and hissing ferociously while Liam was approaching him, his hands glowing black. I had never seen Hayden like this. Maybe, this was the part of him he didn't want me to see.

After about 10 minutes of struggle, Hayden pinned Liam to the wall by the throat. "You do not threaten her" he growled.

"That human should keep her mouth shut" Liam spat.

"Do her words scare you, Liam? Does one little bad word out of a human's mouth intimidate you so much that you need to crush her skull just to show you're better?" Hayden purred, his eyes teasing.

"She does not scare me!" Liam exclaimed,"She is a useless, stupid, simple little girl!"

"If she is what you say she is, why do you care about what she says so much?" Hayden growled,"The bottom line is, Fae belongs to me, you touch her, you so much as threaten her, it is my responsibility to make sure you never do it again"

Hayden's eyes were burning red. They scared me so much that I crouched back into Lance.

Hayden dropped Liam, who was more pissed off than ever."You'll regret this" Liam snapped. And with that, Liam, Adam, and the two other fallen angels walked out the door and disappeared into the night.

"That went well" Henry said, sarcastically.

Hayden hissed at Henry, saying,"We don't need peace with them anyways"

Then, Hayden turned to me. His eyes were still that awful red, but slowly turning blue...very slowly.

"Fae..." he whispered, moving towards me.

I backed away, terrified, still on the floor.

He stopped, staring at me, his eyes quickly changed yellow, reflecting sadness.

"I didn't mean to scare you" he said, softly.

"J-Just g-give me a minute" I stuttered, putting up a hand.

He stood absolutely still, staring at me as I tried to steady my breathing.

Then, I stood up and nodded. Hayden smiled and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry if I scared you, Fae" he whispered, kissing the top of my head.

"I love you" I mumbled, wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you too, baby" he said, stroking my hair.

I suddenly realized that Henry, Lance, Kristopher, and Jacob had left.

"Where'd they go?" I asked.

"I don't care" he whispered, placing his hands on my waist and kissing me gently.

"I never wanted you to see me like that" he said, tucking my head under his chin.

"Its fine" I said, shakily.

"No it isn't, I don't want to be the kind of guy that you're afraid of, I want you to feel as comfortable as possible, I really must be a monster to you now" he said.

"No Hayden! I love you!" I exclaimed,"I always will"

He smiled, his eyes turning back to their original glorious blue.

"Could you do that thing were you massage my head again?" I asked, quietly, blushing.

He smiled, put his hand through my hair and massaged my scalp slowly,"Anything for you, my dear" he whispered.

I rested my against his chest as he was massaging my scalp, sighing intently.

"You worry too much" he said, rubbing my back with his other hand,"You just need to calm down"

"You know any ways to distress?" I asked.

"In fact, I do" he said, kissing my forehead.

"What?" I said, looking up at him.

"I think you know" he said, his eyes turning purple.

My mouth formed an 'o' in realization. He smirked and kissed me, while picking me up simultaneously.

"Nice trick" I observed, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm gifted" he smirked.

"Want to see some more tricks?" he whispered, kissing me.

"Ew, Hayden, bad pick-up line" I said, rolling my eyes.

"I already have you, so whats the matter?" he asked, giving my neck a brief kiss.

"Hmph" I grumbled, resting my head against his chest.

He chuckled and carried me upstairs.

Later, I was laying in Hayden's bed, watching tv(yes, we do get television from america). I was watching Juno on the HBO channel.

I started crying when Juno and Bleeker argued over Bleeker taking Katrina Devort to the prom and then they started talking about her pregnancy and it just got really sad(dont ask, I'm a mess).

Then, Hayden walked in.

"Are you okay, sweetheart? he asked, sitting down beside me and wiping my tears away.

"Hayden, I'm fine, its just...this movie is really sad" I sniffed.

He let out a laugh,"I have no idea why humans get so emotional over movies"

"They're sad! They make you look at life in a different way, and reflect your own experiences" I said.

He sighed and said,"Life wouldnt be near as interesting if you werent around, love"
♠ ♠ ♠
i knoww its a tad shorter than usuaal but, i think you'll like...hopefully. :)