Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.


"Lance where the hell are you taking me!!" I screamed as he attempted to drag me down the grand staircase.

He let out a hiss of frustration and slung me over his back carrying me downstairs.

"Where's Hayden?!" I shouted, punching his back as hard as I could.

"I just told you I dont know! Now shut up I'll explain everything in the car" he exclaimed.

I crossed my arms and pouted as he carried me out the door and down the steps and into his navy blue Mercedes.He set me down in the front seat, shut the door and got in the driver's seat next to me.

"Whats going on?!" I demanded, as he pulled out of the driveway and began speeding down the road.

"I fear Hayden has gone to dispose of Liam" he said.


"You know better than I, Hayden wants to protect you" Lance said simply.

"We need to find him!" I exclaimed.

"Not you, you are going to stay at Kristopher's house" he snapped.

"Please! I can help!" I insisted.

"No you cant Fae! You can help Hayden by staying out of this. If you got hurt because i let you come, Hayden would never forgive me" he said, quietly.

"Please...I need to know he's okay" I begged.

"Hayden can take care of himself, I'm just afraid he might get too carried away. If he killed Liam there would be no chance of having peace with the fallen angels" he said, pulling into Kristopher's driveway.

"And I thought you were nice" I muttered, getting out of the car as soon as it stopped.

"I'm probably the nicest thing you'll meet here, love, so be appreciative" he smirked, gripping my arm and pulling me up the steps.

"Hey! If you vampires can just poof where ever you want, why do you drive?!" I exclaimed.

"Excuse me, we are not fairies or elves, we do not poof, we disappear and we reappear, and too much of that is not good for the soul, sweetheart" he smirked.

Lance knocked on the door and Heather, Kris' maid that slept with Hayden, opened the door. My insides boiled with hatred and jealousy.

"Whats wrong?" she asked.

"I don't have time for this Heather please get Kris" Lance snapped.

"I just wanted to know whats wrong" she grumbled, walking off.

"Hayden will be fine, Fae" Lance assured, moving his hand to my shoulder and squeezing it.

"How do you know he's not out hunting or something like that?" I asked, suddenly.

Lance shook his head,"Hayden doesn't leave for hunting this long, and he doesn't need more blood he has a lot stored in the basement, the last time he went to Earth for a long time, you were the result" he said, looking down at me and grinning,"and besides Hayden would never leave you this long for something other than your protection, he loves you very much"

"Whats the matter? I'm extremely busy" Kris snapped walking up to us.

"You're always 'extremely busy'" Lance snapped back.

Kris rolled his eyes and Lance went on,"We have a problem; I fear Hayden has gone out to dispose of Liam"

"Good" Kris said,"Let Liam get whats coming to him, he's been bugging us for years"

"No! Hayden is in their land now and has to play by there rules, he will be outnumbered, we have to help him come to his senses" Lance said in an undertone.

"And what if he doesn't want to come to his senses?" Kris asked.

"Then we help him fight" Lance sighed.

Kris smirked,"I'll call up the others"

Kris turned and walked away and Lance followed him. I tried to follow but Lance said,"Fae, you go with Heather"

I turned to Heather, a sour look on my face.

"Um...come with me" she said, walking down a separate hallway. I reluctantly followed her into a huge modern kitchen.

"You look hungry" she said, plopping herself down on a seat. She held out a bowl of potato chips to me, taking a few herself.

I took a few and sat down, still reluctant.

"I wanna talk to you" she said, slowly.

I nodded, not looking at her.

"Everyone was telling me how good Hayden was and he just came up to me, and he made me feel good and everyone always looked down on me here for being a witch so I just went with him but when I saw you, I knew he had a hidden agenda, but I still went along, I just wanted to feel special...I did for like a day, then I realized where Hayden's heart lies...with you" she mumbled the last part.

I finally looked up at her. She looked torn apart, and really upset,"I'm so sorry I didn't know you had feelings for him..."

"Its no big deal" I said, cracking a smile.

She beamed,"So you forgive me?"

I nodded. Heather squealed and jumped and pulled me into a choking hug.

"None of the girls here are nice to me I have been waiting forever to have a girlfriend instead of all these guys!" she exclaimed.

I have to admit, I did need a girl to talk about 'girl stuff' with.

"I mean, there is Jacqueline, but she's never around because she has to serve the demons, have you met Jacqueline?" she asked.

I smirked and nodded, remembering the spunky Jacqueline.

"Oh my God! Maybe we can have a sleepover and watch scary movies...and paint our nails...and..." but before Heather could go on, Kris walked in.

"Ladies, we're leaving now, Heather don't let Fae leave the grounds and take care of the house" he said.

Heather nodded and said,"Yes, sir"

"Goodbye girls" and with that he walked out.

Heather sat still, as though waiting for something. As soon as we heard the door shut, she jumped up and said,"Lets go exploring!"

"Wh-What?" I stuttered.

"Oh c'mon, Kris never lets me go in the woods and I'm sure Hayden never lets you out of his sight" she said,"We could go in the woods and see whats in there, haven't you ever wondered?"

"Well.." I started, but she cut across me, elated,"Pleease Fae! It will help take your mind off of things! I bet I could get Jacqueline to come too!"

"Fine" I sighed.

She squealed again in delight and grabbed for the telephone, dialing the numbers in a flash and putting it to her ear.

"Hey Jacqueline? Yeah its Heather I have Fae over, you know Hayden's girlfriend, mhmm we're gonna go exploring in the forest wanna come?....so what if its child-like?! .......great!! this is gonna be soo much fun!"she set the phone down, her face glowing, but then suddenly turned serious.

"So what happened with Hayden and Liam?" she asked.

"Well...I called Liam a bastard and he got super upset about it and he almost killed me but Hayden saved me....yet again" I said.

She smiled,"Hayden's a good guy...I mean vampire"

I grinned and said,"I love him so much"

Suddenly, Jacqueline, the beautiful petite fairy, poofed into the room.

"Who's ready for some exploring?!" she exclaimed.

Heather lept up and grabbed my arm dragging me with her as we walked outside.

"Guys...I don't think we should do this..." I said, cautiously.

"Fae! Stop listening to your conscience and listen to your instinct!" Heather exclaimed.

"I thought I didn't have instincts" I protested.

"Oh whatever, I had to escape the demons for this, so we better do it" Jacqueline snapped.

I sighed and followed them into the forest with Hayden's word's echoing in my head.."If you ever happen to be wandering the woods...always be on your guard"

"How do we know when we're in werewolf land?" Heather asked, as we walked deeper into the forest.

"There's a stream" Jacqueline said, kicking some rocks,"I've gone in it a couple times"

"Ooh I bet it's fun!" Heather said, excited.

I grinned. Heather reminded me of my younger cousin, Lily, always ready for adventure.

"Whats with the weird carvings on the trees?" I asked, running my fingers over a carving of what looked like a strange language and a creepy drawing of a guy with hair covering his eyes and most of his face.

"When vampires first discovered this place they would carve what happened to them on trees, they also liked to doodle" Jacqueline said, studying the tree.

"What language is that?" Heather asked.

"Latin" Jacqueline responded.

"You seem to know everything about this place" I observed.

"I've been here for a long time...longer than your lovey Hayden thats for sure" she smirked.

After about an hour of walking...and a quick game of seeing who could throw rocks the farthest(Heather won), we came upon 'the stream'. I immidately stopped and looked around for a hint of anything.

Jacqueline snapped her fingers in my face, saying,"Yo, are you alive?"

I shook myself back to life and nodded.

"Lets go in the stream!" Heather exclaimed, taking off her shoes and jumping in.

"She's just a pocketful of sunshine" Jacqueline muttered,"Too literally"

I laughed and watched Heather, she almost was like a child, living in an 18 year-old body.

"Hello ladies, lovely weather today" I heard a deep voice say behind me.

I turned around to see Alexander, head of the werewolves.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jacqueline snapped, straightening up. It didnt do much, she was only around 4'10, having the body of a ten year-old.

"I heard you girls and thought I could join the fun" Alexander said, holding back laughter.

"You're not allowed to be here!" Heather exclaimed, getting out of the stream and slipping her shoes back on, coming to stand on my other side, defiant.

"What the vampires dont know, wont hurt them" he smirked.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have an order to pick up" Alex said, grabbing a fistful of my hair, causing me to let out a squeal of pain.

Jacqueline's eyes flared, she was immidately on Alexander's back kicking and punching and biting.

Then there was a powerful blast and Alexander was thrown back on the other side of the stream. I turned to see Heather, her face angry, and her face up.

Alexander got up and grinned, bearing his sharp teeth,"You've made some friends, I see, we're is your beloved, my precious one? Has he left you in the care of a fairy and a witch? Hayden has made this too easy for me"

Jacqueline was about to lunge at him, but Heather put a hand on her shoulder and whispered something in her ear, Jacqueline nodded.

"Okay, we give up you can have her" Jacqueline said, putting a hand on my arm as to give me away. I started have a panic attack.

Alex smiled and was in front of us in an instant. But before he could touch me, she grabbed Heathers arm and shouted"Sucka!!"

In an instant we were in the kitchen of Kristopher's mansion.

"Do you think he'd follow us here?" Heather asked, cautiously.

Personally, I wasnt very worried about that, I was only worried about what was happening to Hayden. Did he get Liam? Did the guys persuade him out of it? Was he okay?

"Depends on how hungry he is" Jacqueline said,"and if he knows Kris is gone" Then, she turned to me and asked,"You didnt think we were really giving you to him, did you?"

"No..of course not" I said, a bit shakily.

Heather smiled,"I'd never do that to my best friend"

Best friend? Already? Wow.
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woohooo i'm on a rollll