Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 12

(Kylie’s Pov)

When we got to the bus it was still raining. Kylie didn’t want to get on the bus quiet yet. She wanted to stay outside and just hang in the rain. So she sat on the sidewalk and started to randomly sing. Kelly came back off the bus and sat next to her. Joe didn’t want to get sick on his birthday so he stayed inside with everyone else. I just leaned again the pool. But in 5 minutes of us being out there my mom made us to come in so we didn’t get sick.

“So much for going to the board walk.” Joe muttered as we walked back onto the bus. He had already changed into dry cloths.

“Well it could stop.” Kelly said trying to cheer him up.

“I’m cold.” I just randomly said.

“Let’s go change.” Nick said wrapping his arms around my and pushing me forward to the back room.

He opened his closet and I stole a hoodie that he had. He didn’t realize it though. I grabbed a pair a skinny jeans and a tang top out of my bag and, of course, a pair of underwear and a bra. I got changed in the back room while he changed in the bathroom. I stayed back there and started to watch TV while I was waiting for Nick to come out. He was taking a really long time to change. Usually he is done before me. About 20 minutes later he game walking into the back room.

“What took you so long? Or did you just leave me to be up in the front?”

“I decided to take a shower while I was in there. Sorry. Hey isn’t that my sweat shirt?”

“Mine now.” I said smiling.

“Oh really?” Nick said walking over to me and tickling me.

“Ok, ok I give up.” I said after a half hour of being tickled to death.

We stayed back there and watched TV while everyone else was in the front talking and hanging out. I got board so I took out my iPod to listen to. The first song to come up on shuffle was the ‘Snuggle Song’.

“GASP! SNUGGLE SONG!!!!!” I screamed.

“What?” Nick looked at me like I was crazy.

“Snuggle song…by the Snuggle Bunny…the best and cutest song in the world.”


“Here, listen.” I handed him a head phone and started the song over.

I lip sang to it as Nick listened very closely. When it was over he gave me the head phone back and said, “Wow that is actually very cute. And it’s like THE perfect love song.”

“I know. That’s why I love it.”

“Actually now that I think about it…we don’t even have a song.”

“There are so many to pick from though…”

“But the Snuggle Song…not too many people even know about it. That’s why I’m thinking it’s perfect.”

“True. I mean it’s only on a commercial but it’s like 10 seconds of the song.”

“Yeah. Ha we should play this song during intermissions at the concerts.”

“Ha we should. Hey look it stopped raining.” I pointed out looking out the window as we walked to the front of the bus. It seemed that no one had even noticed. When I said that though Joe’s head shoot up at me.

“TO THE BOARD WALK!!!” Joe shouted.

The bus driver headed for the board walk. When got there Joe grabbed Kelly’s hand, who grabbed me, and I grabbed Nick, and ran off the bus and headed to the rides. Joe bought the wrist bands because he wasn’t going to wait for everyone to pay and all that. So we out the lovely bright pink bracelets and got on line for ‘Moby Dick’. Joe wanted to be organized with this and work our way from one ride to the next. So after Moby Dick was the Himalaya then this little rollercoaster thing. Then the swings which we got in trouble for holding hands on. Then this thing where you spun around in the air and had to spin yourself. Then this ride where you spun on the ground but had to spin yourself. And a whole bunch of these other rides.

Once we were done with the rides we went onto the board walk and walked around. Joe won a dog for him self, a teddy bear for Kelly, and a panda for Frankie. Demi won a teddy bear and a really cute dog. Kevin won a penguin and a pirate bear. Nick won a dog for him and one for me, a teddy bear for me, a little teddy bear with a Yankee’s jacket on for me and one for him, some how won me a purse, He won a blow up guitar, and a little monkey for Frankie. Me and Kelly sadly won nothing, although I did almost beat the 7 year old in the water balloon game.

“I’m hungry.” Demi pointed out.

“Me too.” Kevin agreed and then everyone did.

We stopped at this little restraint thing and got something to eat. I got board so I through one of my French fry into the air and caught it in my mouth. Joe, being a show off, did it too but missed. And Nick being competitive decided we all should do a stand off to see who could catch the most. Joe caught 15, Kevin caught 17, Nick caught 17, Demi and I caught 20, and Kelly caught 10. So me and Demi had to do a tie breaker. Nick wouldn’t let us go if we didn’t have a winner. So in round two Demi caught 15 and I caught 14. It would have been another tie but the one hit my tongue when feel off.

The day was pretty much over and we spent it doing what Joe wanted to. All day Mr.& Mrs. Jonas have been out doing whatever. When we got back on the bus it was about 10:30. Frankie was in bed already so we just put all the things we won for him in his bed. Kevin went to bed and Demi went back on her bus and got ready for bed. Joe and Kelly sat in the front of the bus and Nick and I went into the back. When Denis and K1 got home Joe, being a smartass, said, “Where have you two been? You know I was worried about you. It’s way past curfew.” Denis just looked at him and walking into the back with K1 to get their pajamas to go to bed. It was pretty late so the rest of us went to bed to. So that ended the day of Joe’s birthday and his parent’s anniversary.
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Day 2 of Kate being gone.
Hope you guy's like the new update. Comments please.