Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 2

Everyone was pretty much asleep. My brother was at his girlfriend’s house up by his collage. My sister had work in the morning and my parents were dead asleep. My mom was off from work cause she is a teacher but my dad works all year round. He takes off sometimes. So I took my brand new book bag that we had bought for school and stuffed a few things in there that I couldn’t leave behind. I shoved all my not books in there with all my stories, song and poems. I put my ipod and the charger for the wall. All my CD’s had to come with me. A couple I could leave behind cause they were really old and I didn’t need them. I packed my sunglasses and a few cloths. I had to take my camera. I was going to a concert the next day anyway. I throw some of my make-up and hair things in there. I grabbed my favorite purse that was quiet big and put some things in there. I managed to get a few of my favorite stuffed animals in there. My one favorite is really huge that I had to carry. It’s about the size of a baby. My aunt had given it to me for one of my birthdays’s after my dog eaten all my other big bears. I remember one day coming home from the store right after I had gotten a new bear and my sister let my climb into her top bunk to watch TV with her. This was when my brother’s current room was our playroom and my sister and I shared a room cause my brother had what is now her room.

I really don’t want to leave. All my posters, my life, my home. I just painted my room over the summer finally. It’s hard to leave when your whole life was spent in one place. I mean when I graduated collage I knew my parents were going to move into a smaller house or into one of those old people communities and I always wanted to take the house from them when it did and raise my family in it. I love this house to death. We’re the only family that has ever lived in it and I want to keep it in my family. Sure it might get changed over time but I want this to be a family house. But that dream came falling down when I decided I had to leave. I put my 4 yearbooks in my book bag since there was still room and looked around my room. I was sure going to miss this place.

I wrote a note for my mom to read when she would come in to wake me up around 12. It said: I didn’t want to leave but I had to. I can’t take it anymore. I get blamed for ever little thing even if I didn’t do it. My privacy doesn’t seem to be privet anymore considering if something gets lost my room gets raided. I can’t even have control over my own money let alone at least have it. I get pick out my own cloths with out something being wrong with them. I love you all and I always will. I might come back… You need to know that I don’t mean to hurt you and I don’t want to but what needs to be done is done. I’m not telling you where I am or where I’m going. This is why I left my cell phone here. I don’t want you to call the cops to come look for me or anything. And if I do come home things have to change. I do realize that if I come home it will just be you and dad home. I know you will be worried and I might write to you if I’m in the mood to. I’ll miss you and I hope this makes you realize what needs to be changed. Love always, Brey <3

I left it on my nice and neatly made bed. On the top right corner was my cell phone. Man how I REALLY hate leaving that behind. My cell was my life next to music. But I didn’t want them to be able to find me. On the bottom left corner was my house key. I’m sure I would need it in later time if I did want to come home but then again there is the chance I want come home.

I picked up my book bag and my bear and took once last look at my room. Nice and clean. Not like it was a bomb before but it just seemed extra clean now. I tear had slipped down my face as I carefully walked down my stairs. I only wished I could have said goodbye to my dog. I love him so much. He always was there to listen to me even though he couldn’t talk back to me or understand what I was saying. I walked into my brother’s room and climbed out his side window. There were no motion lights let alone any lights on that side of the house so nothing would go off. I walked up to the front of the house and stood in front of the curb looking up at the house. All of my memories came back to me. A tear slopped down my check as I turned away and started walking up the street.

It took me a little over and hour to get to Kelly’s house. She lives up by our old school, which is about a 15-minute car ride. Once I got to her house I texted her to come to the door. Everyone in her house was asleep, but luckily for us her dad was out of town for the week. Her mom wouldn’t mind if I was randomly there in the morning. Kelly was coming with me to the concert tomorrow and once the concert was over I was going to sleep there anyway. So we quietly went up the stairs and into her room and I changed into my pj’s, climbed into bed with her and we feel right asleep.
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Hey...Sorry it's short. I kinda had to finihs it in a second cause I'm switching my computer for my sisters cause she got her laptop and It's crazy. Updates once i get things sorted out on that computer.