Stay With Me, Lay With Me


Im not really known for much. Im just this quiet girl no one notices. I make decent grades, I don't do sports and I've never had a boyfriend. Well, no, I take that back. That wierd boy Travis from the 2nd grade told me I was his girlfriend so I guess that counts. Im Sunnie by the way. And Im 17 years old. Thats pretty much me, well until we moved to Utah...

"Utah? MOM! What the hell is there to do in Utah?!"

"Watch your mouth young lady. And we aren't moving there to entertain you, we are moving to get a fresh start. It'll be good for ya! Maybe you might actually have friends there."

I pretty much stopped listening to her after 'watch your mouth'. I just stood there watching HER mouth move, and not hearing anything. This could be why I don't make friends. Im not much of a listener you could say.

"Sunnie Marie! Are you even listening to me?!"

"Oh yeah my mouth..I got it."

My mom stomped off noticably pissed off. "Teenagers" she mumbled under her breath..

I didn't really care if we moved or not, I don't really have much here in Florida either. No friends no family, Just me and my mom..What a life.

I really liked writing music. You could say, It was my "Thing" Of course my mom doesn't understand it. She hates when I play Piano while she's "Watching Oprah" But I do it anyway. I couldn't go a day without writing a lyric, or playing the piano. Thats the only thing I loved in the world. Once again, This could be a reason I don't have friends. Nobody gets it, they all want to go to football games and plan for prom. Not me, I could care less about that shit. And everybody knew it.

Somehow I had fallen asleep on the couch after me and mom had that talk.

"Sunnie baby, We are leaving soon..In a few hours. Pack your stuff."

"Fuck mom, Why now? Im sleeping."

"There you go with that mouth, nevermind that, Just get up. We are leaving at 5 for the Airport and its already 2:30."

"Fine whatever.." I got up much to my disliking, and headed to my room. I had tons of posters on the wall. Those were definately coming with me. I had piles and piles of cds on the floor..and barely enouugh boxes to pack them up with. But They were coming too.

I loved my room. I actually felt kinda sad when packing all of my amazing things into dirty brown boxes...

-Hours Pass-

"Ok mom, thats everything. All of my stuff."

"Did you bring extra underwear? You know.. for the hotel?"

"Mom..Yes..Im not 3.."

I rolled my eyes and went outside to get in the car. Apparently my mother was leaving all of our shit there and having a moving truck bring it to us when we get a house. I didn't really like the idea of some fat guy named Larry with his buttcrack hanging out handling my personal things..But thats just me.

We finally left our driveway, and as I stared out the back window at our small house getting smaller with the distance, I had a feeling this might actually be a good thing...
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