Stay With Me, Lay With Me


I was getting dressed..
"ehh I look ok.."
I said unenthusiastically.
I was honestly a pretty girl. I have green eyes and dyed red hair. I am pretty skinny and tall but I don't usually wear clothes to show that off..
I cover up usually.
Jeans band tee and a jacket, that’s all I need.
"Aren't you going to get dressed up?" my mom said this in the bitchiest tone.
"Mom I’m going to go listen to music, not audition for Miss Teen USA"
"Oh..Really? Will there be boys there?"
I totally didn't mean to blush. I hate it that I did. "Uhmm yes ma'am."
"Ok! Be back by 11!"
Phew..saved from a 'boys only want sex' talk...I hate those.

Bert's POV-
I walked into our room and Quinn was lying on the floor tuning his guitar.
"Hey guys I think I got this chick to come.. Her name is Sunnie"
"Sweet. You think anyone else will come?" He turned my way and put his guitar down.
"Nahh probably not but its our first gig. Who cares? Anyways this Sunnie girl, she is so effing hot. I totally pulled some game on her.."
Quinn just shook his head. Everyone knows I don't have game. I just act lame and girls run away. It’s quite sad actually.
It got all quiet and then I heard a knock on the door.

Sunnie's POV-

"Hey how’s it going?" Bert opened up the door and pulled me into a hug. A HUG! Oh my gosh he is so cute. I can’t help but be a loser about it.
"I-I-I’m good. You?"
"Fine. Come on in. I think the guys are still getting dressed and stuff but we can just chill for a sec.”
“Ok. So what is the band’s name?”
“It’s called The Used. It’s a pretty rad name, I think.”
“Definitely.” I was sounding so nervous. I could tell! God why is he so adorable?
“This might be kind of personal but do you have a boyfriend?”
Crap. There is no way he is asking me this. I will never be able to get the answer out. AGHHH just talk!!
“Uhmm not right now. I mean no like..uhhh not yet..well not ever.”
“I’m sorry. I mean no.”
“Ok good. I was just wondering because well, I think you are gorgeous and we don’t get many girls to hang out with us, so we should definitely hang out and get to know each other better. Does that make sense? I’m not very good at this kind of thing.”
“Uh have you noticed my stuttering? Because I am HORRIBLE at meeting new people. So, you aren’t alone.”
We both smiled at this and pretty much stared each other down for like 30 seconds and then some random dude walked out of the bathroom.
“Bert we need more towels.”
He was standing there completely naked not even trying to cover up. Well that is, until he saw me..
“Oh shit. Im..So sorry.”
There was a fruit basket on the table from the hotel manager and this naked guy picked up a pineapple and covered his “junk” up.. I was trying so hard not to laugh.
“I’m Jeph by the way… but let me go get some clothes before we get to talking…”
He ran back into the bathroom trying his hardest to cover up his bare ass. By now, I was cracking up.
“So that’s Jeph. And yes he is pretty much always naked.”
“I’m not going to comment. I’ll just pretend it didn’t happen”
“Good idea.” We both started smiling again. He scooted a little closer to me and I pretended not to notice when inside I was jumping and screaming like a little girl.
He turned on the TV and it was on some lifetime movie.
“That’s gay.” He kept repeating as he changed the channel. “Is there anything you wanna watch while we wait for nudist Jeph?”
“No that’s ok.” I giggled. This kid is so funny. “So when are we going down to the gig?”
“Uhh well I think it starts at 9 but we can show up whenever. I’m pretty sure there won’t be many people there.”
“Why not? I’m sure you guys are great.”
“Well we are new so we don’t have a fan base yet. We don’t even have any groupies…. Yet”
He nudged my shoulder with his elbow, raising his eyebrows when he said “yet”.
“I’m sure I could fit my groupie skills into my busy schedule.”
“That’s my kind of girl.” We both laughed and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
“I think we’re gonna get along pretty good.”
All I could do was blush. I had never been this close to a guy like ever and especially not to one so good looking.
“I think so too. I’m really excited to hear you play. What’s your place in the band?”
“I’m the lead vocal. I love singing, it’s my passion.”
“That’s amazing. I sing too. It’s such a release. I can never explain it to people who don’t sing.”
“Oh my god. I know exactly what you are talking about. Nobody ever knows what the hell I mean when I say that. They just look at me like I have something on my face or something..”
There I go, smiling again.
“You have an amazing smile Sunnie.”
“Nobody has ever told me that before. Thank you.”
“What?! No one has told you your smile was pretty? Is everyone you know missing their eyes?”
“Uh no? I just don’t really talk to many people. Its nothing really.”
“We are going to have to change that. I will make sure of it.”
Just as Bert said that and before I could say ‘hell no’, the rest of the band walked out and a blond haired kid said, “Ok. Lets go.. All the equipment is down stairs.”
“You ready?” Bert turned my way and said.
“Yeah. All ready!” I said this a little bit too happy but I don’t think anyone noticed.
We were all walking down the empty hotel hallway on our way out and Bert walked up next to me, he grabbed my fingers and enlaced his with mine.