Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.


"Take it like a man Fae!" Sam shouted, him on top of me, hitting me with a pillow, repeatedly.

"I'm not a man!" I shrieked through laughter.

"Or so you think" he smirked, putting the pillow down.

I glared at him.

"Just kidding" he said, laughing and ruffling my hair.

"When's your uncle coming back?" I asked, yawning.

"Hopefully never" he muttered.

"Sam you have to tell someone please!" I begged, gripping his arm.

"No! If anyone finds out he said he'd kill me...and you" he exclaimed, staring at me with tears in his eyes.

"Why me?" I choked out, shocked.

"He knows how I feel about you Fae" he mumbled. moving some hair away from my face.

He leaned in and was about to kiss me, when I looked away, whispering,"Just friends...we're just friends Sam"

"Fae, you mean so much to me" he said, almost begging.

"I...I'm not ready" I stuttered,"Please get off of me"

He sighed in defeat and got off of me.

"Someday, Fae, you'll see" he said.

"What?" I asked, sitting up on my bed.

"You'll see how much I love you" he whispered, staring at me with his beautiful brown eyes.

I didnt know what to say, but I didnt have to, he kissed my cheek and left.

That was a week before Hayden kidnapped me. I did see how much he loved me now, and it broke my heart, because I could never return so much love back to him, it already belonged to Hayden.

"Are you okay, love?" Hayden asked, sitting down next to me in the library, later that evening.

"Mmm..." I mumbled, digging my head into his chest.

"Tell me whats wrong" he whispered, wrapping his arms around me.

"I cant stop thinking about Sam" I said.


I nodded,"The week before you took me here, Sam told me he loved me, and I just cant love him like that..." I began crying uncontrollably, clinging to Hayden.

"Shh..." he soothed, wrapping his arms around me, rubbing my back.

"He...he must be devastated" I sniffed.

I felt Hayden stiffen all around me. He suddenly released me and was out of the room in less than a second. I got up and walked out of the library and called,"Hayden!"

I walked around the house calling,"Hayden!" but he didnt answer.

After 10 minutes, I gave up and collapsed on my bed. I guess everyone needed alone time. But even though I'd only know him for about 6 weeks, I was somewhat dependant on Hayden.

Then, Hayden appeared in my doorway abruptly, staring at me.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking up at him.

He sat down next to me and stroked my hair, staring into my eyes, his a bright yellow.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, touching his face.

"I'm hurting you, Fae" he whispered, holding my hand to his face.

"No you're not!" I exclaimed.

"Yes I am! You miss your home, and I'm the one who took you away from it in the first place, I'm so, so sorry" he said, kissing my palm.

"No! You shouldn't be sorry! I know it sounds stupid, but by kidnapping me, you've saved me, I never thought life could be so good" I said, tears building in my eyes.

He laughed,"Only you, Fae, only you would rather live in a land filled with mythical creatures who would find it fun to kill you"

"As long as you're there" I said.

He smiled and pressed his lips against mine gently, whispering,"I love you"

I sighed as Hayden moved to my neck, kissing it tenderly. "I think I should take you home" he said.

"No!" I exclaimed, jumping up.

"No, Hayden, I couldnt live without you please Hayden dont.." I whimpered, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Shh...honey, everythings alright, I will never leave you, I promise" he hushed, enveloping his arms around me, pulling me into his strong embrace.

"Please dont..." I sobbed, digging my head into his chest.

"It was just seeing you being so upset about Sam, it was unbearable to see you cry and know I caused it" he purred, stroking my hair.

He held my face in his hands and moved my head up to face him. "Your eyes are so pretty when you cry" Hayden whispered, kissing me. He pushed me back down on the bed, deepening the kiss.

"If you went home, you could lead a normal life, Sam loves you so much, I dont want to interfere with you being a normal teenager, all I want for you is to be happy, living with no regrets" he said, moving some hair away from my face.

"I'll never regret meeting you" I whispered, staring into his eyes, which were a their perfect blue.

"Maybe not today..." he began, but I cut across him, snapping,"Shut up Hayden I'll never regret you"

He stared at me, half suprised, half amused.

"Sorry" I mumbled, blushing.

"Dont be sorry, I miss the mean Fae" he smirked, kissing my forehead and sitting up. I sat down across from him, ours knees touching.

"Fine, I'll just be a total bitch from now on" I joked, punching him playfully in the arm. He didnt even moved a centimeter.

He smirked and said,"It'll be the day when you can beat me up"

I rolled my eyes and let out a "humph"

"Liam wont touch you again" he whispered, placing his hand on my wrist gently.

"He didnt even do anything to me Hayden" I said, just as softly, staring at the stitching in my jeans.

"He was going to, he was going to take you away from me, Fae, away from everything" he said, in a hoarse whisper.

"For just one little word?" I said, shocked.

"Liam....he's not what he appears to be, you dont get on his bad side, although I'm afraid we just have" he said, smirking slightly.

"But, why would he overreact so much?" I asked.

"Remember Fae, in this world, your life isnt as valuable when compared to immortals, you are just food, playthings to us, as ashamed as I am to admit it, this is a view I once shared, but now...." he held my neck in his hands and kissed it slowly.

"Your life is what matters most to me" he whispered, looking back up at me.

I smiled slightly, unsure of what to say, but suddenly asked,"Is Liam out to kill me?"

"Yes" he said, hoarsely, staring at me carefully.

"Why does he care about what I said so much?!" I exclaimed, frustrated.

"Shh....he just thinks you've been a very bad little girl..." he said, smirking slightly, taking my cheek in his smooth hand.

I grimaced,"Very funny, Hayden" but it was hard to keep my grimace with him caressing my cheek softly, his eyes catching my every move.

I yawned and rubbed my cheek into his palm, gently.

"Tired sweetie?" he asked, grinning.

"Mmhmm" I mumbled, my eyes drooping.

"You seem to be sleeping alot Fae, I think you might be sick" he said, pulling out the covers for me.

"You are such a mom" I muttered, getting under the covers.

"Its my duty to take care of you Fae" he snapped, putting the covers over me.

"I was just kidding" I said, laughing at his quick defences.

He smiled slightly and moved some hair away from my face,"Good night, sweetheart" he whispered, kissing me.

"Dont leave" I whimpered as he was about to walk out the door.

He smirked,"Dont worry, love, no one will hurt you..." he assured, closing the door.

I stared at the door and sighed. It was Hayden I was more worried about.

"Fae...please wake up" I heard a voice from above me, shaking my shoulders gently. I opened my eyes to see Lance staring at me.

"wuh..?" I mumbled, attempting to sit up, but Lance pushed me back down.

"Fae...you must tell me something.." he said, his eyes imploring.

"What?" I asked.

"Tell me where Hayden is" he said, staring at me, looking for any possible hint on my face that might answer his question.

"I dont know" I said.

"Where did you see him last?" he demanded.

"In this room...but he left" I said, the last part shakily.

"Come with me, Fae" he said, taking my hand and pulling me out of bed.

"Why? Where's Hayden? What happened?!" I exclaimed, trying not to let him pull me out of my room, but seriously, how could I possibly get myself out of his his vice grip? Damn vampires.
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ahhh sorry for the wait guys i had writers block :)