Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.

The Coven

A few hours later, I was laying in bed, as far away from Hayden as possible. "So tell me about yourself" he said, staring up at the ceiling. I turned to stare at him, a raised eyebrow. He caught my stare and smirked,"What? A captor cannot know about his captive?" "I didnt think you would care" I mumbled. "Well, to be honest, I dont, but..there seems to be nothing else to do" he said. Strangely, my heart sank. "So are you going to tell me about you?" he asked. "Well...since there's nothing else to do..." I sighed. He smiled. "My name is Fae Jefferys and i'm 15" I said. He nodded, "Interesting, go on" I grimaced and said,"I'm a softmore in highschool and I was just about to go shopping for a homecoming dance until you rudely abducted me" He chuckled and asked,"Did you have a date for said dance?" "Why do you need to know?" I snapped. "Okay, I'll admit it, you have captivated my attention, I am interested" he said, resting his head on his hand, staring at me. "You know, this is really weird, you kidnapped me, I'm supposed to bound and gagged in a closet or something" I said, glaring. "Do you want me to? Because I would happily oblige..." he said, amused. "No!" I interrupted, making him let out a small laugh."So please continue then, did you have a date?" I sighed and said,"No, not yet anyways" I mumbled. "Really? Who did you want to ask you?" he asked, repressing a smile. I shot him a death look,"Ashton Samuels, a senior" "And why hasnt he asked you?" he asked, fit to burst. "Because he doesnt know I exist alright!" I exclaimed, tears in my eyes. "Well, I'm extremely sorry you fit in so well with the wallpaper" he said, breaking out laughing. "You're mean!" I shouted, trying to hide my hurt. "I'm just joking, I thought you humans had a sense of humor" Hayden said, looking over at me. "To a point" I muttered, darkly. "I think its time you go to sleep" he said, reaching to turn out the light. "How am I supposed to sleep with you right next to me! You might wake up in the middle of the night for a midnight snack!" I exclaimed, making him laugh. "Wow, you humans are good for two things" he chuckled,"Food and amusement" I gasped and gripped my neck with both hands, making his laughing grow harder. "I am so glad I brought you, it would have extremely boring otherwise" he said. I sighed, at least one of us was happy. "So why are your friends named Lacey and Casey?" he asked. "You read the note?" I said, turning angry eyes on him. "I had to make sure you didnt tell them anything" he shrugged. "They're twins for your information, and their mom is a bit strange" I said. "And Sam..?" he asked. "He's my best friend, I've known him since I was born" I said, softly. "Why didnt you take him to homecoming?" he asked. "Because we're just friends" I said, resting my head against the pillow. "Hmm..oh I almost forgot to change into my pajamas" he said, getting up. "What?" I said, a bit suprised. "Do you mind if I change in front of you?" he asked, supressing a grin. Before I could object, he took off his shirt, making me gape at his perfect body. He grinned at my reaction and took off his pants, leaving him in black satin boxers. "Ew!" I exclaimed, covering my face with my pillow. "Dont worry, Fae, I dont have cooties...last time I checked" he smirked, taking the pillow away from my face gently. revealing Hayden's angel face inches away from mine. I blushed and my throat closed up, not allowing me to speak. He smiled and laid back on his side of the bed. "Where are your pajamas?" I asked, snidely. "These are my pajamas" he smirked, looking down at his boxers. "I promise I wont wake up to take a bite, no matter how appealing that sounds" he said, winking. My face grew blank, but he just grinned and turned out the light.

It was hours before I fell asleep that night. I was too afraid that Hayden might change his mind. I also missed my family and friends. I couldnt stop thinking about them.

"Fae...Fae!" I heard someone shout in my ear. I jumped up, screaming. "You're prone to screaming arent you?" Hayden muttered, staring down at me, arms folded. "Well, I scream when I'm scared" I said, getting up. "I must be terrifying you then" he grinned. I let out a humph and went into the bathroom. "You come in this bathroom and I will....kick you in your package!" I called, causing him to laugh. "I promise!" he called back. I sighed and prayed to God he was being truthful. I got into the shower and washed my hair and body quickly, trying to not even give him a chance. I jumped out of the shower and quickly wrapped a towel around myself. I dried myself and put fresh clothes on. I walked out to find Hayden sitting on the bed, waiting. "You actually kept your promise, I'm impressed" I said, grabbing my duffel. "You'll find I can be a very trustworthy person" he said, standing up. "Yeah, you vampires are always portrayed as sweet, innocent creatures who wouldnt hurt a fly" I muttered. "You'll learn that us vampires do not always conform to stereotypes my dear" he whispered, moving way to close for comfort. My face became flushed and my throat closed up again. He smirked, took a tight grip on my arm once more, and pulled me out the door. "My arm is becoming bruised you know" I snapped, as we got into the car. "Bruises will heal" he said, nonchalantly, turning the car on and driving down the highway. "Why are you doing all this anyways? What happened?" I asked. "I might as well tell you" he sighed. I waited for him to start, patiently. "Well, I went feeding in a farm area not too far away from where you live, and usually when I feed I dont kill the human, but this woman tasted so good I couldnt stop, I got carried away, and I killed her, I became a suspect, so I needed to escape, so I tried to creep into your house through the window, but I ended up falling through it, I dont usually mess up like that but I've been punishing myself everyday since I killed her, and I havent been thinking" he explained in a soft tone, not looking at me. "I dont know what to say" I mumbled. "There's a first" he muttered, looking down at me, grinning, making me blush. I know I barely knew Hayden, but I felt like I did, even if he was a big-headed ass.

About a few hours later, we turned onto this dirt road. "Where are we going?" I asked. "The captor does not have to tell the captive anything" he replied simply, frustrating me beyond belief. He parked the car in this small clearing in the middle of the woods, got out, opened my door for me and pulled me out. "Where are we?!" I exclaimed, showing my frustration, as he retained the familiar death grip on my arm. "The captor doesnt have to tell the captive anything" he repeated simply. I sighed, rolling my eyes. He pulled me through the woods and another small clearing. "Hold onto me" he whispered. "Excuse me?" I said, raising an eyebrow. He let out kind of an agitated growl and pulled me against him. "Close your eyes" he whispered. I did so, as not to anger him further. Through my eyelids I could see a blinding flash of light, and the feel a spinning sensation. Suddenly, I fell on something cold wet and soft. I opened my eyes to see Hayden staring down at me, slightly amused. "Welcome to the Coven" he said, a small smirk on his face. "The what?" I said, confused. I looked around to see I was laying on the lawn of a beautiful(yet kinda creepy) Victorian-style mansion. "Thats the Coven?" I said, jabbing my thumb in the direction of the mansion. "Part of it, the Coven is the area where vampires live, to you, it's like a country" he said. "Then whats that?" I asked, my thumb still pointing to the mansion. "That, is where I live" he answered, pulling me up as if I were as light as a rag doll. "Dont tell you vampires have 'super-strength' too" I muttered as he pulled me in the direction of his 'house'. "We pride ourselves on being fit" he replied, grinning.

We walked up the stairs to his huge front door with a big brass knocker. "Are ready to leave your world behind?" he asked, his hand on the handle. "I was never ready. You kidnapped me remember?" I snapped, making laugh. "Sorry, my bad" he opened the door. The inside was just as beautiful as the outside, if not more. The entry hall was amazing. It had high ceilings and a beautiful crystal chandilier that sparkled in the flicker of the candles that were lit in it. There was a huge double staircase made out of marble and carpeted in red velvet. The floors were also made of marble and the walls were decorated with old paintings and marble statues. "Your house is gorgeous" I whispered, taking it all in. "Thanks" he said, shrugging off his jacket. "Hello Mr. Saxton, would you like me get a room ready for the girl?" a middle-aged woman dressed in a maid outfit asked, walking in. "That will be alright, Lucinda, Fae will be residing with me" Hayden said, slipping an arm around my waist, winking, "Um..oh" Lucinda said, flustered. I gave him a weird look as she walked out. "Why do I have to sleep in the same bed with you there's probably like 5 bedrooms in this house!" I exclaimed. "I want to keep you near me, I still dont completely trust you not to run away" he muttered, leading me upstairs. "Is Lucinda a vampire?" I asked. "Well, she was the child of two powerful vampires, but it turned out she was just a human, her parents mistreated her and one night her father was going to kill her, so she ran away and landed on my doorstep" He explained. "Wow, I didnt know vampires had a conscience" I smirked. "We have the ability to be kind, and I needed a new maid" he said, simply. "Mmmhmm" I said, supressing a grin. He rolled his eyes and opened a door, revealing a gorgeous bedroom. Their was a king size bed in the middle with satin sheets and the most comfortable looking pillows I'd ever seen. Their was a seating area with a roaring fireplace and a coffee table. I looked around. "Its big" I stated. He chuckled softly and said,"I will be back at 5:30, approxamately, I have business to attend to" he said. "Lets guess, I'm going to be trapped in here until then, right?" I sighed. "You are correct, me cherie" he said, ruffling my hair. I grimaced and slapped his hand away. I saw his eyes flare red for a second, but then he calmed down and they turned back to their deep blue again. "Have a nice time" he snickered, leaving and closing the door behind him, locking it. I sighed and collapsed on the bed, taking the pictures of my family and friends out of my duffel and staring at them. I wondered if I would ever see them again