Forever and Always.

Say what

Jacob's POV

Jacob when are you going to come back?

When I want to.
I hissed to Sam

Your dad is starting to worry for you.

He shouldn't

but he is Jacob, just come back home.

I don't want to.

You're being stubborn!

I don't care, I just want to be away from everything

No you want to away from that leech.

I closed my eyes and tried to take her off my thoughts, but I couldn't stop thinking of her it was to much pain, and I never had experienced this. I took deep breaths and tried to calm down before I would change into my wolf form again.

Jacob it's time for you to come back.

I just need a bit more time.

You've had enough, now come back.

I shook my head, I didn't want to go back, and I wasn't going to take orders from anybody I was the one who was going to choose what to do with my life not anybody else.

Lene's POV

"So you're going to help me?"

"Yeah I am."

Rosalie smiled and clapped her hands happily.

"That's great."

"But I don't want Edward."

"Why not?"

"He's a jerk and I hate him, and I can't stand him!"

"But you're helping me break him up with Bella?"

"Yeah I told you I was."


"Because you're right, we didn't have a choice and neither should she." I nodded

"I'm so glad you agree with me."

"But we have keep this on the down low."

"I know what you mean."

"So we have to I guess think that we're not doing this at all."

"A trick."

"Yes, to keep Alice away from seeing anything."

"Ah brilliant."

"And keep thought secluded from Edward."

"That's going to be hard."

"Just think about Emmett and not this."

"and don't let Jasper know where nervous or anything!"

"Yes, and we should start after graduation."

"Or today."

"Or never."

We smiled as we kept changing our mind so we could confuse Alice.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?"

"Yeah I guess."


"Eh it's like graduation."

"True, It never gets old."

"It truly doesn't"

We laughed and then the door opened.

"Hey Emmett."

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"Supposed to but I'm not."

"Why not?"

"Because Edward is being a jerk." Rosalie told him


"He's always a jerk to me, just today he really ticked me off, and I left."

"Why what he do?"

"He told me I was selfish, and that I was running away from my life."

"Why would he say that?"

"Because I asked when this whole hate thing was going to be over."

"What hate thing?"

Rosalie sighed and took Emmett's hand in hers and sat him down in the bed.

"Jasper and Alice seem to not like Lene at the moment cause of some stupid vision, and Edward just blames her when it's his fault and Bella is giving her the cold shoulder."

"Wow I'm sorry."

"Eh it's okay."

"But I mean he was the one that kissed you!" Rosalie shrieked

I had given her every single detail of that night when I got home, and she was just shocked but happy.

"Wait! Edward kissed you?"

"Yeah out of nowhere and then he acts like it's my fault."

"wow does Bella know?"

"Do you really think he would tell her?" Rosalie asked him

"He is being a jerk."

"That's why me and you are on Lene's side." Rosalie said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Totally on your side on this one." Emmett agreed

"Thanks! Makes me feel better."

Rosalie giggled and gave me a hug, and then sat on Emmett's lap I smiled at them, I wished I could have something like that, just from looking at them you could see they loved each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
Big time procrastinator hehe shame on me,
but here it is and this one is for: