Forever and Always.


Lene's POV

I never thought something like this would ever happened, a vampire being held protectively by a werewolf who's scared of her life rather than his own.

"Jacob I love you." I whispered into his ear

He turned his head and I could tell he was smiling just by the way his eyes twinkled. He licked my face and then buried his furry head between my shoulder and hair.

"You know I think they're not following you anymore."

He stood up and walked further into the woods, then he came back as his normal self with a huge smile on his face.

"We have to help Edward."


"He's in trouble Jacob."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah Alice saw something and he wont tell me what it is."

"Lets go find him."

He took my hand and we began running through the forest making sure not to make a lot of noise just in care Thomas and Jared were close.

Edward where are you?

Trying to find my way out of here.

We're coming.

What happened?

Nothing they kind of lost us.

I'm by Jacob's rabbit
He said after a couple of seconds

"He's by your car." I told Jacob

"We're close." He spoke

Just as he finished saying that there was a loud howl followed by another.

"The pack is here."

"Oh no!" I gasped


"The pack, Edward they're going to hurt him!"

Jacob's eyes widened and started running faster, but I was just slowing him down he had to be in his wolf form to communicate with them.

"Jacob just go!"

"We have to stay together."

"You need to help him Jacob! Just go!"

Jacob hesitated but let go of my hand and ran soon phasing into his wolf form, I kept on running trying to catch up and make sure not to loose him, but I didn't see then tree root that was growing up through the ground causing me to trip.


I stood up ready to keep on running but then someone grabbed my wrist pulling me backwards causing me to fall again.


"Ugh let go of me Alexander."

"Please listen to me."

"I don't want to and I'm not planning on it."

"Ann please."

"Fine what is it?"

"You don't want any of your friends getting hurt do you?"

"No of course not."

"Then here I am."

"Um I don't understand."

"I'm sacrificing myself, I know where they are at, I can take them to the other wolves, and die with them."

I stared at him as I felt my heart starting to ache.

"You're giving up your life for me?"

"You're like a daughter Ann, I just want you to be happy."

"But I wont have a dad."

"It's not like you need one, look at yourself Ann, and you would be sadder if it was Edward or Jacob."

I gave him a hug as he rubbed my back.

"We have to get going before the wolves attack Edward."

"yeah lets go."

Instead of going towards the way Jacob had gone we went to the left.

"Okay we have to get them by surprise."

"How are we going to do that?"

"Attack them making them weak and you telling Edward to run this way."

"Here goes nothing." I took a deep breath

We ran a bit more then Alexander stopped, and I was able to see Jared and Thomas, Alexander gave the thumbs up. Then we attacked by surprise.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so some people are saying I should write yet another sequel.
That's not going to happen sorry.
BUT there is something special and you just have to wait and see hehe.
You might just love me...even more hehe.

Thanks you guys :D