This Tragic Affair

Broken Bones

I withdrew into the recluse of my room. Laying my head back on the pillow, I stared at the blank canvass of ceiling above me. How had this happened? Why? Was it even happening? All the questions I had no answers for. After a moment, I sat up and wrapped myself in one of the soft and concealing sheets.

Sitting at the end of my bed, I gazed out the window and let my thoughts wander over the events of my afterlife: the day I arrived, the kindness a then stranger had shown me, everything he helped me through, all the little things. Then, from the last bit of gleaming light left on my window sill came a sudden realization.

The roof. It had always been a loyal shoulder to cry on before, an ear to cast my burdens to. I should head up there again.

It sounded perfect.

Not bothering to put on any shoes, I lifted open the cold window and slid myself easily onto the metal grating just below. Soon, I had reached the top of the ladder. I was about to swing myself up and onto the familiar landing when I heard the hint of… guitar strings. The soft hum of what could only have been “Broken Bones” fell loftily upon my ears as I stood entranced underneath the ledge.

Absentmindedly, I began to sing:

“Caught in in the confines of a simple life and I am holding my head high in the rising tide. I can’t win, and I can’t fight. I keep holding on too tight, running away from the world outside. Now I am calling, hoping you’ll hear me. We all need somebody to believe in something, and I won’t feel this when I am falling, we all need somebody that can mend these broken bones.”

The rest of the song played as I stood there, lost in the notes. I let out a small sigh and sat on one of the rungs of the ladder. For that moment, I had forgotten all the troubles that had pursued my mind; I was content.

After a second, I heard a stir from above and a shadow interrupted the patch of light in front of me. I glanced up and gave a shy smile, pleasantly surprised.

“Hey there, gorgeous.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I cannot apologize enough for my hiatus in updates, but I suppose it's too late to apologize? Anyways, my computer is running better and I can finally access my files and my account simultaneously. xD Still love you guys. Rest in peace Ed Mcmahon [forgive me, I don't remember how to spell his name], Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson.
"Broken Bones" by Rev Theory [used in the commercials for The Cleaner on A&E]