Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.



Heather had gone sleepover-crazy. She decorated every inch of m bedroom in pink polkadots and threw pillows everywhere. As soon as Jacqueline arrived, she threw a fit over the fact that she didn't bring pajamas.

"Heather, I don't sleep remember? Just because you, miss witchy, are practically human doesn't mean the rest of us are!" she exclaimed.

"Fae is" Heather snapped.

"Yeah she's one in a trillion here" Jacqueline muttered.

"Yes she is, Jacqueline" Hayden agreed, walking into my room. He put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a kiss before turning to Heather and Jacqueline,

"If you girls need anything, just ask"

Jacqueline smirked and started to say,"Then will you shove your-"

Heather cut across her by saying,"Okay, Hayden, thanks"

Hayden smirked, gave me another kiss and walked out.

"Okay, so I picked up a couple of movies we could watch, based on what earth teenager girls would watch, I have Mean Girls, John Tucker Must Die, Prom Night, Juno, Never Been Kissed, Riding In Cars With Boys, Legally Blonde, Miss Congeniality, 13 Going On 30...." Heather said, picking up each dvd, reading it, then tossing it on the floor.

"What about horror?" Jacqueline asked, impatiently.

Jacqueline and I both groaned as Heather began reading off another long stack of dvds.

"Texas Chainsaw Massacre! Lets watch that one!" I said, quickly as Heather was about to move on to 'Dramas'. I snatched the dvd from her and popped it into the dvd player.

"Wait!" she screamed, as if we were disabling a bomb in an apartment building about to explode, and I was cutting the wrong wire.

"What?!" Jacqueline asked, exasperated.

"We need popcorn" she said, jumping up and pulling us both downstairs.

Hayden was in the kitchen with Kris, and they seemed to be in a heated discussion.

"I don't care Kris, Liam-" but Hayden stopped talking immediately when he saw me, and smiled.

"Hello, honey, what do you need?" he asked, getting up.

"Good evening Miss Jeffreys, Heather, Jacqueline" Kris said, nodding his head.

Jacqueline rolled her eyes and Heather crossed her arms, uncomfortably. Hayden put his hands on my shoulders and asked as if we were the only two people in the room"Are you alright?"

"I'm f-fine, Hayden" I stuttered, taken aback on how intimately he spoke to me.

"We just need popcorn" Heather chirped in.

"Okay, I'll be up in a little while to say goodnight" Hayden whispered, never taking his eyes off me. He gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead and dropped his hands.

"Calm down Romeo" Jacqueline muttered as Heather put the popcorn in the microwave and waited for it to finish.

Hayden smirked and said,"You'll see one day, little one, then you'll understand"

"Dont call me little" Jacqueline growled through gritted teeth, her ears and cheeks turning red.

"Its okay, Jac, he's just teasing" Heather soothed, the popcorn bowl levitating in the air by her head. She took both of our arm and pulled us upstairs, the popcorn bowl following us in hot pursuit.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre was even scarier the 5th time around.

I had hidden my face in my pillow, screaming as the masked creep-o chased the blonde and the brunette around the dark swamp.

Heather was staring the screen, eyes wide, mouth open.

Jacqueline casually looked at the screen, rather bored.

As the credits rolled, there was a knock on the door,"Its Hayden"

"He cant lay off you can he?" Jac muttered, eyes closed.

I smiled, got up, and opened the door. Hayden stood there staring at me, his mouth twitching slightly, he looked like he was about to cry, but of course he never did.

"Whats wrong?" I whispered, stepping closer to him.

"We need to leave...now" he whispered, brushing his hand against my cheek.

"What? Where?" I asked.

"Earth" he said, pulling me close.

"Why?" I whispered.

"Too many words..." he hushed, pressing his lips against mine for a few seconds, though I wish it could have gone on longer.

I pushed the sleeves of my big t-shirt down so they covered my hands, which were freezing, and turned to Heather and Jacqueline.

"I guess I have to go" I said, staring at the floor.

Before Heather or Jacqueline could protest, Kris appeared in the room. He gripped Heather's arm and snapped,"We best be off, Heather. Jacqueline, go back to your masters"

"No!" Heather exclaimed, stomping her foot, causing the whole room to shake. Everyone stared at her, shocked.

"Tell me whats wrong with Fae you bastard" she growled, advancing on Kris.

"Calm down, Heather" Kris hissed, gripping Heather's upper arms.

"She's the only other person who knows what its like to have to cope with all these...these...damn vampires 24/7!" she shrieked.

"Heather, please, I dont have the patience.." Kris said, exasperated.

"No! I'm sick of it! Sick of everything! Sick of being your easy fuck when every other female in the Coven is busy! That is NOT in the contract!" she screamed, trying to push him away.

Somehow I had a feeling this wasnt just about me.

The bed went up in flames as she continued to shriek,"I dont belong here, I dont belong anywhere! You make me feel like shit, you know that!?"'

Hayden pulled me against him, whispering,"She's going out of control"

"Jacqueline!" Kris exclaimed, giving her an expectant look.

Jacqueline, fit to burst, sighed and snapped her fingers, making the flames disappear.

"Now come" Kris said, in a soothing but demanding voice, putting a hand on Heather's cheek.

Her eyes became wide and it looked like she was staring off into space. She followed Kris out the door without another word.

"What did he do?" I asked.

"Used his creepy vamp powers to overpower her" Jac muttered, getting up and smoothing out the ruffles in her skirt.

"Come on, Fae" Hayden said, his hand finding mine and tugging on it gently.

"Thats my cue" Jac said, rolling her eyes. She disappeared instantly, leaving me staring intently at Hayden.

"Please tell me whats going on" I begged.

"Shh, please baby can this wait until we're on, Earth? I promise I'll tell you everything, but this isnt the appropriate time or place" he whispered, kissing both of my cheeks softly,"Now come with me"

I followed him almost mindlessly as he lead me downstairs. Lucinda was waiting downstairs with my duffel and Hayden's black suitcase. Hopefully she didnt spit in my duffel or something.

"Thank you Lucinda, tell anyone that comes to the door that I am on business, and thats all" He took my duffel and his suitcase and led me out the door.

But instead of getting in his car, he pulled me tight against him.

"Are you ready?" Hayden whispered in my ear, kissing it.

"Mmhmm" I mumbled, digging my head into his chest.

The world around me spun, but through it all, I knew Hayden would be right there, pulling me through.