Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 15

(Nick’s Pov)

I was so tired. Kylie went to get me a water bottle. The second she turned the corner Miley came out of the dressing room.

“Hey Nick. Where’s Kylie?”

“Getting me a water bottle.” I kept my head tilted back and my eyes closed.


“Why is that good.” I opened my eyes and realized she was kneeling next to me.

“Because I can do this…” SHE KISSED ME.

“Nick…oh wow sorry.” Joe said walking out of the dressing room with Kelly close behind. But by that time it was too late. Kylie was standing at the other end of the hall way.

“Kylie…” Kelly said walking past Joe and towards Kylie but Kylie just through the water bottle to the ground and ran back around the corner. Today was just not our day.

“WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THE MILEY? EVERYTIME MY LIFE SEEMS TO BE GOING FINE YOU HAVE TO SHOW UP AND KILL IT. STAY OUT OF MY LIFE. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN.” I pushed her away from me as I got up and ran after Kylie. But it was hopeless. I couldn’t find her no matter how hard I tried.

I walked back into the dressing room. “Any luck?” Kevin said standing up as I entered the room.

“No. I looked everywhere and no sight of her. Where could she be?”

“Do you think she left the venue?” Joe said not so helpful.

“JOE!” Kelly hit him on the chest. “I know where she might be.” Kelly stood up and left the room.

“I want to come. I have to. Only I know what really happened. I have to explain it to her.”

“Nick…calm down. I’ll talk to her and see if I can get her to come back. When I do she’ll talk to you…WHEN she is ready to talk about it. She saw you kissing your ex-girlfriend. You need to give it time.”

With that Kelly walked out of the room.

(Kelly’s Pov)

I walked out of the dressing room and straight to the girl’s bathroom. It was so easy to know that she would be in there. I wonder if her even though about looking in here. Not like there is anyone in there but Kylie.

“Kylie? You in here?” I said as I slowly pushed the door open to the bathroom. She was sitting on the other side of the bathroom hugging her knees and her dead in the arms.

“I know I promised him…but they kissed…THEY KISSED.” She said trying not to cry harder than she already was.

“Aw sweaty…I’m sure he had nothing to do with it. You know how Miley is.” I said walking over to her and sitting down next to her. You know the floors were REALLY gross but in this case I didn’t care.

“I know but when you love someone and that happens is hurts more than anything.”

“Well come on back to the dressing room. You can talk to Nick about it, if you want to.”

“Fine.” She wiped away her tears.

“Come on lets get off this gross floor.” I said standing up and holding my hands out for her to grab. She laughed a little as she stood up. We walked back into the room and the second the door opened Nick’s head shoot up. Kylie just stood by the door waiting for Nick to move.

(Kylie’s Pov)

When we walked back into the room Nick’s head shoot up. I couldn’t move. His brown eyes staring back into mine were too much. I almost broke down crying again but I held it back. He finally moved.

“Kylie…I’m so sorry…”

“Not here ok.” I grabbed his arm and lead him back out into the hall. “What did you want to say?”

“I just want you to know that I had NOTHING to do with it. Miley came out here right after you left and she kissed me. I wasn’t even paying attention to her. I was still sitting there the same way you left me.”

“Does that change anything? MY feelings still got hurt and I know I promised…but that was too much.” Tears started to form in my eyes again. I tried to hold it back but one tear slid down my face.

“I know.” He said as he slowly wiped away the tear. “I never wanted it to happen and I never EVER meant to hurt you and I never want to. Can you forgive me…please?”

“Like you said, you had nothing to do with it. I’m not mad I’m just upset.”

“I never planed for it. I wish I could take it back.”

“Hey, things happen for a reason right.”

“Oh really.” He said with a big smile on his face turning everything around.

“Yeah…” I could only smile back. He moved closer to me and our lips here about to touch but I turned my head.
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i know i forgot last night. it got really late since i started here it is..
coments. <3333