Forever and Always.

Don't look back.

Jacob's POV

I saw the Volvo pass by me, it was probably Edward going somewhere or who knows. I made it down the three miles and parked, then got out and walked to the front door and just went in.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hey Bella nice to see you too."

"Hi Jacob."

"Where's Lene?"

Bella looked at me with a raised eye brow.

"What you changed your mind about killing her?"

"I was never going to kill her Bella."

"Oh wait you were going to let he be killed sorry."

"Do you know where she is?"

"Last I saw her she was with Rosalie."

"Do you know where she's at?"

Bella looked around and then shook her head.

"No, but you should probably go."


"If Edward, or Alice sees you... Just go Jacob."

"I need to talk to Lene."

"I'll tell her you came and to call you when I see her."

I placed my hands on Bella's cheek and brought my face close to hers.

"I really need to talk to her Bella."

Now she placed her hands on my cheeks.

"I know, but this isn't the time."

"Why not?"

"Just go Jacob, I don't want any trouble."

Before I could reply I felt somebody push me out of the house.


"I'm not here to talk to you Edward." I said pulling away from his grip

"It's my house and I'm telling you to leave." He hissed

"Edward please." Bella spoke

Edward turned to look at her then he quickly turned to glare at me.

"I just want to talk to Lene."

"I don't think she wants to talk to you."

"How do you know that?"

"Leave now Jacob, before you provoke me."

"No I wont leave until I talk to her."

"She's not here."

I looked over Edward's shoulder and saw Alice.

"Do you think I'm going to buy that lie?"

"I just saw her and Rosalie in Mexico."

"What?" Bella asked

"Yeah, and Edward they took your car."

She had just left when I was pulling in, how did I not see her through the car window!

"You're wasting your time she's not going to be back until who knows when."

I stared at the three of them. I took Bella's hand and pulled her to the side, I heard Edward mumble something.

"Please tell her I need to talk to her."

"Don't worry I will."

"Bella please, I realized how stupid I was and I don't want her to be angry at me."

"Jacob she's madly in love with you."

"But that doesn't mean she's not mad at me."

"I'll tell her, and I'll pressure her to call you."

"Thanks." I smiled

"Sorry I yelled at you at the beach."

"No I totally deserved that."

"Hopefully all of this will get better."

"yeah, crossing my fingers."

"You should really get going."

"yeah, thanks again Bella."

She nodded and smiled at me.

"I'll see you later."

I gave her a big hug and kissed her forehead.

"What was that for?"

"i don't know." I chuckled

"Bye Jacob."


I walked back to my car without looking back.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha I've been super lazy
and I can't stop sneezing!
Ugh and I feel all icky and bleh haha

but I tried my best and hope you like it

and thanks to those who told me to get better :]
you know who you are.