Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.

Hayden Saxton (a vampire misunderstood?)

Okay, staring at fire was oddly addicting (and no I'm not a pyro maniac!). "Hello, my dear, I think its time for dinner" I heard Hayden whisper in my ear, abruptly. I jumped up with a scream. "Hmm...I think you scream every time you see me, not just when you're scared" he chuckled. "You do scare me" I mumbled, standing up. "I'm sorry" he whispered, getting too close again, making me do the usual...blush...tight throat...ugh. I gulped and stepped away from him. "Come with me, I want you to meet someone" he said, holding out his arm for me. I gave him a weird look and took it. He led me downstairs into a spacious living room with a huge white couch, a fireplace and a big coffee table in the middle. Sitting on the couch was a man who looked like Hayden, but a little older. "Fae, this is my older brother Jacob, Jacob, this is Fae" Hayden said as the guy named Jacob stood up, scrutinizing me. Finally, he smiled, revealing pearly white fangs like Hayden's. My eyes grew wide with fear and I tried to take a step back, only to find Hayden slip an iron hand around my waist, not allowing me to move. "I apologize, Fae is only human, and she's still a little scared" Hayden said, grinning. "Oh, well, I promise not to hurt you sweetie" Jacob purred, smirking. I didnt respond, just stood still, staring up at him. "She's very cute, how old is she?" he asked. "15" Hayden retorted. "Mmm...she must be extremely fresh" Jacob said, drawing closer to me. "She's not for dinner, Jay" Hayden said, making me sigh in relief. "...she's for dessert" he said, staring down at me with an evil grin, causing my jaw to drop. "Just kidding" Hayden said. "Thats fine, I just came back from hunting and got some blood" Jacob smirked. "Oh, that sounds wonderful, I havent eaten in a couple of days" "What about Fae?" Jacob asked, brushing a hand against my neck, freaking me out. I slapped it away, involuntarily. Jacob's eyes turned red like Hayden's did, but he didnt calm down. "You little brat.." he growled, gripping my hair, making me whimper. "Jacob! Forgive her, she's scared" Hayden said, pulling me away from him, slightly. "Is she your girlfriend or something?" Jacob snapped, letting go of my hair. Hayden looked down at me, smirking, and said,"Yes she is" I gaped at him and he grinned back. Jacob glared at me sourly. Lucinda came in and said,"I made spaghetti for Fae, sir" "Do you like spaghetti?" Hayden asked, leading me into a huge dining room with a chandelier and a long dining table with straight back chairs. I nodded. Hayden sat down at the head of the table and gestured for me to sit at the right of him. But before I could pull my chair out, Hayden got up and briskly did it for me. "Where are my manners?" he said, giving me a breathtaking smile. I gawked at him and almost forgot to sit down. He pushed the chair in for me and then sat down at his own. Jacob sat down across from me, rapping his fingers the table, staring at me. Great, I hadnt even been here a day and I already had a vampire out to get me. Lucinda came out and placed a plate of spaghetti in front of me. I suddenly remembered how hungry I was. I dug into the spaghetti and was done in less than 5 minutes, even if Hayden and Jacob were staring at me, and I dont think it was my spaghetti they wanted to eat. After I was done, Lucinda swiftly took my plate away and placed two glasses in front of Hayden and Jacob. I thought I was going to throw up. They were full of blood. Hayden seemed to notice the color draining from my face and said,"Lucinda, please bring Fae up to my room and lock the door" "Yes sir" Lucinda said, pulling me out of my chair and upstairs. "Whats it like to live with a bunch of vampires?" I asked. She didnt answer, just pushed me into Hayden's room and closed the door. I could hear it lock. I sighed and collapsed on the bed.

About half an hour later, Hayden walked in. "Why did you say I was your girlfriend?" I asked, before he could say anything. He raised his eyebrows,"I couldnt tell my older brother what happened, that I messed up and had to kidnap you, it would have been a sign of weakness, you have a brother, I heard you screaming about 'busting' him, I know, siblings are naturally out to get one another" "Yeah, I guess" I mumbled. "Look, I know you miss you're family, but I'll try to make life as normal for you as possible" Hayden said. "And how the hell are you going to do that?! There are no humans here! Besides Lucinda who hates me! I just dont belong here! You have no idea how much I hate you right now!" I shouted, sobbing. I began punching him in the chest, although it didnt have any effect on him whatsoever. He grabbed my wrists, keeping me at bay. He brought his face inches away from mine, his eyes bright green, almost matching mine. "You need to calm down Fae, you need to calm down and listen to me" he said, softly but demandingly. I gulped and stopped sobbing, even though tears were still pouring rapidly down my face. "There...now I know life will be extremely different for you from now on, but I dont want you to get in the middle of my business affairs, which I admit can get a little...unruly" he said,"And for your information I dont have to be this nice to you, I could hang you in the basement and feed off of you whenever I wanted" he growled the last part. Okay, I was truly in the hands of a psychopath. I screamed and tried to get out of his hold, with no avail. "Shut up! Everytime you scream and struggle like that brings you closer to the basment, alright?" he snapped, gripping my wrists so tight, I thought he was going to break them. I nodded quickly. "I would like us to be something of what you would call friends, and in order to be friends..we must trust each other, and to tell you the truth I dont trust you, and I'm pretty sure you dont trust me...at all, so we'll have to work on that" he said, with a slight smile. "You've got your work cut out for you" I muttered, looking down at the floor. "And why is that?" he asked, his eyes turning deep blue again. "I dont trust just anyone" I said. "Well I dont trust just anyone either" he purred, loosening his hold on my wrists,"Are you willing to gain my trust?" Okay, loverboy was way too close, I swear I thought our noses were touching. "Only if you're willing to gain mine" I gulped over the lump in my throat. He smirked,"Very well then, we'll start tomorrow, bright and early" he said, jumping up and taking his shirt off. "What?!" I said, suprised. "I'm going to gain your trust, I'm sure it will only take a day" He said, taking off his pants. "I doubt it" I mumbled, trying to hide the flush on my cheeks as he climbed in next to me. There was a long period of silence that seemed to go on forever. "Lucinda doesnt like you because you are pretty" Hayden said, abruptly. "What?" I said, raising an eyebrow and looking over at him. "She gets jealous, her and I had an affair when she first became my maid, she was young and different, she was human, all the female vampires are a little..agressive, but Lucinda was gentle and I was curious, of what it would be like, but then she grew old and now she despises all the pretty women, human or not, that I bring to the house, she always asks if she could make up a seperate room for them, even though she always knows the answer" he said, with a sigh, "She especially hates you, you are the first human in the house after her" "Great" I muttered. "You just get some rest" Hayden said, turning out the light. "Promise not to get thristy?" I whispered, pulling the covers over myself. "I promise" he chuckled. "Hmm.."I grumbled, digging my head into my pillow.

"Fae, time to wake up my dear" I heard a low purr in my ear the next morning. I opened my eyes to see a smirking Hayden. I sat up, yawning, "What time is it?" "4:30" he said, giving me an innocent stare. I rolled my eyes and got up. "So how is it you're going to 'gain my trust' exactly?" I asked, pulling a sweatshirt over my head and brushing my hair. "I have my ways" he said, standing behind me, grinning as I brushed my hair in the mirror. I set my brush down and turned to face him. "Show me your ways" I said, sarcastically, turning to glare at him with a sour look on my face.

He led me out to the back yard, which was huge. "Is the forest yours too?" I asked. "Yeah, part of it" he stated. "So how are you going to get my trust?" I asked, folding my arms. "Follow me" "This is stupid" I muttered, following him into the forest. "No, 8 hours of sleep is really stupid" he said. "What are you talking about?" I snapped. "Us vampires can sleep if we wish but 8 hours?!" he exclaimed, holding back a laugh. "Its the required minimum" I explained. "Right, here we are" he said, stopping in front of this really big 10 foot boulder. "Its a rock" I said, plainly. "Yes, and you are going to fall off of it" he said. "What?!" I shouted. "You'll fall back and I'll catch you, I've heard its what you humans do to trust each other" he said. "But I'm scared" I whimpered. "Arent you supposed to be screaming then?" he smirked. I rolled my eyes and planted my feet firmly on the ground,"I'm not falling off that thing and expecting you to catch me" "Fae, have I ever done anything bad to you?" he said, slyly, causing me uncontrollable laughter. "You're kidding, right?" I exclaimed, in between laughs. "Okay, I have, but I've always kept my promises, I havent bitten you yet have I? I didnt intrude on you while you were taking a shower, no matter appealing that sounds..." He brushed my cheek with the back of his hand slightly, smirking. "Perv" I muttered. "I'm just trying to annoy you" he said. "You do a good job" I snapped. "Its good to know my work is appreciated" he teased, flashing me that breathtaking smile of his. I looked around, all there was were tons and tons of old trees around 100 feet high. Maybe if I kept running I could get home. It wasnt the best idea, but it was all I had. "Okay...um..I'm gonna climb onto the rock now" I walked behind the rock, like I was going to climb onto it. As soon as I was sure he couldnt see, I started running as fast as I could in the opposite direction.

I had been running for about 10 minutes, when I actually thought this was going to work. Suddenly, I crashed into something cold and hard. I fell to ground, panting heavily. I looked up to see Hayden, the outline of his eyes red while the rest were pure black with rage. "Thats it" he snapped. He picked me up and threw me over his back, holding my legs tightly in one arm. "Let me go!" I was punching his back, kicking and screaming. He just carried me into the house, silently. We went down a flight of stairs and I froze. Hayden had changed his mind, I had gone too far. He set me down on the ground, roughly. Tears were running down my cheeks as he knelt down in front of me so we saw eye-to-eye. "You've pushed me past my limit, Fae" he hissed. All I could do was stare at him, my eyes red, and my face stained with tears. "I didnt want to do this to you" he whispered, picking me up bridal-style and staring into my eyes intensely. My heart stopped as his mouth drew closer to my neck. "Please...Hayden..please" I managed to sob. He answered by plunging his teeth into my neck. I screamed out in agony and began crying even harder. The pain was unbearable. Hayden held on tight as I struggled to get away from him. He pulled away after what seemed like eternity. "I'm sorry" he whispered. He carried me to a small cell and laid me down on a cot. "Sleep well" he purred, closing the gate and locking it. How could I sleep?! I had just been bitten by a vampire and I got up like half an hour ago! Then, I suddenly felt drowsy. My eyes closed and I drifted into a deep sleep.