It's a Pup's Life

18 Years Later


“Iero! Get your ass back here now!” I heard one of my best friends in the world say, well shout would be a better way of putting it.

“Catch me if you can Bryar!” I shouted back. I changed into a Jack Russell and ran around the house. I had a blond husky on my tail. I was pretty damn fast for a little dog.

I ran upstairs and under my bed, where I wouldn’t be about to be found. Although, the thing with dogs is that they have good sense of smell.

“Frankie, I know you’re up here, you’re always under your bed or your parents bed.” I climbed out and doggie pouted.

“You’re no fun Benj.” I said, changing back. When I was human again, I shook out my long hair and grinned at Benji Bryar, who was also changing back. “Now get lost, I wanna get changed before we go out.” He poked his tongue out and left the room, shutting the door on the way.

So, now that’s over with, let me introduce myself. The name is Francesca Iero, but call me Frankie or Fran. I’m 18 years old and I’ve got black hair, like my dad, and blue-grey eyes, like my mum. Oh, and did I happen to mention my mum is Scarlette Iero, you know that famous band photographer? And my dad is Frank Iero.

Yes, the guitarist from My Chemical Romance.

Still around after 27 years.

Since I’ve been born, well all the kids were born, they released 5 more albums. See, after all of us were born, they took a break in writing for a few years, they did the occasional tour, but that was only for the fans. I think my first memory was when I was about 3 and I was watching them play from the side of the stage in my mum’s arms. They would always dedicate one of their songs to us.

Anyway, you’re probably wondering who all of us are. Well I’m the oldest out of all the MCR kids, then Topher is the second oldest. His name is actually Christopher, but everyone calls him Chris and I’m the only one who calls him Topher. He’s Mikey and Lucy’s kid. He’s almost a clone of Mikey, but with Lucy’s bright green eyes.

Then there’s Benji, who’s Bob and Reggie’s kid. Now that guy is almost an exact clone of Bob. I’ve seen pictures of Bob when he was 17 and they look so similar. He’s awesome though, we’re the closest out of everyone.

Then there’s Zacky. You can tell whose kid he is by his fro. It’s exactly like Ray’s. He has Sara’s eyes though.

Then the youngest, Elliot. She’s awesome. We stick together cos we’re the only 2 girls, which means we gang up a lot on the guys. And we always get Gerard to help us. He such a sucker for his daughter. She gives him the puppy dog eyes and he’ll do anything. It’s funny really.

So yeah, that’s us.

The My Chem kids as we were called around school. But luckily, we’ve just graduated. We were all born within 5 months of each other, but Topher and I are the only ones who are 18, Benji’s birthday is in a few weeks, Zacky’s is about a week after that and then around 3 weeks after is Elliot’s. And we’re all going to be away for Benji, Zacky and Elliot’s birthdays, we’re going to be on tour. It’s going to be awesome.


“Mom! Jay’s using my acoustic again!” I called up through the house.

“Jayden! You have your own!” I heard my mum shout down the stairs.

“But one of the strings is broken.” He whined. I rolled my eyes.

“Ryan, sort his acoustic out or we’ll never get out on time.” I just about heard her say to my dad.

Life in this house is always like this. I’m Evangeline Ross by the way, but call me Evie, it’s easier. I just turned 18 four days ago, I’ve got brown hair and hazel-green eyes. I think you can guess who my parents are.

Ryan and Sienna Ross.

It’s kinda sick sometimes, they act like they’re teenagers. They’re so lovey dovey. I have no idea how bad they were before all us kids were born, they were probably worse.

You’re probably wondering who I mean when I say ‘all us kids’. Let me tell you about everyone. The oldest of us is Madison, but most people call her Maddie or Mads. Her parents are Jon and Bekah Walker. Her hair is like a mix of both theirs but she has Bekah’s grey eyes, they’re really noticeable. I tell you something though, she may be the oldest, but you wouldn’t think it sometimes.

Then there’s Jayden and I. We’re twins, but Jayden’s older by 20 minutes… and a day. Jayden was born at quarter to midnight and I was born at 5 minutes past, so we have different birthdays. We basically look the same, Jayden always looked slightly girlish, although he’d kill me if he heard me say that.

And we have different hair. We both dye it. Jayden’s is jet black and does look pretty awesome, and mine is dark red, it‘s almost black. I used to dye it a different colour every month, but I like this colour.

Then there’s Finley, Spencer and Jennie’s son. Finn looks a lot like Spencer but he looks like Jennie at the same time, especially in the eyes. He has her eyes, like Jayden and I. Our mom and Jennie are cousins and they both have hazel-green eyes and the 3 of us got them as well.

The youngest of all of us is Stephanie, Brendon and Robyn’s kid. Out of all five of us, I get along with Stepha the best. I mean don’t get me wrong, I do get along with the others really well too, we’ve grown up with each other. And we were all born within 3 months of each other.

So anyway, we’re supposed to be packing since we’re going on tour with Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance and Mindless Self Indulgence. It’s kinda like a Warped Tour thing, but with just four bands. And you must know who the fourth band is, Panic At The Disco, our dad’s band. See, the reason it’s those four bands is because they’re all still around after 20 something years. Panic’s been around the least amount of time, 24 years. I think MSI’s been going the longest, 30 odd years or something.

So yeah, we’re all packing except Jayden, who is playing on my guitar. I don’t even know why he uses mine all the time, it’s a left handed one. He has to play it upside down, I don’t know why he just doesn’t use dad’s one.

“Jayden, have you finished packing yet?” Dad asked as he walked down the stairs.

“Yeah, can you get me a D string for my guitar please?” He asked.

“You can do it yourself, you know how to.”

“But you moved everything.” He whined.

“Jayden, you’re 18 now, start behaving like it. You just need to ask me. And please don’t keep taking Evie’s guitar without asking her first.”

“Sorry Eve.” He said, passing my beloved acoustic back to me.

“Why do you even use mine? I’m left handed, it doesn’t make sense.” I asked as I put it back in it’s case. He just shrugged at me.

“Evie, are you packed yet?” Dad asked me.

“I just gotta pack my Cds and laptop, then I’m done.”

“Ok. Well we’re getting picked up in about half an hour, get everything down here ready, ok? Jayden, I’ll get a string for you now and you can do it before we leave.” Dad said.

Dad and I walked upstairs and I went into my bedroom to finish putting the last of my things in my bags. I had 2 suitcases, 2 holdall bags and my laptop case. Those and my electric guitar and my acoustic too.

It’s not like I’m going over the top, we’re going to be touring for over 2 months. And besides, Jayden has just as much stuff as me. Although I still think that my dad packs the most stuff, him or my mom.
♠ ♠ ♠
So finally, the final part of the Dog's Life trilogy begins. This is set in 2028 by the way, just so you don't get confuzzled.

I hope you all enjoy. This story will be written slowly but steadily. I won't give up on this story, or any others. And I love comments, I'm a total comment whore!

And here is where I tell you to read my other stories. And also read my FRIKEY, co written with my friend Sam. It's good! It's called Photographs Of Unforgotten Pasts

Check it out, and I'll be back hopefully soon.

D!ATD xoxo