Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.

This is Earth Calling You


Hayden pulled me down the hall and into the library. He let go of me, muttering,"Sit" I sat down on the couch and watched him as he searched the shelves for something, then pulling out a red leatherbound book and sitting down next to me.

I cringed away from him as he flipped through the pages, ripping some in his haste. He set the book on my lap, pointing to a full-page picture on one of its slighty aged pages.

I looked down and saw an ink drawing of a horrible creature. It's head was a strange cross between a man and wolf, having a long snout and wolf ears and pointy teeth, which were blood-stained, but it had no hair and the eyes were human. It was on its hind legs, but they looked like a dog's. Their claws were razor sharp and it was crouched over the mutilated carcus of what appeared to be a human.

"Thats what becomes of humans who cross werewolves" he hissed.

"I'm so sorry, Hayden..I-" but he cut across me,"The forest is such a dangerous place, Fae, I warned you to be careful, I dont understand why you couldnt just listen" he said, much more softly.

"I'm..so sorry" I whispered, tears running down my cheeks.

"Its my turn to be selfish, Fae" he purred, pulling me onto his lap.

"Hayden...I wasnt thinking...I didnt know..." but I was cut off again by Hayden pressing a finger to my lips.

"Shh....love, I know, you just dont seem to understand the dangers of this land" he said, kissing my forehead,"I dont know if I can leave you alone anymore"

Personally, that was okay with me, but the thought that Hayden didnt trust me anymore wasnt okay with me.

"Hayden..." I started, but I was lost for words.

“Fae, it’d make me feel better if you just stayed close to me for a while, I’m not saying I don’t trust you, I just don’t trust Alexander or Liam, or anyone here by the way” he moved, some hair away from my face.

“I love you” was all I could choke out.

“Sweetie, I know…its alright please i just need you to be safe, but i do know of another way i know you'll safe..." he said, stroking my cheek.

I stared up at him confused, but then my eyes widened in comprehension and i exclaimed,"No Hayden! I wanna be here!"

He exhaled in frustration and said,"You're in so much danger here, you dont even realise"

"I dont care" I snapped,"Anywhere you are, I am"

Hayden smiled and kissed me, tightening his grip on me, "You know I'd never want to let you go" he whispered, kissing my forehead.

Then, Jacob walked in the library,"Why is everything running away from me today?" he sighed,"This girl kept squirming around while i was trying to bite her it was the most annoying thing..."

Jacob paused when he saw Hayden get off the couch, retaining a protective stance in front of me.

"You think I desire Fae's youth, little brother?" he whispered to Hayden while staring at me, smirking.

"Stay away from her!" Hayden barked.

"Hayden...I admit Fae is cute, but I would never intrude on such a...loving relationship" he said, holding back laughter.

"You can leave now Jacob" Hayden said through gritted teeth.

Jacob laughed and said,"I'll see you at the meeting tomorrow, Hayden, so long Fae" he winked at me and strolled out the door.

As soon as the door closed, Hayden relaxed his protective stance and turned to face me, his eyes red, but slowing turning yellow.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"What do you think Fae?" he muttered, beginning to pace the floor.

I just stared at him as he paced the floor, quickly and feverishly, thinking. Suddenly, he stopped and stared at me, a peculiar look on his face.

"Would you like to go to Earth with me Fae?" he asked, kneeling down on the floor in front of the couch, so we saw eye to eye.

"No! I told you-" but he interrupted my rant by pressing a finger against my lips,"No, you misunderstood me, I meant visit, just the two of us, not to visit your family or friends but..some Earth air would us both some good I think"

I sat back, considering this,"Could I at least see them? I want to see how they're doing"

"If you wish" he said, placing his hands over mine, taking them in a light grip.

"Okay..when?" I asked.

"Whenever you wish" he purred, kissing my cheek.

"Well...I promised Heather I'd a sleepover with her..." I said, looking down at my hands in Hayden's gentle hold.

"You can hold it here...and you can invite Jacqueline, if you wish" he said Jacqueline's name with an edge to his voice.

I laughed and said,"Okay, I'll call Heather" I lept up then froze,"Whats Kris' phone number?"

"I'll dial it for you" he said, bringing my hand into his again and leading me down the stairs.

He picked up the phone and dialed the numbers in a flash and handed the phone to me.

I put the phone to my ear as Hayden wrapped his arms around me, pressing my back against his chest.

It rang only once before I heard Heather's voice, bored, drone,"Bagley residence"

"Hey Heather, it's Fae" I said.

"Omg hi! whats up?!" she exclaimed.

"I was just wondering if you and Jacqueline wanted to have a sleepover at Hayden's house..." I said, timidly.

"You mean 'our' house, love" he whispered.

I smiled and whispered,"our house"

"Of course! This is gonna be SO much fun!" she squealed,"When?"

"Tomorrow if you want" Hayden purred in my ear.

"Tomorrow maybe?" I said into the phone.

"I cant wait! I'll call Jacqueline and tell her! I honestly have no idea how Hayden is going to stand her...I'll tell her to lay off a bit..see you tomorrow bye!"

I sighed and hung up. Hayden began kissing my neck softly,"You know...if you are going to have a sleepover tomorrow, that means I wont have you all to myself tomorrow night.." his hands went under my shirt, pressing his cold hands against my bare stomach, making me shiver.

"..Are you sure you want to have a sleepover?" he asked as he spun me around to face him, his eyes perfectly blue now.

I giggled as he gave me a light peck on the lips.

"Do you want more?" he asked, his lips less an inch away from mine. I could feel his hot breath against my lips. He was teasing me.

"Mmhmm.." I mumbled, trying to press my lips against his, but he pulled away.

"Sweetie, dont you remember that I'm angry with you?" he said, holding my chin and bringing my face up to his, a playful glint in his eyes.

I smiled and asked,"What can I do to make it up to you?"

"Just stay perfectly still..." he held my face in his hands, kissed my forehead and both cheeks before finally reaching my lips.

He entered my mouth with his tongue gently. I gasped as I felt Hayden's fangs press against my lips. Hayden automatically pulled away and stared at me concerned,"Honey, what happened?"

"I dont know, for some reason, I've just never felt your f-fangs before" I stuttered.

I barely even noticed Hayden's fangs, but they looked so ominous now, and oh so venomous.

"I'm sorry, love...I'm so sorry" he said, touching my face,"My fangs come out when I am especially thristy, I havent fed in a couple of days, I guess I've been so busy with you, I havent realized"

I sat up in the bedroom while Hayden went down to the basement to fetch some blood.

"Sweetheart..." Hayden purred, strolling into the room.

My eyes lit up and Hayden sat down next to me on the bed,"Not thirsty?" I asked.

"Not thirsty" he confirmed, pressing his lips against mine once more.

That next moring, I woke up to hearing the doorbell ring. I groaned, turned over, thinking there was more mattress, but I was wrong. I fell off of the bed with a large 'ompf'.

"Fae! Wakey-wakey! We're having a sleepover!" Heather trilled, skipping into the room.

"Heather.." I groaned, trying to untangle myself from the covers.

"We have to get ready!" she exclaimed, ripping the covers off of me and pulling me up.

Dude, this was a sleepover...not a prom. Sadly, I dont think Heather knew the difference between them.
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ughh sorry i took so long! I had a really rough week! but i'll probably have lots of time now thats it break!! love you guys! <333