Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 14

(Kylie’s Pov)

I woke up right after Nick got out of the bunk. I climbed down and turned around and Kelly was standing there. Kevin was up but not fully. He was lying in bed still half asleep. In the front of the bus what Mr. and Mrs. Jonas with Joe and Nick. They were getting in trouble for having us in their beds last night. When they were done and Mr. Jonas let them go and get ready. Nick and Joe both walked into the room with their heads bowed. Nicked looked up and saw me standing there with tears in my eyes. I couldn’t take the silence and him staring at me so I just ran off the bus and into the venue. I could hear Nick behind me calling my name but I didn’t stop. I didn’t want to. Tears were now falling down my checks and I finally stopped running because my vision was completely blurred. I didn’t know where I was. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. It was Nick.

“Hey what’s wrong?”

“Why did you let me sleep with you last night? Why didn’t you just say I can’t? WHY?”

“Because I can’t say no to you and I didn’t want to. Yes I knew better and yes I knew that I was going to het in trouble but you’re worth it.”

“You made me feel like I was a bad person. Your parents probably hate me now. I’M SUCH A SCREW UP! I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN!”

“Hey, don’t say that.” Nick started to have tears in his eyes now. “Kylie, I love you. Sorry if what my dad said upsetted you but what he says means nothing. I love you and that’s all that matters. Nothing in this world can keep us apart. And if you weren’t born you would have never meet me.”
Although tears where still falling down my face, that made me smile and give a little laugh.

“There we go. That’s the smile and laugh I love to hear.” The tears now seemed to calm down. Nick brushed them away with his thumbs and kissed me.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked, in our pajama’s, around the venue for a little bit. I was in a pair of pajama shorts and Nick’s hoodie and Nick was in a pair of plaid pajama pants and a black T-shirt. We walked all over the place which really was not so smart. Even this early in the morning people where out side the gates. Once they saw Nick and I walk by there they were going crazy. Nick and I ran back to the bus. When we got back on the bus we caught our breath then Nick went to get dressed. Kelly, Demi, and Mrs. Jonas were all sitting in the front of the bus. I sat down in between Demi and Kelly. Mrs. Jonas was sitting across from us at the table.

“Did you and Nick work everything out?” She said looking up from the table.

“Yeah. I was just yelling at him for letting me sleep in the bunk. I know I was the one who asked knowing the rule, but I expected him to say no or just stay with me till I feel asleep. I’m sorry for everything.”

“It’s ok dear. We trust all of you guys, it’s just that some times the boys do get to excited about their girlfriends and then their hearts get broken so we try to prevent them from having to much of a heart break and we don’t want any of you feeling like you have to do something your not or get temptation to do something.”

“No I completely understand.”

Nick came walking back into the front. “You girls getting along?” he said looking at all of us no in silence. I’m sure he heard everything considering he was only in the next room.

“Yeah.” All 4 of us muttered.

“Well I’m going to go get ready in the dressing room and all that fun stuff.” Demi said getting up and walking off the bus.

“You going to stay here or come with me back into the venue?” Nick asked grabbing my hands.

“I might come out a little later, kay?” I said smiling.

“Yeah, I’ll be out there if you need me.” He smiled back and walked off the bus.

I got up and walking to the back of the bus to get dressed. I was fallowed by Kelly.

“You should have heard how bad Joe was getting yelled at.” She said crossing her arms and leaning again the wall by the door.

“Why? He was got yelled at worse than Joe before Nick?”

“Yup. Joe was getting out of bed when I woke up. Mrs. Jonas saw that I was in the bunk and then looked into Nick’s bunk and saw you in there with Nick. She went straight out and told Mr. Jonas. He flipped out on Joe because Joe was the one who had me in his bed, I didn’t ask he just pulled me up. Nick got off easy cause you didn’t want to sleep alone and were having a ruff night. You have Joe to thank for that.”

“I didn’t even know he was up. I have to thank him.”

“So what happened when you ran off before?”

“Oh, I just talked to Nick about that whole thing. So far today hasn’t really been a good day. And for some reason I have this feeling it’s going to get A LOT worse.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I don’t know. I just have this feeling that something else is going to go terribly wrong today.”

“Do you have any idea of how?”

“No…and that’s what scaring me.”

“Did you tell Nick?”

“Why would I? After what just happened, he doesn’t need to be hearing about my stupid feelings.”

“Who doesn’t need to be hearing about your stupid feelings?” Nick said walking into the room.

“Oh nothing. Did you forget something?” I shot up from where I was sitting on the ground going through my suitcase.

“Actually now that I think about it…I forgot two things.”


“This…” He said picking up his jacket. “And this…” He walked over to me and pushed me again the closet door. His lips pushed up against mine.

“Mhm…well I’m glad you came back for that.” I said as he pulled away.

(Later that night….)

The concert had just ended. The guys were saying their good nights and thank you and taking their bows when all of a sudden, out of no where, Miley appears in front of Kelly, Demi, and I.

“Hi!” she said with a fake smile and a fake perky tone.

“Hi!” I mocked back.

“Hey Miley.” Kelly said not caring or really paying attention. Demi stood there acting like she didn’t see Miley.

“Demi, you were so great out there.” Miley said not losing that fake tone.

“Thanks.” Demi said not turning her head to look at Miley. Miley rolled her eyes and looked back at me with that fake smile back on her face.

“Kylie, dear, how have things been with you and Nick?”

“Perfect. Nothing could be any better.” I acted like I actually liked her. She is so dumb she actually thinks I do.

“That’s great. So since Nick’s birthday is next month, I was thinking about having this huge party at my house. Of course I need you by my side with this 100% and you HAVE to help me plan it.”

“Well it is a month away so it can wait till it’s about time.”

“Oh but we need to start now. You never know with our hectic schedules us famous people have. You know because a lot of Nick’s friends our famous. We can’t be sending invites out at the last moment. We HAVE to start planning now.”

“Well fine. I’ll start planning. You just worry about getting your house ready.”

“Ok. NICK! Darling, how have you’ve been.” She said as Nick and the rest of the guys came walking off the stage.

“Perfect, nothing could be better. What are you even doing here?” Nick said putting his arm around me.

“I just came to see the show. You seem tense, are you sure everything is ok?”

“Yes. Just tired from being up on stage. I WOULD like to go back into my dressing room and just hang out with MY GIRLFRIEND.”

“Babe, are you sure you’re ok. You don’t seem yourself right now.” I said putting my hands on his chest and rubbing it a little in a sad attempt to calm him down. He seemed pissed off for some reason.

“I know. Like I said I’m tired and I want to go sit down and just be with you. If you don’t mind Miley?”

“I don’t mind. I’ll just hang out with everyone else till you feel better. You do know that I still care about how you are right Nick?”

“Yes Miley, now please just let me be with my girlfriend.”

“Ok, I’ll see you guys later.” She turned and started to walk very “Fashion Model” down the hall and into the dressing room.

Nick leaned against the wall in the hall and slid down. “Nick, what’s up? You’re kind of scaring me right now.”

“Every time, when my life seems to be going perfect she had to show up. Promise me Kylie, that no matter what she does, it will not affect us.”

“I promise.”

“Thank you.” He closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

“Babe, do you need me to get you a water bottle? You look like your about to pass out.”

“Yes please.” He said smiling. “Are you sure you can’t read minds?”

“Yes. I’ll be right back.” I gave a little laughed and went to retrieve a water bottle. But what I saw when I got back was something I was not ready for.
♠ ♠ ♠
Day 4 of Kate being in Italy.
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