Forever and Always.


I was shocked, surprised, confused, I was just loosing my mind. Here I was doing nothing, I couldn't even bring myself to push Edward off but what was more astonishing than that was that I kissed him back and he didn't try to stop.

"Edward?" I spoke in a low voice

"Sorry." He said in return

I looked at him, he was just as surprised, like he truly didn't meant to kiss me.

"I..Uh.." I had no idea what to say

Edward looked in front of him then got out of the car and kicked it, making me jump a bit, I could hear every thought that came to his mind.

God I'm so stupid!

Why did I even do that, God! ugh!

It's Lene, how could I ever kiss her?!

I didn't like Edward like that in any way but the things he was thinking made me feel bad, it was like I wasn't worth kissing, even if it was just like a small peck, the way he was putting was that even if I was the last girl in the world he still wouldn't want to kiss me. I closed my eyes and blocked my mind I didn't want to hear him anymore.

* * *

"Lene?" Edward asked a couple of hours later


"I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just." He sighed

"Don't worry about it."

"You seem angry at me."

"Well you kind of thought that I wasn't worth that's something a girl does never want to hear."

"I know, I just I love Bella."

"I never you said you didn't but you were the one that kissed me."

"And I don't know why."

"Well Why don't we just pretend it never happened."

"I want you not be upset or angry at me."

"I'll get over it." I mumbled

"Lene please I don't want to be on the wrong foot."

"Edward!" I yelled

"WHAT?" he yelled back

"You don't know how hard this is!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean ugh Alice and her visions, then what Alexander said it's so ugh."

"Lene this has nothing to do with that."

"But can't you see!! It's like ugh I don't even know what to say."

"Why are you so angry!?"

"Because I want to be!"

"That's a stupid reason."

I laughed sarcastically.

"Why did you kiss me?"

"To remind myself why I hate you."

"Oh very mature Edward!"

"See you're so impossible!"

"You're the one being a jerk and ugh."

"What's ugh."

I screamed in desperation and anger, I couldn't take one more minute with him.

"Stop the car!" I deamanded


"Stop the fucking car Edward!"

"Wash your mouth with soap!"

"NO! And if you don't stop this car I'm going to jump off and tell them you pushed me off!"

"You wouldn't!"

"Provoke me and I will, now stop the car!"

"Fine have it your way!"

He pulled over, I glared at him and got out of the car making sure to slam the door.

"What are you going to do?"

"Walk the rest of the way!" I told him crossing my arms

"Get in Lene!"

"NO just leave you hate me so just leave!"

"I didn't mean that, you know that."

"Whatever just leave, or I'm going to scream that you're harassing me."

"Lene just get in!!"

I shook my hand and walked away. I heard the Volvo engine, then I saw it pass me with a lot of speed, I walked quickly but I ended up sitting on the floor crying for being so lost and confused with my whole life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry hope you like it!
OHH I got my entertainment weekly magazine and to my schokness it was a twilight front cover!
haha Robert and Kristen on the cover :D

Thanks to you all!!