Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 11

(Still…Joe’s Pov)

BUT…Nick some how worked a miracle. He some how got Kylie to go back out on the stage and sing another song. But they were all whispering before she went out.

(Kylie’s Pov)

“What song am I going to sing?” I asked right after Nick convinced me into going back out and singing.

“Happy Birthday. Tomorrow is his birthday and he know we have something planned for him then…” Nick said looking over my shoulder at Joe standing there looking at us.

“Ok…” I said grabbing the mic once more and walking out on the stage.

“Have fun!” Kevin said leaning again the wall.

I walked out on the stage right to the center. “Are you all pumped!?” Everyone screamed. “Ok. How many of you out there love Joe?” Tons of girls raised their hands and where screaming. “How would you like it if I told you we can get him to come out here?” Everyone screamed again. “Ok well you’re going to have to help me with this. On 3 were all going to start to sing. Fallow after me. Happy birthday to you…” I started off and everyone picked up singing with me from there. “Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Joe. Happy birthday to you!!!!” everyone started cheering and screaming and, sure enough, Joe walked out on stage.

“Thank you everyone and that you Kylie.” Joe said giving me a hug.

“Well I had to do something since they guys have had tomorrow planned out for like ever. So that’s my gift to you for now… until I get you a real gift.” I said going off into thought.

“Well thank you Kylie.” Joe gave me a hug and we both walked off to go back to the dressing room.

I did this little cute turn and plopped down on Nick’s lap. “So what are we exactly doing tomorrow?”

“We’re going to the beach, then chilling somewhere, then going to the board walk. Right Bro’s?” Joe said looking over at them. They actually had no photo shoot or concerts or anything for a whole day.

“Yes Joe. Whatever you want to do. It’s your day.” Kevin said picking up his guitar again. They sadly had to go back on.

I gave Nick a kiss as a slid off his lap to the seat next to him from where Kevin was. He picked up his guitar and headed out the door too. Joe fallowed behind them.

-Skip to Joe’s birthday-

“Eh…what do you want Joe?” I groaned as Joe was waking me up.

“Get up and ready. I want to leave soon.” Joe said pushing me to get me up. I hate that he is tall and can reach the top bunk perfectly.

“Give me a half hour.”

“No! 10 and that’s it or we’ll leave with out you.”

“Your not going anywhere with out her.” Nick said walking in from the back room. “I was suppose to wake her up not you.” He pushed Joe out of the way.

“Well I want to go.”

“Well even Kevin said that we’re not going unless EVERYONE is ready to. And stop being a pain.”

Joe wined like a 3 year old and went to the front of the bus. My guess is Kelly is up there eating or something. I got up and got dressed for the beach. It was kind of dark out but it was only because the clouds kept going in front of the sun. Frankie was coming with us which was fun cause the second we got off the bus he said, “I want a cloud like that. Nick can I have a cloud like that?”

“When you die and go to heaven you can have whatever cloud you want Frankie.” He said messing with Frankie’s hair.

We all pilled into the car, Demi, Kevin, Joe, Kelly, Frankie, Nick and I. When we got to the beach it was so nice. Of course we had to drive back to Jersey though. The first thing Joe wanted to do was go on rides at the board walk. We pulled him away though.

We got set up on the beach and Kelly, Demi and I just ran into the water when we were in only our bathing suits. Kevin just chilled up and on the beach with all our stuff. Joe, Nick and Frankie ran in after us. Nick more of walked actually.

“Why are you not excited to be at the beach with your girlfriend?” I said as he FINALLY got to me in the water.

“I am I just don’t feel like running.” Nick said putting his arms around me.

“Well then I guess you’re not going to do that classical ‘running into each other arms on the beach’ thing.” Demi said standing next to Frankie.

“That it true. I never ever though about that.”

“I’ll do that. I don’t care.”

“Fine then lets got do it.”

“That sounds so wrong Kylie!” Kelly yelled from being like 10 feet farther in with Joe.

“Wow Kelly.” I yelled back as Nick and I tried to escape the waves pull.

We finally did and as cheesy as it was we still walk to opposite side of the beach and ran towards each other. Kevin was laughing from where we dropped out stuff. When I reached Nick he just picked me up and spun me around. But I didn’t realize he was spinning towards the water to through me in. I screamed as I came up from under the water. Nick was running farther into the water. I ran in after him but stepped on a crap that pinched the bottom of my foot.


“What?” Demi and Nick said in unison.

“I stepped on a crab.” I pouted.

“Let me see.” Nick said walking back towards me.

“Ow…” I wined lifting my foot to see what the stupid crab did.

“Ow that does look like it hurts.” Nick said as he saw my blood start to come out.

“Yeah it does.” I put my foot my down.

“And the water doesn’t hurt it more?” Demi said looking at me like I was insane

“Actually no it doesn’t. It sort of feels better in the water. I just can’t walk on my heal because putting pressure on it hurts.”

“Want to go back up by Kevin?” Nick said asking looking at my face as I hopped forwards on my tip-toes.

“No I’m fine…for now.”

“Well fine but… I’m going to do…this…before you kill yourself.” He said as he slowly picked my up, bridal style, and carried me, in the water.

“Uh-oh.” Frankie said pointing up at the sky.

“It’s not raining or anything…” Kelly said but spoke to soon.

“Now it is…”Joe said laughing. “I wish they let us stay in here when it was raining.”

“Joe the waves are ruff as anything when its raining.” I said looking at him like he was a year younger now.

“Come on lets get out. Frankie go run into Kevin and help him please.” Nick said still holding me.

“Are you going to carry me to the car like this?”

“If you still can’t walk.”

“I can just not on my heal.”

“Then I’m carrying you.”

We got packed and headed to the car. It was down poring by this point. Nick looked up at the sky and then down at me as he stood out side the car.


“I get to finally do something.”


“This…” Nicked leaned down and kissed me. Joe looked over and then grabbed Kelly by the waist and pulled her in for a kiss. The four of us stood there, well I was in Nick’s arms, making out. Kevin wanted to get back to the bus before it the rain got worse, so he honked the horn at us. We broke apart and all climbed into the car and headed back to the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry i haven't update for the past 2 days. Crazy here. Hope you like it.

FOR YOU INFORMATION: Kate (A.K.A. Kelly) is on vaca in Italy. I'm doing this count down thing in the chapter till she comes back. This is DAY 1 since she just left. later today or tonight i will post DAY 1 PART 2 or DAY 2 of the count down.

hope you like the new chapter.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE!!!!!! (forgot to add it)