Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.

Kiss of Death

It was the middle of the night when I was awoken by a low hiss coming from Hayden's side of the bed. I looked over to see Hayden staring at me like he never had before, his eyes completely black. He stared at me angrily, hungrily, wantingly.

"Hayden..." I started cautiously, trying to move away from him, but he pounced on me and pinned me to the floor by the shoulders, still the same hungry desire etched all over his face.

"Hayden what are you doing?!" I exclaimed.

I screamed as his mouth drew closer to my neck.

"Hayden..stop!" But it was too late, he plunged his fangs into my neck, causing me extreme agony.

I thrashed around, screaming, trying to struggle out of his grip but it held no avail. Hayden was a hundred times stronger than I was.

When he finally pulled his teeth out of my neck, I felt dizzy and numb in most places. I looked up to see Hayden's beautiful blue eyes slowly turning brightest yellow as he held my face in his hands saying,"Fae I am so sorry!"

But before I could respond I felt myself drifting out of consciousness.

Most of my dreams were mixed up and distorted, none making sense. First, I saw my family and friends, standing outside my house smiling at me Then, Hayden appeared by them also smiling, a little bit too seductively. Then my family and friends disappeared, and so did my house, leaving Hayden smiling at me, gently. But then, his eyes turned black and a roar of rage escaped his lips, he stared at me with the same expression as before, wanting, thirsting for my blood.

I awoke with a start to find myself in Hayden's arms, him carrying me down the stairs of the mansion.

"Hayden..." I mumbled.

"Be quiet, Fae" he hissed, placing me in the passenger seat of his car and closing the door behind me noiselessly.

He got into the drivers seat, closed the door and began speeding out onto the road.

"Where are we going?" I demanded.

Hayden just tightened his grip on the steering wheel, causing his knuckles to turn white.

"Damn it Hayden tell me!" I shouted.

He suddenly pulled over to the side of the road. The car stopped with a deafening screech.

"I think I might be killing you, Fae" he whispered, eyes closed.

"Wh-What? H-How?" I stuttered, staring at him, terrified.

"Please don't be afraid" he breathed, gripping my wrists, his face only inches from mine.

"Hayden, I'm not ready to die" I whimpered.

"You aren't going to die, Fae" he snapped, fiercely.

Hayden released my wrists and began speeding down the road once more.

My eyes widened when we drove up to Kristopher's castle-like mansion.

"Why are we here?" I inquired.

"He can help you, Kristopher is an acclaimed master of medicine, he wont hurt you, I promise" he said, opening the door and helping me out.

There was complete silence as we began walking up the path to Kristopher's mansion. Then, I felt Hayden's hand slide smoothly into mine, squeezing it gently, whispering,"You aren't going to die"

I nodded, biting my lip, holding back tears.

Hayden led me up the stairs and knocked on the door. A couple of seconds later, a young woman of around 20 opened the door. She had long blond hair and brown eyes.

"Oh, hello Hayden" she giggled.

"Can you please get Kristopher for me, Heather?" Hayden asked, rather impatiently.

"He asks not to be disturbed right now" she replied, put down by his tone.

"This is urgent, please" he growled.

I saw Hayden's eyes bore into hers and she looked as if she was going into a trance.

"One moment please" she said, turning around and walking away briskly.

"What did you do?" I snapped.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures" he shrugged.

"Is she human?" I asked.

"No, she's a witch" he replied.

I held back a laugh,"What?"

"Not just vampires inhabit these lands" he replied.

"Like who?" I asked.

"Another time" he said, briskly.

"Another explanation" I sighed.

"You can add that one to your list" he joked.

Then, Kristopher appeared before us, aggravated.

"What is it Hayden I have a guest" he snapped.

"Never mind your sex life Kris, this is serious" Hayden snapped back.

"And you think my sex life isn't" he muttered.

Hayden let out a low growl, his eyes turning red.

"Fine! Fine...this way" Kris exclaimed, hands up.

He led us into a large living room with a roaring fireplace. Hayden sat down on the couch and I sat down next to him. Kris sat down on the chair across from us and crossed his legs.

"So what can I do for you?"

"I think I might be killing Fae" Hayden whispered.

"Please let me have a taste before you suck all the blood out of her" Kristopher chuckled.

I heard a growl building in Hayden's chest.

"Okay, I get it, why do you think you are killing your beloved Fae?" Kris asked, slightly sarcastic.

"I've taken too much blood out of her I'm almost sure of it, I see the color draining from her face everyday" Hayden explained, almost hopelessly.

"I'm going to need to take a blood sample" Kris said, coming over to me.

I cringed back into Hayden, terrified of Kris.

"Shh...its okay, Fae, I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you" he shushed, wrapping an arm around my waist and tilting my head back, revealing my whole neck to Kris.

I saw Hayden give Kris a warning look.

"I promise" Kris said, solemnly. You could really tell he was serious about his work.

I whimpered as Kris' teeth punctured my skin slightly. But just as his teeth were in my neck, they were out.

"I'll be right back" Kris said, getting up and walking out.

Tears began running down my cheeks silently, but Hayden saw them. He pressed a finger against my cheek and caught my tears.

"Shh..." he whispered. I felt his cool breath against my ear, making me shiver.

About ten minutes later Kris walked in.

"Congratulations, its a girl" he said, sitting back down.

Hayden narrowed his eyes at Kris,"What are you talking about?"

"Fae isn't in any danger of dying but.." Kris faltered.

"But..?" Hayden urged.

"Lets just say Fae doesn't belong to her parents anymore" Kris said.

"Explain please" Hayden said.

"The blood I took from Fae was poison, if I had ingested it, I would have died instantly" Kris explained,"She belongs to you, Hayden, its now your job to protect her. You see, you ingested so much of her blood that you had to replace some of her blood with yours subconsciously"

"Why would I do that?" Hayden inquired.

"I don't know, but in the meantime, enjoy your new pet" Kris said, getting up.

"So she's not in any danger?" Hayden confirmed.

"No more than usual, being in our world" Kris said, going towards the stairs.

"She's safe with me" Hayden barked, a little defensively.

"Lets hope, oh and Hayden, just a little fyi, she's only safe from vampire bites"

I saw Hayden's eyes widen as Kris walked up the stairs calling,"I'm coming Louise!"

Hayden stood up and half-pulled, half-dragged me out the door. I had to jog to keep up with him down the path.

"Hayden!" I exclaimed, breathless.

"What?" he snapped turning around a little too fast, causing me to crash into him. Before I could move away he wrapped his arms around me, holding me to him.

"What was Kris talking about?" I asked, timidly.

"You belong to me now" he retorted, studying my face.

"Should I be scared?" I asked.

"I'm not quite sure about that yet" he mumbled, holding my face in his hands.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked, curiously.

"Do you mind if I test something really quick, Fae?" he asked.

I shook my head,"No, but what-" but I was cut off by Hayden pressing his lips against mine. I felt weightless as we stayed lip-locked for what seemed like forever. You could obviously tell he'd done this before..he was so good at it. But, this was my first kiss. I know it sounds pathetic but I just never found anyone like that. He pulled away gently and rested his forehead against mine.

"Interesting" he whispered.