The Soundrack of Your Summer.

Chapter 18

“Ok its late Mason, seriously, can I go to my bunk at least! I’m tired.”
“No, anything you can do in that bunk you can do on that cot!”
“Fruity stalker, much?”
“Hey, don’t make fun of me because I’m too hot for you to handle.”
“What the, I’m dating you.”
“Fine, you can text Nikki.”
He threw my phone at me.
“I love you Mason. Mostly because you gave me my phone, but more mostly because you are my savior.” I said hugging him hard..
“Ok ok, I love you too.” He said kissing my forehead.
I turned to where I was laying my head on his chest, and I texted Nikki.
-B->Hey Nikki, I’m bored, what’s up?
-N->Nothing, Trace is being a pig and stuffing his face.
-B-> Pshh, does he know Mason’s ok?
-N->Is he?
-B-> Yeah.
-N-> I’ll leave you guys alone, I’ll come over tomorrow later on.
I closed my phone then looked up at Mason as he moved my bangs out of my face and held me rubbing my cheek carefully.
“I love you.” He said kissing my nose.
“I love you too.”
“What your ankle?”
“Probably the medicine wearing off, I’ll get you some more.”
I went to get him some medicine and some water, with a straw. I carefully gave him the medicine, then held the cup with the straw and he took a sip out of it.
“Thank you so much Blaire. Trace would’ve given up and not have helped me at all. But you’re different, there’s something about you that makes my heart skip a beat, and that’s what I love most about you.”
“Mason, I feel the same way.”
“That’s good to know.” He smiled.
“So do you have any food?”
“Yes, plenty of it, I live with Boys Like Girls, remember?” I said smiling.
“Of course.”
“What did you want to eat?”
“Hot Pocket?”
“Coming right up.”
I put two Hot Pockets in the microwave and heated them up.
“So Blaire, now is a great time to talk about our past.”
“Oh glory! So tell me about your past first.”
“Well, basically I lived a normal life, that is until Mitchell got into Disney. Then I met Trace, and Metro Station started.”
“So what about yourself.”
“Well I had an abusive boyfriend, lived with my parents and grandparents until Bryan kidnapped me.”
“Then you came along, and things have never been better.”
He smiled and kissed me.
“And everything fell into place.” He whispered into my ear.
I got the Hot Pockets out of the Microwave, and Mason could sit up after the medicine, so he eased up and I handed him my ‘gourmet’ Hot Pocket on plastic plate. Hey it was made in China.
“Oh wow, gourmet Hot Pockets.”
“I know I’m so fancy.”
He laughed and ate his Hot Pocket, while I ate mine.
“That was good.” Mason said smiling at me.
“Yeah, but are you sure, you know, that you don’t know how this happened?”
“I’m sure, if I wasn’t I would tell you.”
“Ok, I just want to make sure, because I hate seeing you hurt.”
“But I’m not hurt, I’m just hurting.” Mason said grinning ear to ear.
I couldn’t help but giggle.
“Hey, don’t worry, I’m recovering, it’s only been like two days.”
“Yeah, point taken.”
“Point proved,” he said kissing me, “I love you.”
“Point proven, I love you too.” I said smiling.
Mason sat up and put his right foot on a pillow and turned then motioned for me to come towards him.
“Come on, it wont hurt me, my other foot is out of the way!”
“Fine” I said curling up to him.
We saw where a movie had come on, and Mason turned it to the channel.
“Romantic?” Mason asked.
“Go get changed into your pajama’s. We’ll have a movie night.” Mason grinned.
“That sounds pretty cool. I’ll be right back.”
I went to go get changed, when I found a shirt, my dad’s favorite shirt that he had given me before every tour. I started crying, and changed into the shirt and a pair of gym shorts.
“Whose shirt is that?” Mason asked. He looked at my teary eyes. “Your dad’s?”
I nodded and lay back down on the cot. Mason pulled me into a hug with his head on my shoulder.
“Don’t worry, everything’s going to be fine. My parents are coming tomorrow, don’t worry, knowing them they’ll bring Mitchell and we can all talk and figure this out.”
“Ok, I trust you Mason.”
“Knock, Knock.” Bill said walking through the door smiling.
His smile turned into a frown, and he sat down on the edge of the cot. He looked even more massive.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing” I said quickly.
“No, what happened.” Bill insisted.
“My parents had died about a couple days ago, and I just found my dad’s favorite shirt. It just is too much.”
“Don’t worry.” Bill said rubbing his hand up and down my back, while Mason looked him in the eye and glared. Bill gave a sorry look, and got some tissues and passed them to Mason. Mason wiped away my tears.
Everything was ok.
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Sorry, I'm a little behind.
I'm trying to keep up with my favorite stories then I'm like, well what
should I write about now. lol
I like the next chapter,
wait until you hear what happens :)