The Soundrack of Your Summer.

Chapter 25

“Okay, so Blaire…” Bryan said.
“Okay, so what?”
“You’re bunking with Mason. Do I have to give you the talk.”
“Blah, blah, blah be safe. Don’t think that’ll happen Bryan.”
“Oh are you that tired?”
“Aw no, I just am sleepy.”
Bryan walked off and I looked over at Mason, asleep. I grabbed his hand and moved his hair out of his face.
“Okay, we’re at the hotel.” The bus driver, Bob, yelled.
“Thanks Bob!” I yelled back.
“No problem, hun.”
“Mason, wake up, we’re at the hotel.” I said shaking him awake.
“Gosh, I’m awake. You and your brother I swear.” He said holding my hand.
“Yeah, I know, you gotta love us.” I said smiling.
“Lets get our key and get to the hotel.”
We got up and walked outside towards the tour manager who was handing out keys.
“Okay, we’re staying here for two days. Pairs are, Blaire and Mason, Bryan and Martin, Paul and Johnny, Trace and Nikki, and Anthony and Blake.” He said throwing us our keys. “No funny business. And that goes for all of you.” He said before walking off to his room. I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at what was on his back. On his back was a sign that said “I dance around in a pink dress with pretty unicorns at night”. Mason and Trace both stared at me and then laughed as Mason grabbed my hand and started walking to the hotel.
“So Mason, who’s idea was it to put the sign on his back.”
“If I told you would you laugh your head off.”
“Probably if it involves a guitarist wearing red skinny jeans.” I said smirking.
“We’ll then wait until we get into the room.” He said grinning ear to ear.
“Oh you’re so full of it.” I said kissing his cheek.
“Okay, we need room 240. 3rd floor.” Mason said concentrating.
“Wow they must’ve taken it out using a freaking wizard because its not here!”
“We’re on the second floor.” I said grinning as Mason grabbed my hand and we ran up the stairs carrying our two suitcases.
“There it is!” He said running with the key ready to open the door.
He opened the door to a beautiful suite. There was a balcony, which caused me to think this wasn’t a normal hotel, but I was all for it. The balcony had a beautiful view of a lake, just like the one Mason threw me in on the first date I had with him.
“Wow.” Mason said dropping his suitcase on the floor in the first area.
“Wow, Wow.” I said dropping my suitcase on the floor right beside his. I walked over to him as he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers and led me to the balcony. We walked onto the balcony and watched the sunset.
“As you probably know, there’s only two more weeks of tour.”
“Sadly I do.” I said turning to see his beautiful eyes. He looked down at me and smirked.
“This has been the best tour I’ve been on. Ever since I had joined Metro Station and we started touring, this is the best tour. And I know you’ve been on a lot more tours, but was this one your favorite.”
“Seriously it was. Bryan never let me meet anyone on tour, but after they had gotten on MTV I met Pete Wentz, but he isn’t as darling as you.” I said smiling resting my head on his chest.
“Oh wow, normally girls are all over Pete Wentz, so I take that as a compliment.” He said grinning.
“You’re humor amazes me sometimes.” I said giggling.
“Oh well, I just wanted to say how much this tour meant to me. I remember the first time I saw you, but I didn’t know you and you didn’t know me.” He said, “I remember you paid no attention to me when Pete took me to see Bryan.” He remembered laughing.
“Oh I remember that, I just didn’t know you were someone I wanted to meet. But I was still practicing softball, so I probably didn’t want to meet anyone that would be future touring with my brother.”
“You know, lets go out on a date.”
“To where?” I said giggling as we ran off the balcony, out the hotel room, and after Mason locked the door, his car.
“You’ll see.” He said.
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omg, I dont feel so good about the sign, I couldnt think of anything.
But where could he take her :O