Forever and Always.

You Love Her.



"I'm really sorry." I told him

He ignored my apology.

"It wasn't her fault you know." Rosalie spoke this time

"I really don't care."

"I was the one who took your keys, and convinced her to come with me."

"I said I didn't care."

"Edward why are you such a jackass!"

Edward glared at Rosalie through the mirror, she just smiled and looked away.

"Yeah and only to Lene." Emmett spoke now

Everything went very quiet.

"Why is that?" I asked


"Why are you only a jerk to me?"

"Because you're a bitch."

"HEY! I don't intentionally do that you know."

"I don't either."

"Yes you do." Emmett told him

"I know why." Rosalie said

"Oh really, and why is it?" Edward asked

"Because you love her."

I just had to laugh at this.

"What me and Edward have is way less than love." I told her

"No it's true, you two are in love with each other."

"No we're not."

"I mean why does Edward get all defensive about Jacob, and he always worries about you, and you trust him like no other one."

"I don't love her Rosalie."

"Of course you do Edward."

"You don't know what you're talking about Rosalie."

"Would you risk yourself for her?"

Edward seemed to think about it, and I smiled because I could hear his thoughts.

"Yes he would." I told Rosalie"

"Just like I would risk my life for any of the family."

"But you would be sad if Lene was to die."

"yeah I would be."

"Can we not talk about this anymore."

"I'm trying to prove a point here."

"You know what Rosalie?"

"What Emmett?"

"I agree with you."

"WHAT?" Edward and I said at the same time

"I mean don't get me wrong Bella is an awesome person, but frankly Lene is a much better partner for you Edward, I mean you don't need to take her soul."

Edward glared at Emmett.

"I'm just saying man."

"You know what Edward?"

"What?" He asked coldy

"I love you." I teased

"Well I don't"

"You don't love me." I pouted

"Aw Edward you don't love her." Rosalie went along with it

"How can you not lover her." Emmett teased him

"Cut it out." He hissed

"I love you Edward I truly do with everything I have, I've been hiding my feeling for you since the day I met you." I said in a very fragile voice

Emmett started to bust up and high fived me.

"Just playing Edward."

"I think he's mad cause he loves you for real."

"Rosalie! Shut it!"

We all laughed.

"And I'm going to buy you the car."

"I don't care."

"Are we almost there?" I asked

"Yeah in about twenty minutes."

"Hey did Jacob come on the party night?"

"No." Edward replied.


I exchanged glances with Rosalie, why was Edward lying to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
HAHA this took me three hours to write, I was multi tasking.
Hope you like it :]