Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.

Secrets Left Untold

Hayden led me into the ballroom. It was full of white-skinned, beautiful people...well vampires. I felt like exactly what I was, a simple and stupid Nebraska farm girl. I wasnt wordly at all. I had never left my hometown. The whole room seemed to be dressed in black while I was dressed in mint green. I looked around the room, eyes wide.


I looked up to see Hayden, grinning down at me. I glared at him

"What do you think?" I snapped.

"You're probably terrified" he chuckled.

I nodded.

"I'm so sorry about Kristopher, he's a tad aggressive" Hayden whispered.

"What did he do to me?" I asked.

He looked down at me and said,"I'll explain later"

Then, this gorgeous woman with snow white skin and long black hair that reached her waist walked up to us, wearing a revealing red and black corset dress.

"Hello Hayden" she purred, seductively.

"Anna Maria, I would like you to meet Fae" Hayden said, wrapping an arm around my waist, securing me against his side.

She turned scrutinizing eyes on me, her nostrils flaring.

"She's a human" she exclaimed, partly suprised, partly disgusted.

"Yes she is" Hayden replied, cheerily.

"She's so ugly Hayden!" Anna Maria exclaimed even louder.

I glared her, my mouth slightly open. I'm sorry but I'm not going to be insulted like that.

"Excuse me?!" I exclaimed,"I will not be insulted like that, especially not by you! You...who are you? Maybe I'm not breathtakingly beautiful like you think you are, but at least I dont have to shove my breasts up to my face with a stupid corset to get someone to notice me!"

Everyone seemed shocked by my little rant. Anna Maria was glaring at me, furious. Hayden looked down at me, far from furious. He was shaking with silent laughter.

She slapped me hard across the cheek, causing me to stumble back and let out a shriek of pain

"Bitch" she muttered, walking away.

Hayden helped me stand straight and looked me over.

"I wouldnt suggest messing with Anna Maria" he said, wiping some blood away from my mouth,"But I have to admit you were hilarious"

"I'm just sick of people telling me I'm not good enough" I whispered, as he led me to an empty table, pulling out a chair, allowing me to sit down.

He sat down next to me and asked,"Who else has told you that?"

"Basically all of the popular girls at my school, and some popular guys" I answered quietly, not looking at him.

"You are good enough" he said, just as quietly.

"Thanks Hayden, but I dont need your sympathy" I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"I'm serious. Now lets dance" he said, getting up and offering me his arm.

I had a choice, a rare choice. Usually it was go along or get bitten. I would have rejected, but the way he looked at me with those calm blue eyes, patiently waiting. I sighed, got up and took his arm.

Hayden led me to the middle of the dance floor. He put one hand to my waist and took my hand with the other and began leading my around the floor gracefully.

"Where'd you learn to dance so well?" I asked.

"Years upon years of practice, love" he chuckled.

"The last time I saw people dancing like this was in an old movie" I muttered.

"Well, its quite obvious you havent done this before" he said, looking down at my feet that were stumbling at times to keep up.

"Sorry" I muttered.

"Its alright. Thats what I'm here for" he said, smiling down at me with that breathtaking smile.

I was so busy gawking at him tripped over my own feet, making me stumble into Hayden. He caught me, asking,"Are you alright?"

I nodded as he set me straight.

"I think you should sit down" he said, leading me over to the same table.

"No really Hayden I'm fine" I said as I sat down.

He took the same chair next to me and said,"You look dizzy"

"I'm fine" I insisted.

"Hmm..." he said, looking me over, obviously not believing me.

"Hello Hayden, its nice to see you again" a deep masculine voice said from above us.

I looked up to see a man who i guessed was a vampire, with pale skin, brown hair, and striking hazel eyes.

"Hey Lance, how've you been?" Hayden said, grinning and standing up, shaking hands with him.

"Who's your friend?" Lance asked, looking down at me.

"Fae, please meet Lance, a good friend of mine"

I stood up and shook his hand, attempting to smile, but I think I came off more scared then happy.

He smiled graciously and said,"I know it must be frightening, but I assure you that you are in good hands"

I nodded, not knowing what to say.

Lance then whispered something into Hayden's ear and Hayden nodded. his eyes turning a deep green.

"Come along, Fae" Hayden said, taking my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Home, I'll explain everything once we get there, bye Lance"

Without another word, Hayden half led, half dragged me out of the mansion and into his car.

"What happened?!" I exclaimed.

Hayden didnt answer, just put the key in the ignition and began speeding home.

At the mansion, Hayden parked the car and dragged me upstairs into his room and locked the door.

"Whats going on?" I asked again.

"Nothing you need to know, Fae" he snapped, loosening his tie.

"You said you'd tell me!" I insisted.

"I dont mean everything I say"

Our eyes became locked in a staring contest. I knew who was going to win, but I could at least try. After about a minute of crumbling under the power of Hayden's beautiful eyes, I blinked and looked away. I could just see him grinning as he sat down next to me and put a hand on my back.

"You do look beautiful tonight" he said, softly.

"Again, I'm not looking for sympathy" I snapped, looking up at him. His face was just as I had pictured.

"Again, I'm being serious" he said.

I sighed and went into the bathroom. Hayden was just kidding around. I knew it. It took me forever to get out of my dress, let down my hair, take off my makeup and get into my pajamas. When I stepped out of the bathroom. Hayden was in his boxers laying on top of the covers, staring at me. My breathing almost stopped at how amazingly gorgeous he was.

"Are you coming to bed or not?" Hayden's voice broke my thoughts.

I nodded and climbed in next to him.

"Are you ever going to explain to me what happened tonight?" I asked, while getting under the covers.

"Maybe someday" he replied, grinning.

I rolled my eyes and rested my head against the pillow.

"Good night, Fae" he said, almost teasingly.

"Mhhmm" I mumbled in response, my eyes already closed.

The last thing I heard was Hayden's soft chuckle before I fridted off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys this is going to be my last update for the next two weeks because I will be off to sleepaway camp! Yay for me..sort of. But I'll be thinking about what i can do with this story I promise. Then I'll have a great new chapter for ya once I get back. See you in two weeks!