It's a Pup's Life

New Dogs?


I really enjoyed talking to Frankie over the next few days, we had such similar hobbies, and we both loved the same music. We always seemed to be with each other. Usually, when we went on a tour with our parents, Jayden and I would always be together, but he was hanging out with Benji a lot.

Benji and Frankie were pretty close, like Jayden and I were. So when we got to the 3rd gig, Jayden decided he wanted to talk to me about something, and dragged me away from talking to Frankie.

“Jay, I was talking there!” I complained.

“Oh, hush it. Listen, I swear there’s something up with the others.” He told me.

“What do you mean, others?” I asked.

“As in, My Chem kids. I was running around this morning and I smelt them. There’s something about them we don’t know.”

“Like what? They’re actually aliens? Give it up Jay, it was nothing.” I told him, patting him on the shoulder. We walked back over to where we had left Frankie and Benji, but saw Frankie playing catch with a blond husky.

“Where did the dog come from?” Jayden muttered. They watched the dog bring the ball back to Frankie but every time she went to pick it up, the dog grabbed it again.

“Benji, stop it!” She complained. “You fucker.”

“Benji?” Jayden and I said at the same time. Frankie and the dog looked around at the same time. We walked over to them and the dog tried to run away.

“Benji, wait!” I said. The dog stopped, looking at me. I looked into it’s eyes and they were exactly the same as Benji’s. “Oh my God! You really are Benji!”

“Great, dad’s gonna kill us.” Frankie muttered.

I looked over at Jayden and he nodded. “You two come to our bus for a minute? Please?” I said to them. “Please?” I repeated.

“Alright.” Frankie replied, looking down at Benji. They followed us to Jayden’s bus, where everyone else was. The My Chem kids looked pretty shocked that Benji was in dog form, where as the Panic kids just looked confused.

“One question, can you all do this?” I asked.

“Why do you want to know? And why are you so calm about it?” Frankie asked.

“Because,” I changed into my dog form. “I can do exactly the same, and so can the rest of us.”

“You what!? You were holding out on us! I thought you were gonna try and neuter me or some shit.” Benji said.

“Whoa, hold on. You telling me that you can all change into dogs?” Elliot asked.

Jayden nodded. “Can all of you?” Elliot nodded. “So show us, and we’ll show you.”

Moments later, all of us, except James and Mandy were running around as dogs.

“No fair, this sucks man.” James complained.

“I know what you mean.” Mandy added.

“Whatever guys.” I muttered, jumping across them.

“Evie, get back here, please?” Mandy said. I walked back over to them. “Did you just say, whatever guys?”

“Wait, you can hear me?” I asked, wagging my tail.

“Yeah, can you James?” He nodded.

“Guys!” I shouted at everyone. “They can hear us.”

“No way! That’s awesome!” Elliot said, running over and licking James’s hand.

“Ellie, don’t do that.” He complained.

A few moments later, we all changed back. “So, how can you all change?” I asked, curious if it was the same deal as with us.

“Our parents.” Frankie told us.

“Same with us!” Stepha grinned.

“Are we gonna tell our parents about this?” Jayden asked. “I mean, do you think they even know about each other either?”

“I don’t know. My parents can’t though.” James told us. “It would be awesome to change into a dog.”

“Same here. I’d loved to change into a dog though.” Mandy said, sighing softly. Then she disappeared. In her place, a black whippet sat. We all jumped back. And the same thing happened with James, but he was replaced by a black bloodhound.

“What the fuck?” The rest of us shouted.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, the last time I updated was the 18th September. I really need to start updating more. I'm getting a little more into this story again, so there will be more updates. Not sure how long it's going to be, but it's going to be longer than the previous two stories. Probably about 15 I'd say, but that's guess work.


Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo