Did Superman just crash through my window? Oh no its just a Vampire.

Body and Soul

"Fine, one question" Hayden said, giving in, after almost two hours of me begging him to tell me something.

"Just one!?" I exclaimed.

"You'll take what I give you" he growled.

"Fine.." I grumbled, trying to think of what I wanted to know the most.

"Why do you go all crazy when your eyes turn black?" I asked, taking a bite of my sandwhich.

He stared at me, pleadingly,"I dont want you to be afraid" he whispered, reaching out and putting his hand on mine.

"Just tell me Hayden" I replied softly.

"Remember when I told you how I lost control with that woman back in your world?" he said.

I nodded.

"Thats what happened with you, Fae" he said, suddenly gripping my hand.

"Why didnt I die?" I asked in a whisper.

"Because I care about you Fae, and I guess this is my mind's way of telling me that I need you, when I replaced your blood with mine" he murmured, trailing his fingers along my neck, making goosebumps appear on my arms. He noticed this and grinned.

"But how I do I know you're not going to go crazy again?" I asked.

"Because I think I might be in love with you, Fae" he said in the softest of whispers. So soft, I almost didnt hear him, but I did.

I stared at him, beyond shocked.

Our eyes remained locked for what seemed like forever, his eyes that perfect crystal blue. But when I continued not to say anything his eyes slowly turned yellow.

"I'm so sorry Fae" he whispered, getting up and going upstairs so quickly, I didnt get a chance to respond.

I got up and followed him, but he wasnt in his room, or mine. I walked down the hallway and opened a random door to find Hayden sitting at a desk in a room that looked like an office. The walls were lined with bookshelves filled with old looking books. Hayden was at the desk in a huge comfy-looking swivel chair, scribbling something on paper so fast, his hand looked like blur.

"Hayden?" I called out weakly, making his head snap up to face me, his eyes an odd mixture of red and yellow. Oh no, he was mad.

Before I could say anything, Hayden burst,"I'm sorry Fae, I dont know how I could be so idiotic! I've kidnapped you, dragged you to this foul place, and almost sucked you dry! How could I possibly expect your love in return! You deserve much more than I can give you, you'd be much better off if I just returned you to your home"

At his last words I let out an involuntary,"No!"

He raised an eyebrow.

"I...I think I might be in l-love with you t-too" I stuttered.

"Honey...it wouldnt be practical" he said, carefully.

"Practical?! Since when have you tried to be practical?!" I exclaimed, making him crack a smile.

He walked over to me and held my face in his hands carefully, studying me closely. I just stared at him, trying to communicate how sincere I was. He sighed and planted a gentle kiss on my lips that made me melt. Hayden wrapped his arms around my waist tracing his tongue along my bottom lip before pushing it in. He moved one hand to stroke my cheek while moving my tongue with his. I had never felt so blissful. As long as I was in Hayden's strong, loving embrace, nothing could hurt me.

Suddenly, Hayden picked me up and slung me over his shoulder, making me let out a squeal of suprise. He chuckled and carried me out of his office and down the hall, into his bedroom.

He laid me out on the bed and climbed on top of me, stradling my hips.

"Fae..." he whispered, stroking my cheek with the back of two of his fingers.

"Mmhmm" I mumbled, closing my eyes.

"Dont tell me you're getting bored already?" he joked, but I could feel the seriousness in his voice too.

I opened my eyes and shook my head,"Just enjoying the moment" I whispered, causing him to smirk.

"We could make your moment better...we could also make it last more than a moment" he purred, leaning down and kissing my neck, making me let out a soft moan.

"Would you be willing to surrender yourself to me? Body and soul?" he whispered, staring me with his clear blue eyes, that were slowly turning a deep purple.

I nodded, knowing that due to past events, Hayden should be the last person I should give myself to, but right now as he stared at me only the way Hayden could, I couldnt think of anyone better.

He smiled and began unbuttoning his shirt and in under two seconds, he revealed his amazingly sculpted body I had never quite gotten used to seeing. A familiar feeling returned from the first time I saw Hayden bare-chested and this close to me. My face became flushed and my throat closed up.

He grinned and got off me, sliding off his pants, leaving him in black satin boxers. Before I could move he scooped me up into his arms, cradling me gently against his (bare!)chest. I stared up at him, his eyes now a deep purple. He sighed and set me down on the edge of the bed and kneeled down on the bed behind me.

He began kissing my neck and he wrapped his arms around me, unbuttoning my shirt, kissing my bare shoulder as he removed my shirt, throwing it on the floor. He pulled me on his lap and unhooked my bra, taking it off. I tried to cover myself with my arms embarassed, but he carefully pushed my arms away and whispered,"Baby you're beautiful"

Hayden unzipped my pants and pulled them off, than got on top of me once more. "Hayden..." I mumbled as he pulled off my underwear, kissing my collarbone.

"Mmm?" he mumbled, his lips still against my skin.

"I'm...scared" I stuttered.

"Dont be, I'll be extra gentle, and we can stop anytime you want" he promised, sliding off his boxers.

But I didnt want to stop. If I had thought kissing Hayden was bliss, than him making love to me was just...pure heaven.

"I love you" he murmured, laying down beside me wrapping his arms around me, pulling me tight against his chest.

"I love you too" I whispered, tears running down my cheeks, resting my hands against his chest.

"Sweetheart, I want you to promise me something" he whispered, his lips pressed against my hair.

"Okay" I said, closing my eyes.

"If you ever happen to be wandering the woods alone, which I doubt will happen soon, always be on your guard, and if you happen to come to a red bridge, whatever you do, do not cross it without me with you, promise me" he said, his voice suddenly urgent.

"I promise, Hayden" I said.

"Thank you, Fae" he purred, kissing my forehead.

I yawned and got up, putting on Hayden's long-sleeve, black, dress shirt.

"It looks better on you" Hayden said, staring at me, his hands behind his head, relaxed.

I made a face,"No, nothing compares"

He sighed and got up, putting on his boxers and walked up to me.

He pushed my hair behind my ear, staring at me.

He gave me a gentle kiss and whispered,"I will never lose you"
♠ ♠ ♠
i know this one's kinda short-ish, but it sure was juicy huh?