Forever and Always.

On our way.

I had made sure to tell Bella about the plan, because I knew she would help me, I really wasn't sure what was going to happen, I mean I was running away with Jacob, to where? I really didn't know.

"Are you ready?" Rosalie asked


"Why do you have so much stuff?"

"You never know what can happen."

"Well you're going to come with me and Emmett on the Jeep."

"Where is everybody else going?"

"Alice and Jasper are going with Bella and Edward in my car."

"Oh okay."

"Yeah it'll be funner just the three of us."

"Of course!" I smiled

We loaded everything in, and then we all got in and started the car.

"So we're going to do a normal road trip."

"What do you mean?"

"Drive at almost normal speed." Emmett joked

I smiled this only meant good news, Jacob would be able to catch up easily with his rabbit.

"That sounds like fun."

"Yeah and then we can stop at rest stops and stuff."

"You seem very excited Emmett."

"Because I am!"

I laughed and soon we were off towards Canada.

"I was thinking about something." Rosalie bagan

"And what was that?" I asked

"You know how you said you were going to help me."

"With what?"

"Bella and Edward."

"Oh yeah. What about it?"

"I think this trip is the perfect time to do it."

"I agree."

"You're on it too Emmett?"

"Yeah I really like Bella, but it would less complicated with you."

"Oh thanks, but I don't want Edward I'm just helping you."

"Well why?"

"Because he's an asshole, and he needs to pay."

"Wow miss revenge."

"I warned him, and he decided not to listen."

"So what are we going to do?" I asked

"Well you kind of have to pretend you like Edward."

"What is it?"

"Well through the road trip act like you do like him when you two are alone, and then he will see that Bella isn't the one for him."

"And then what about me?"

"Well you can just tell him you like him as a brother."

"Haha that sounds okay I guess."

"But you really have to try."

"I'll try my best."

"And don't let Bella catch you."

"Don't worry I wont."

"And I know how to begin."

"And how is that?"

"Oh just wait."

"I want to know too!" Emmett spoke

"You'll have to wait until the first stop."

"No fair." I complained

Rosalie smiled and just looked out the window looking at the road as we passed it.

"So Emmett, do you know when our first stop is?"

"Not any time soon."



I laughed and sat down, it was going to be some time until Rosalie told us.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm really sorry I haven't been updating like I usually do
Just the whole being sick really messed me up haha.
But not to worry I'm getting better and soon they're going to be more updates :]

Thanks to: