Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 13

(Kelly’s Pov)

It was about 3 in the morning and for some reason I woke up. I thought I heard the TV in the back so I went to go check. Sure enough Kylie was sitting on the couch watching the TV. It looked like she was in deep though.

“What’s up?” I said sitting down next to her.

“Oh hey. Nothing just thinking since I couldn’t sleep. Did I wake you?”

“No I just randomly woke up. What are you thinking about?”

“I don’t know, stuff I guess.”

“What kinds of stuff?” I tried to drag it out of her.

“Everything that has happened in the past few days. I mean I went from being miserable at home to homeless to being Nick Jonas’s girlfriend to living with him and his family.”

“True. Hey look their on the TV.” I tried to get her mind off of it and that’s the first thing I could think of which was stupid. She just smiled at the TV as we both sat there in an awkward silence. We didn’t even realize that Nick was standing in the door way.

“What are you two doing up?” Nick said leaning again the frame of the door.

“Oh I just woke up and came back here to see what the noise was and Kylie couldn’t sleep so she has been back here thinking.”

“What are you doing up?” Kylie looked away from the TV and at her loving boyfriend who stood staring at her.

“I heard you two back here. I’ve been lying in bed watching a little bit of TV and I was just listening to music.”

“Can I talk to you then?”

“Yeah, of course.” They both looked over at me.

“I get it. I’m going to go back to bed anyway.” I said getting up and walking back to my bunk. But someone stopped me.

Joe had also woken up and was waiting for me to walk past his bed to stop me. He pulled me up into his bed and we sat up there whispering and kissing. I love his arms wrapped around me. We could just being sitting in silence and as long as his arms were around me I would be happier than ever.

(Nick’s Pov)

I sat down next to Kylie after Kelly left.

“Babe, why are you watching a weeding show?”

“I don’t know. It’s the only thing really on.”

“Ok, so what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Am I making a good choice?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean am I doing the right thing by leaving home and all this?”

“Do you think its right?”

“I don’t know. It feels weird not talking to them or seeing them and sharing you with them. But I love being with you and I love that I’m going to be living with you after this although I pretty much am right now…”

“Babe, if you want when this is over I can take you to your house and you can see how things are and I’m sure you wont want to move back in right off the bat but you’ll still want to see them so I can just bring you back home when you want to but you can still live with us. It’s up to you.” I was holding her hands and rubbing my thumbs slowly over the tops of her hands.

“I don’t know what I want to do. My head is so confused right now. I only know one thing for sure.”

“What is that?”

“That I love you and always want to be with you.” She smiled.

“I love you too.” I leaned in and kissed her. “Come on, lets go to bed.” I stood up, still holding her hands, and waited for her to get up. She pulled one hand out from mine to turn the TV off and then I lead her back to the bunks.

“Nick, I don’t want to sleep alone tonight.”

“Ok well then sleep with me in my bunk.”

“But your dad’s rule…”

“I’m a rule breaker anyway.” I leaned in and kissed her again. She smiled into the kiss and just nodded when we pulled away. I helped her get up into the bunk then I climbed in after her. She cuddled up into my arms and almost fell asleep right away.
I smiled while I watched her fall asleep in my arms. It got me thinking about the future. If we wined up getting married and having kids and growing old together and having grand kid’s and watching our children grow up and get married. Sadly my thoughts where disrupted by Joe. Kelly had feel sleep in his bunk with him and he knew I was still awake with Kylie. I pushed my curtain back and Joe was sitting there holding Kelly as I was Kylie.

“You too?” he said trying to free one hand to point to Kylie.

“Yeah…she couldn’t sleep then didn’t want to sleep alone. I’ll just tell dad that we feel asleep watching TV or something.”

“That’s what I was thinking about saying. But I guess you can have TV. I’ll say that we just feel asleep talking.”

“What ever works. I just hope dad want still flip out. I really don’t want him to start thinking that their going to make us break our promise that we made to ourselves and god about not having sex till marriage. And I would really hate for him to put the blame on then for this because he knows we know better.”

“I wasn’t even thinking that till you said it. Do you think we should move right now and just sleep in their beds?”

“No. as long as we stick to our stories we’ll be fine. Let’s just try not to wake them up when we get up in….2 hours.”

“Alright. I’m going to sleep. Night Nick, I love you.” Joe said a reached for his curtain.

“Night Joe, I love you too.” I closed my curtain and fell asleep.

My mom woke me up at 5:06 in the morning. I didn’t want to get out of bed but I knew I had to. I walked out into the front of the bus and my dad sat at the table with my mom. Joe was sitting across from them on the couch and he just looked up at me. My dad was shaking his head.

“I though you knew better.” He didn’t bother looking up from the table.


He cut me off. “No Nick. I though that I told you ALL that you were not allowed to sleep in each others beds. I though out of all people, you would be the one to fallowed that rule.”

“Dad it wasn’t intentional. We just feel asleep watching TV. You never said anything about hanging out in each others bed. So that’s not breaking a rule.”

“Nick he knows. He heard us last night.” Joe was bowing his head in shame.

“Nick…Joe…I get it that you both love them and that you just want to spend every waking second with them, but there are rules that you have to fallowed and you have a job to do. We agreed that music will come before girlfriends. All I asked was for you to fallow one rule. ONE RULE, is that to much to ask for?”

“No.” me and Joe both muttered.

“Sorry dad. I didn’t mean to disobey you.” I said and stood their waiting for an answer.

“It’s ok…FOR NOW. You should go get ready now.”

Joe and I just walked into the back not saying another word. But the second we picked our heads up and saw Kelly and Kylie standing there in front of us our eyes widened. Kelly just stood there and Kylie had tears in her eyes. After a minute of just looking at each other Kylie couldn’t take it anymore and ran off the bus and into the venue. I ran after her.

“Kylie!” she wouldn’t stop running. I called her name again, “KYLIE!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Day 3 of kate being gone.

Hope you like the new update....Comments are loved and if you love Kevin and want to be his girlfriend please let me know cause he needs one.

Thanks for reading it means so much to me.