Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.



"We're here" Hayden whispered, rubbing my back. I opened my eyes to find myself still in Hayden's arms, a bunch of tall trees surrounding us. This was the forest from which Hayden took me into the Coven.

"Why cant we just appear somewhere else? Like civilization maybe?" I asked, making him chuckle.

"Sorry, love, but when i disappear, it causes tremors that can be picked on a Richter scale, and we're trying to be discreet here, sweetie" he said, lifting my chin up with his finger, smiling at me.

"No, its fine, I was just kidding" I mumbled.

He kissed me, took my hand, and pulled me through the forest, into the clearing where he had left my father's car. It was still there. It brought back so many memories. In the car with Sam, trying to drive. My brother shooting it with his bi-bi gun...

"Come along, Fae" he said, tugging my hand gently when I wouldn't move.

"Sorry" I mumbled, allowing him to pull me into the car.

Hayden placed the bags in the back then took the keys out of his pocket, placing them in the ignition and turning the car on.

I began shivering, the seasons were different in the Coven than they were on Earth.

"I'll turn the heat on" he said, quickly shrugging over his jacket and wrapping it around my shoulders. He turned the heat all the way up and made sure all of the vents were directed towards me.

"Hayden..." I said, a little exasperated.

"Fae, I know what you're going to say and I will never 'let up' on taking care of you" he said, a little snappishly.

"How'd you know I was gonna say that??" I exclaimed,"Don't tell me you can read minds.."

"No, I just know you too well" he smirked, his finger tapping my lips gently.

I smiled and he pulled out of the clearing riding out of the woods and onto the barren highway.

"We're not gonna actually use this car..are we?" I asked, nervously. This car brought back too many memories.

"No" Hayden chuckled,"I'm going to leave this car at the motel and have a chauffeur pick us up from there and take us to the hotel"

"How are we gonna not get caught?" I asked in my smallest voice.

He turned his head slightly to stare at me, his eyes expressionless,"Leave all of that stuff to me, Fae, I don't want you to worry"

My expression obviously showed worry because he sighed in frustration and tightened his grip on the wheel, speeding up.

"You still have to explain to me why we just took off without warning" I mumbled, staring down at my coat, playing with the zipper absentmindedly.

"I know" he sighed.

We pulled up into the same motel were I had found out that Hayden wasn't just an ordinary kidnapper, he was a vampire. A chauffeur in a shiny black jaguar came and picked us up and drove us to the Four Seasons in Lincoln. Hayden barely talked to me the whole ride there.

"Thank you Stephen" Hayden said, blandly, pulling me out of the car along with the luggage when we pulled up in front of the hotel.

We walked into the hotel, hand in hand. I noticed people were staring at us, most with an odd expression on their faces. Hayden squeezed my hand so tightly I winced. I looked up to see Hayden's eyes darting around, anxiously.

We made it to the check-in desk and Hayden said to the clerk in low voice,"I have reservations under the name of Saxton"

It took her a minute to comprehend because she was so busying ogling Hayden. I didn't blame her.

"Yes...of course..here's your room key sir" she stuttered, handing Hayden a room key card.

He nodded and lead me to the the elevators and pressed the 'up' button and stood back, his hand still retaining a tight grip on my own.

The elevator dinged and we went in. It was full of people, Hayden sighed and reluctantly pulled me in. The elevator door closed and I saw every muscle in Hayden's body tighten. I gave him a confused look, but he ignored me. Hayden relaxed little by little as more people left the elevator. Finally, we were the only people in the elevator.

"Hayden..." I started, but he snapped across me,"Not now, Fae" he glared at me, eyes red. I automatically shrank away from him, reluctantly following him as he led me out of the elevator. He stopped in front of room 1430 and inserted the key card, opening the door.

It was a beautiful suite with a king size bed and luscious satin sheets. Hayden pulled me in and set our bags on the ground.

Before I could start, Hayden's lips came crashing down on mine. He pulled me against him tightly, his arms winded around my waist. He kissed me roughly, pushing me against the wall. I squirmed under his grip, wanting to know why we were here in the first place.

"Please stay still Fae" he muttered between kisses.

"Buh..." before I could finish, he deepened the kiss, causing me complete bliss.

I exhaled deeply as he kissed my neck, his hands moving from my waist to my hair, twisting his fingers through it, cradling my head in his hands. He nibbled my neck softly, being careful not to break the skin. I moaned softly a he kissed his way back up to my lips.

"Excuse me for asking, Miss Jeffreys, but I was wondering if you would like to put this bed to good use" he whispered, picking me up bridal style. He stared into my eyes, hypnotizing me, his eyes a deep purple.

"But Hayden..." I began, but he pressed a single finger against my lips and whispered,"I would very much like it if you accepted my invitation without being difficult...Miss Jeffreys"

I cuddled close to him,"Mmhmm" I mumbled against his chest.

Hayden laid me out on the bed, smoothing out my hair. "You are so beautiful" he growled, on top of me in an instant. He cradled my face in his hands, staring at me carefully, as if trying to remember every detail of my face, as if I was going to be taken away at any moment.

I was about to ask him what was wrong but then he just exhaled and pressed his lips against mine once more.

"Sweetie...wake up please..." I heard Hayden whisper, a hand rubbing my head softly.

"Mmmm...." I mumbled, sitting up to see Hayden standing by the bed, fully dressed, his hand still on my head.

"How did you sleep?" he asked, kissing the top of my head.

"Very well" I yawned, smiling up at him.

"Do you want some breakfast?" he asked, gesturing to a plate of pancakes on the table out on the balcony.

I nodded eagerly, getting up and going out on the balcony, Hayden right behind me. I sat down and started digging into the pancakes, hungrily. Hayden sat down across from me and held my hand that wasn't being used to eat. He rubbed the back of my hand gently with his thumb.

If I was going to ask him, this would be the time,"Hayden I would like to know what's going on" I said, quickly and sharply, as to not be interrupted.

"Well, you are eating...rather ferociously I might add, and last night..." he trailed off, kissing my hand,"Well...would you like me to show you?"

"Hayden! You know what I'm talking about!" I exclaimed, my eyes tearing in frustration. He was just trying to distract me, quite well I might add.

He sighed in defeat,"I know, love...its just, I think it would be better if you were unaware..." but it was my turn to cut in,"Hayden, if it has anything to do with us, I think I have a right to know"

"You're right, Fae...its just hard for me to see you upset" he whispered,"But you have a right to know"

I smiled and he pulled me into his arms and carried me inside, closing the screen door behind us.

"So...the reason I've brought you to Earth so quickly is, of course, for your protection" he said, sitting down on the couch, settling me on his lap,"Liam was planning to invade the Coven, he is growing stronger everyday, he is even getting the demons on his side, we are hoping to persuade them otherwise"

"What the hell is his problem!?" I exclaimed.

"He's jealous, jealous of my affections for you" he explained, stroking my cheek,"Our love is rare, Fae, it isnt supposed to be like this, you're supposed to be with Sam, and I'm not supposed to be with anyone, it is not in a vampire's destiny to love and be loved"

"Well I guess we're just two big weirdos cuz I love you and I'm pretty sure you love me" I said.

He sighed in frustration,"Of course I love you, Fae, isnt that the whole reason you are still living? I wouldnt have saved you if I didnt love you"

"Hayden..." I started, but he kissed me, holding my face in his hands.

"Do you want to go out?" he murmured, his lips pressed against my ear.

"Can we just stay here for a while?" I mumbled, digging my head into his chest.

"Anything you want" he replied, rubbing my back.

"Okay.." I said, loosening his tie a little more,"I want it this way"

Hayden smirked and pulled my ponytail holder out of my hair, letting my brown waves fall all around my face. He ran his fingers through my hair, taming some of the knots in it. "Well I want it this way" He kissed the top of my head and began rocking me gently.

"You could go back to sleep if you want" he whispered.

"Are you kidding me?! I just woke up like, two seconds ago!" I exclaimed.

"Alright...alright..." he soothed, kissing me. He picked me up and laid me on the bed, his lips stil locked with mine. "I love you" he murmured against my lips, climbing on top of me.

"Wait...." I mumbled, turning my head.

"Yes, sweetie?" he asked, slightly impatient.

"Did you just have sex with me last night to distract me?" I asked, quietly.

He stared me, shocked and appalled,"Fae dont you ever take my love for you as a distraction, dont you dare" he growled, his eyes slightly red.

"I'm...sorry" I whimpered, trying to squirm away from him, but he held me in place, his strong hands locked on my upper arms.

"You mean so much to me, I dont want you thinking of me as a kind of person that would sink that low, I just wanted to show you how much i love you, why cant you just accept that?" he said, touching my lips with his fingertips.

"I dont think of you that way!" I exclaimed,"To me, you're the most amazing and wonderful person I've ever met, you protect me from so much and you actually tolerate me like 100 of the time, I'd be nowhere without you"

"You'd be somewhere, you'd be with Sam, and you wouldnt be in this whole mess" he whispered, resting his forehead against mine.

"Shut up" I said, yawning.

He smirked and pressed his lips against mine, moving his hands to my face.

"How long are we going to be staying here?" I asked, abruptly.

"I dont know, Fae.." he said, annoyed, trying to kiss me again.

"Why..." I started, but he began kissing my neck while gently caressing my body, and I was swept away.