It's a Pup's Life



I was dying to just run around in my dog form, but I knew I couldn’t. If Ryan and the guys had only been on tour with Fall Out Boy, it would have been fine, but we couldn’t let our secret out. But we had been getting on well with everyone. When I was younger, when I’d first met Ryan as a dog, I had loved My Chemical Romance and Mindless Self Indulgence, and I still enjoyed listening to their music.

And I always seemed to be talking to Scarlette, Frank’s wife. She’d done some photography for Panic about a year ago, which was when we started talking about arranging a tour with both bands, then our boys didn’t really want to go without Fall Out Boy, and My Chem didn’t want to go without MSI (which I understood, considering Gerard is married to their bassist) so it became a tour with all four bands.

“Sienna, could I talk to you and Ryan please? Well, Frank and I.” Scarlette said, walking onto our tour bus with her husband. Spencer and Jennie were off talking to Brendon and the others, I think.

“Yeah, sure, we were just about to watch a movie, but it can wait. What’s up?” I asked.

“Well, it’s just something that we saw yesterday.” Scarlette said. “A fox terrier and a brown spaniel running around together outside your bus.”

I glanced a look at Ryan, who went a little pale. Oh, he was so going to get it when Scarlette and Frank had gone. And then again when I told Robyn. Him and Brendon are such idiots!

“The funny thing is, we could hear them talking too.” Frank continued. “So, how long have you been able to turn into a dog then?”

“Ryan, you idiot! We all agreed not to change unless we were on the bus!” I said, hitting his arm.

“We were bored, ok?” Ryan defended.

“Guys, guys, it’s ok. Seriously.” Scarlette said.

“Are you going to tell everyone else about this?” Ryan asked, biting his lip. I was so angry at him right now I couldn’t even put it into words.

“That’s your decision. We have something to show you anyway.” Scarlette said. All of a sudden, a jack russell and border terrier were where Scarlette and Frank had stood.

“Bloody hell!” I said, jumping up off my seat.

“How the fuck?” Ryan said.

“We could say the same thing to you.” Frank replied. They changed back. “So, if you’re anything like us, all of your guys can change, yeah?”

“Except Pete and the guys yeah.” Ryan replied. “But they know about us.”

“Should we get everyone together to talk about this maybe?” Scarlette asked.

“Who’s bus?” I asked.

“Don’t mind. Get everyone back here?” Scarlette asked.

“Sounds good, we’ll be back in 10.” All four of us left and I held Ryan’s hand as we walked towards the other Panic bus.

“That’s kind of shocked me today.” Ryan said.

“You’re not the only one it shocked.” I told him. “But it means that I don’t have to get Robyn and get her to help me yell at you and Brendon. Honestly, what were you thinking?”

“We got bored, seriously, and we just wanted a break from playing video games or jamming.” Ryan replied.

“It’s lucky I love you.” I grinned, kissing him. “You’re off the hook.”

“Thank God!” We walked onto the bus and saw the rest of Panic and their charming wives who I was blessed to call my best friends, along with Patrick and Pete.

“Guys, meeting on our bus now.” I told them. “Come on, get your asses up now.” I may still sound English most of the time, mainly because Ryan always used his English accent when we it was just was guys, but after spending 20 years living in the States, you start sounding American at some point.

“Why can’t we have it here?” Brendon asked, complaining.

“Because we’re meeting everyone.” Ryan told him. “Now get your ass up before I get furry and bite you.”


“Come on Spencer Smith, you too.” Ryan said, dragging him to his feet.

We walked back and saw everyone else walking over too, along with Joe and Andy. I wondered where they got to.
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Why is it I always leave long gaps between updating this story? Oh well, it's not going to be long anyways. Probably 10-15 chapters. I really need to focus on writing my stories right now, so I'm going on a hiatus (although you probably won't notice the difference) but I will be back.

Comments are like, the sex!

Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo