Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.

Playing Hard to Get?

Hayden did not mention the kiss for the rest of the day.

"I'm going out" Hayden said that evening, putting his jacket on.

"Where?" I asked.

He gave me a dark look,"None of your business" he snapped.

"Sorry" I mumbled.

He sighed and sat down next to me and stared at me with calm blue eyes.

Hayden touched my cheek gently with the back of his hand, and said,"Your new room is next to this one, all your stuff is already in there"

I nodded, taken aback.

"Good bye" he whispered, kissing my cheek and leaving.

I decided to check out my new room. I was partly happy, partly sad about Hayden giving me my own room. I was happy because I felt that he finally trusted me. I was sad because maybe he was just getting sick of me.

My 'new' room was painted a mint green, about the same color as my 'homecoming' dress. It had a queen-sized canopy bed with a green slightly lighter than the color of the walls. There was a light mahogany dresser and nightstand. On the nightstand, there was a note with my name on the front in a familiar script that I knew to be Hayden's. I unfolded it and it read in the same careful script:

Dear Fae,

I have never been one to express my feelings aloud, and when I discovered you belonged to me, I was afraid I would lose you, and it would be my fault. I have decided to protect you, body and soul. There are worse things in these lands than vampires Fae, never forget that.



P.S.-I hope you like your new room. I thought you deserved a little space. Green is such a lovely color, don't you think?

He was afraid to lose me. Was it because he didn't want to be blamed or...something else? I guess I was under Hayden's protection now, and I wasn't sure what that meant.

A couple hours later, I was sitting at the kitchen counter, eating ravioli, when I heard the front door open and a shrill voice exclaim,"Oh Hayden you are so funny!" Then, Hayden walked in with the blond witch named Heather, who was Kristopher's maid, on his arm.

"Heather please meet Fae, my pet" Hayden said, turning amused eyes on me.

I opened my mouth to retaliate but Hayden put a finger to his lips and shook his head.

I closed my mouth and glared at Hayden.

"I think it is time for you to go to bed, Fae" Hayden said, pointedly, jerking his head towards the stairs.

I got up and was about to walk past him when he caught my arm.

"But I would like to talk to you in private first, Heather, you can wait up in my room" he said, winking at her. She giggled and went upstairs.

"So easy" he whispered, mostly to himself, watching her go. Then, he looked down at me and held my cheek in one hand.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted, pushing his hand away,"You kissed me! And i know it may not be a big deal to you but it was to me! That was my first kiss Hayden! I was saving that for someone important to me! Someone who wouldn't kiss me and then go off with someone else!"

He stared at me, shocked by my little rant.

"Fae, I-" he started, but I cut across him,"You don't have to say anything. Its obvious I don't mean that much to you"

I pushed him, trying to get him out my way but it didn't do anything. He gripped my wrists tightly and looked down at me, his eyes surprisingly a bright yellow.

"I never meant to hurt you" he whispered, his face an inch away from mine.

"Please let go of me" I begged, tears in my eyes.

"Fae..." he began, but I cut across him again,"Please" I whimpered, tears streaming down my face.

He sighed and let go of me.

I ran upstairs, sobbing.

I heard Hayden and Heather having sex the whole night, which made me sob harder.

The whole week Hayden brought a new woman home every night. He would try and talk to me, but I would ignore him.

I woke up to find a hand on my back. I turned around to see Hayden staring at me.

"Where's Elizabeth?" I sneered.

"I kicked her out" he retorted.

"Why? Was she not good enough for you?" I growled.

Hayden sighed and and began stroking my hair.

"Fae, the reason I've been so promiscuous this past week was.." he faltered.

"Spit it out" I snapped.

"Was to see if anything compared to my kiss with you" he whispered.

"Shut up" I muttered.

"Fae! I'm serious...you make me curious..." he purred, holding my face in his hands.

As soon as he touched my face, I broke down.

"Hayden...you hurt me" I sobbed.

"Hurt you how Fae? Are you alright?" he asked, anxiously, making me laugh.

"Hayden! You didn't do anything to hurt me physically. You hurt me right here" I explained teary-eyed, pointing to my heart,"By kissing me and then having sex with these other girls like I didn't mean anything to you...thats what hurt"

"There's only one explanation for a vampire to replace his victim's blood with his own when they are in danger of dying" he said, resting his forehead against mine.

"He has to truly care about his victim" he whispered,"And I truly care about you, Fae"

He leaned in to kiss me, but I looked away.

"C'mon sweetie..." he mumbled, placing a hand on the back of my head, his fingers going through my hair.

"Hayden, I'm not gonna be that easy, I need to be sure you really care about me, not just because" I said.

He smiled,"Playing hard to get, are we?"

I suddenly felt his hands on my stomach, tickling me.

I began shrieking with laughter, trying to push him away.

"C'mon Fae, you can take it" he said, jokingly.

Before I knew it he was on top of me, still tickling me to the death.

"Hayden stop!" I shouted through my laughter.

He finally stopped, but he didn't get off me, he just leaned down so our faces were less than an inch apart.

"Hayden..." I mumbled, before he pressed his lips against mine. It was amazing, even more so than the first one. It seemed more intimate and gentle. He moved his lips against mine so slowly and carefully, guiding me.

"I care" he whispered, resting his forehead against mine.

I was avoiding his gaze by checking my cuticles.

He gripped my hand and bore his eyes into my mine.

"Fae...please respond" he said, softly.

"Hayden..." I started, tears running down my cheeks.


"I've always cared" I choked out, making him smile.

"Fae?" he said.


Would you be willing..." he trailed off, playing with the buttons on my shirt.

"Hayden..I'm not sure" I mumbled,"I'm only 15"

"Sweetie..." he purred, cradling my face in his hands tenderly.

"Hayden I told you I need to be sure, and I need to get to know you more, you may know me, but I've just realized I know nothing about you" I said.

"Ask me anything" he said.

I gave him a mischevious look and his eyes widened.

"I shouldnt have said that" he whispered, with a slight smile that didnt reach his eyes.

"Hayden! You promised you'd tell me!" I exclaimed.

"Fae..please calm down" he murmured, kissing my forehead.

"But..." I mumbled, but he cut across me by kissing me again. I moaned when he pulled away and began kissing my neck.

"Hayden" I breathed as he moved to my collarbone. Every kiss he left on my skin was wonderful.

"How long have you been doing this?" I asked, softly.

"A long time" he smirked against my skin.

"Like how long?" I asked.

His face met mine and he said,"337 years"

My mouth was wide open.

"How long have you been doing this?" he asked, grinning.

"You know you gave me my first kiss" I muttered.

He chuckled and moved some hair away from my face,"I know, I just like the thought of it"

Hayden rolled over so he was laying beside me and pulled me tight against him.

"Hayden?" I mumbled, my voice muffled against his chest.


"I'm hungry"

He laughed and got up,"Right, you're a human"

I nodded, getting up and rolling my eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry its taken me so long but I just started highschool soo...not a lot of free time.