This Tragic Affair

This Is Your Afterlie

Ronnie led me out the venue gates and onto the dark walkway outside.

"This," he said, waving his arm in front of him, "is your afterlife."

I gave my eyes a moment to adjust to the poor lighting and saw what he was waving to. Before me lay cobble stone streets, horse carriages, and candlelight street lamps as far as the eye could see. I felt like I had just walked into Tim Burton's London and I had the strange urge to start singing Sweeney Todd.....

I took in the buildings around me, each grime-covered window and shingled rooftop welcoming me into my new world. I stared awe-struck at the city before me and turned down on of the narrow pathways, Ronnie close behind.

"It's so beautiful," I sighed.

"Heh, thought you'd like it," he smiled. "All of the people who come here do. There's just something about it that people find....I don't know, enchanting, I guess." He stuck his hands deep into his pockets and kicked a stray stone in front of him as he went.

"So where are we going?" I asked. I didn't exactly know my way around yet and it felt weird just wandering aimlessly.

"Well, you must be hungry. Want to go get something to eat?"

"That sounds nice." I followed Ronnie through the alleyways and let him lead me though the city. Eventually, we came upon a small tavern and strolled inside.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, pretty crappy, I guess. I'm sorry. =[ I'm also wasted, so that's probably what's wrong. So tired.... thank you for reading, by the way. =]
Comments appreciated.