Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.

Why Do I Love Thee?


^^banner OMG!!^^

Either Alexander wasn't that hungry or he was afraid of Kristopher, because he didn't come back.

I sat on the couch, anxiously awaiting Hayden's return, curled up in a ball and biting my nails. I probably looked like a nervous wreck.

"Fae, they're gonna be alright, they all know what they're doing" Heather soothed.

"Most of them anyway" Jacqueline joked.

"Thats not funny, Fae is close to having a panic attack" Heather snapped.

I really wasn't, but I didn't feel like arguing with Heather at this moment.

Jacqueline rolled her eyes and said,"Yeah, Hayden's a real bad ass he can get his way out of stuff as well as he can get in them"

"We cant tell Hayden wh-what happened" I stuttered,"Then he'll just go after Alexander and I d-don't want to worry him anymore"

"We wont, we promise" Heather said.

Then, the doorbell rang. I sprang up to get it but Heather said,"No, I'll get it, you don't know who it might be"

She walked out of the room to the door. I rocked back and forth on the balls on my feet almost jumping up and down in anxiety. It had to be Hayden.

"Oh hello Hayden!" I heard Heather shout, probably so I knew it was him.

I screamed and ran to the door to see Hayden standing there, not the least bit disheveled, his eyes perfectly blue. I jumped into his arms and cried,"I missed you"

"Its alright, sweetheart" Hayden whispered, kissing the top of my head.

"Wh-Why you'd leave? I stuttered.

"Can this wait until we get home, Fae?" he said, moving some hair away from my face.

"Fine" I muttered.

"Bye guys" I said, turning to Jacqueline and Heather.

"Group hug!" Heather exclaimed, pulling both of us into a choking hug.

"Maybe she could come over again sometime?" Heather asked, looking up at Kris.

"Maybe" Kris said, gruffly.

I rolled my eyes and let Hayden pull me down the steps and into his car.

"So when did you become friends with Heather and Jacqueline?" he asked, starting the car and pulling out of Kris' driveway and onto the road.

"Today, while you were gone" I said, softly.

He sighed and tightened his grip on wheel.

We didn't speak the rest of the drive home. When we pulled up Hayden got out and was about to about my door but I opened it myself and dashed into the house without saying a word.

I sprinted up to my room. Why would Hayden do that?! He had no idea how pissed off I was at him.

I lept on my bed and screamed and pummeled my pillow. Finally, something in this world that I could punch and wouldn't leave my fist throbbing.

"Fae...sweetie...." I heard Hayden's gentle voice purr in my ear.

"Go away!" I shouted, my voice muffled in my pillow.

"Fae, just tell me why you're angry and I'll leave you alone" he demanded, his voice suddenly harsh.

"Why?! Why would you do something like that?! You could've been killed!! Why would you do that to me!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs tears streaming down my face.

"Fae, I did it for your protection" he explained, calmly.

"All you did was scare the shit out of me" I whimpered.

"Baby.." he purred, cradling my face in his hands.

"Let go of me!" I exclaimed, not even bothering to try and push him away.

He released my face at once, his eyes bright yellow.

"Why would you do that?" I whimpered, breaking down into gasping sobs.

"All for you, Fae, everything I do is for you" he whispered, reaching out and stroking my cheek gently.

"Goddammit why do you love me?!" I exclaimed.

"Fae...haven't I answered that question already by my very actions? You are the one thing that keeps me from tipping over the edge, you help me see humanity when there is none, you make me remember what it was like to be human, to love and be loved by another" he explained, gently, passionately.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. How could I possibly compete with Hayden's elequant speech? Oh my god, Hayden was going to hate me now. While he was out trying to protect me, I had stupidly gone into the forest, just putting myself in more danger. All Hayden had done would have been for nothing. I couldnt tell him.

I wrapped my arms around him and dug my head into his chest, whimpering,"I love you"

"I love you too honey" he assured, wrapping his arms around me, rubbing my back.

"Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" I asked, closing my eyes.

"Don't you always?" he smirked.

"Well...yeah..." I mumbled.

He laughed.

"You know something, love?" he said, standing up.

I looked up at him, quizzically.

"You're messed up" he said, picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder.

"And I love it" he chuckled, carrying me into his room while holding back laughter.

Hayden set me down on his bed and lept on top of me, kissing me aggressively. "Hayden" I whispered, between kisses. He placed both hands on either side of my head, holding me down while he deepened the kiss. He moved down and kissed my neck slowly

"Hayden....wait.." I mumbled, almost not willing to tear myself away from this moment.

"Yes, dear?" he asked, rolling off of me so we were laying down side by side.

"Wh-what happened with Liam?" I stuttered.

"I was about to kill him, but then Henry, Kris, Jacob, and Lance persuaded me otherwise" he said, regret etching his voice, lacing my fingers with his.

"The fallen ones are angry with us" he whispered, drawing me closer to him.

"Who do you mean by us?" I asked.

"You and me" he answered, kissing my forehead.

I stared up at him, confused,"How could so much happen over one word?"

"A man like him commands respect, and you didn't give it to him," he said, simply, holding my chin between his thumb and forefinger."But it's not your fault, never let yourself think you caused this" he said, slightly begging.

"Mmm..." I mumbled, digging my head into his chest.

Then, the doorbell rang.

I grumbled, not wanting Hayden to leave.

"Lucinda will get it" he soothed, holding my head to his chest, stroking my hair softly.

After a couple minutes of perfect serenity in Hayden's arms, the door burst open, and in came Jacob, looking moderately happy.

Hayden sat up, pushing me behind him slightly.

"Hello little brother!" Jake said, smiling down at him,"and good evening Miss Jefferys"

Hayden and I glared at him. "What do you want, Jake?" Hayden snapped.

"I just wanted to tell you something I heard from Gregory this afternoon" he replied, cheerily.

"Can it wait?" Hayden growled, agitated.

"No it cannot"

"Fine, what is it?"

"Well, Gregory was going for a walk in the woods this afternoon, dont ask me why, and he saw Jacqueline, Kris' maid, and your little darling here being attacked by Adam right by the stream" Jacob said, staring down at me with a big grin on his face.

I was in complete shock. Why would Jacob do this to me? I looked up at Hayden, his face was blank, but his eyes were slowly turning red. Oh no.

"Hayden..." I said, putting a hand on his arm but he shrugged it off, got up and was out of the room in a flash, dragging me behind him. Now it was Hayden's turn to be pissed.
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omg check out my AWESOME banner made by the AWESOME Taylor Swift (and I mean the mibba username not the real Taylor Swift lol) that girl is awesome you all should learn from her skillzz. haha ily all!