Stay With Me, Lay With Me


We pulled up to some shitty hotel, like I knew we would.

"We're staying here?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"Don't start Sunnie Marie..You can sleep outside for all I care."

"What a loving mother..." I mumbled this under my breath not meaning for it to be heard.

While my mom went to check us in, I snooped around the car. I don't go many places with her so Im never in this death trap my mom calls her car. I opened the console hoping that she hid her cigarettes there. I would only take one or two for when she goes out to party..

"What the hell?" I said this out loud without noticing..

I had picked up a brochure of some kind..For a school? I read it trying to see what they offered. Math..boooo. Science..No thank you. Cultural History? What the hell is that?

Then I read the back page, and my eyes lit up and a ginormous smile wiped across my face.

"AN ART SCHOOL?!" I squealed clapping my hands and jumping around.

Oh my god. Had my mom actually done something to make me happy? I was about to pee myself with joy. Seriously I had to pee.. So I got out of the car, locked it like a "responsible young adult" as my mom would say, and headed for the check in area where my mom was standing there handing money to a bellboy with the fakest of smiles on her face. "Here's for your troubles" she said in a whisper-y type voice that told me she liked him. He was big, fat, mexican and he had a wierd moustache..Great choice mom.

I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her where the bathroom was.. she didn't even look at me, she just kept smiling and batting her eyelashes at that freakin guy..

"I guess I'll find it thanks mom!"

"mhmm yeah whatever.." she replied not paying attention.

I walked down a yellow wallpapered hallway just taking in my surroundings..I obviously wasn't watching where I was going because I felt somone bump into me right in the shoulder.

"Oh hey Im sorry.." I looked up only to see a kid about my age, with a cigarette in hand and some flyers in the other.

"No problem..I am Bert by the way." He reached his hand out for me to pound it. He went into an elaborate handshake like I was supposed to know what the hell he was doing. I found it awfully cute in a way.

"Don't you have a name?"

Stupid stupid stuid..Talk..he's hot..he smokes..and he wants to know your name!

"Uhmm its Sunnie."

"Well Sunnie if you are staying in this place, you should come check my band out at practice tonight." He handed me a flyer. "You might like it..shit..You'll LOVE IT!" he said with a cheesy smile as he added jazz hands.. I was giggling like a 3 year old in church by now..

"Sure I'll ask my mom. What's your room number? I don't know mine yet."

"Oh yeah. Its 339 just come by about eight-ish and I'll take you down to the parking lot myself"

"Parking lot?" ooook...This kid is wierd.

"Duh we can have a practice in the room, just trust me. Do you promise you'll come?"

"I'll be there." I said as he smiled and walked away...