Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 25

(Nick’s Pov)

We saw Gwen and Demi walk in but not Kelly or Kylie. Joe and I looked at each other and then we heard screeching breaks and a scream. We jumped and ran out side. There on the cold ground laid Kylie’s body. I ran over and grabbed her in my arms. She wasn’t moving but she was still breathing. I kept screaming her name and telling her to wake up. Kevin was holding Gwen close while on the phone with 911. Kelly was just sitting on the ground, she did get hit but it only broke her leg. She was farther in front of Kylie. I was scared to death that I might lose her. I felt so helpless. I wanted to do something but all I could do was cry her name. It took 5 minutes for the paramedics to get there…considering their always close just in case.

They put Kylie in the back of the ambulance and I sat next to her not letting go of her hand. Joe was with Kelly in the other ambulance behind us. We had to cancel the show, which we hate to do but we had to. When we got to the hospital all I could do was sit in the waiting room. When the doctor finally came out about 2 hours later my heart stopped beating for second.

“Nick Jonas…?”

“Yeah.” I said as I stood up.

“Kylie is in recovery now. She was hit pretty badly. She has a broken leg, a few broken ribs and she is bruised up. Other than that she is ok. But she is in a coma…it doesn’t look like it’s to serious but you never know.”

I just hate doctors. They tell you everything is going good…then they hit you with the bad news. “Thank you doctor.” I said was he turned and walked away.

I sat back down and slouched in the chair. Kylie, the girl I love, is in a coma. This day couldn’t get any worse.

“Nick…I heard what happened. I’m so sorry.” I strange but familiar voice came from In front of me. I spoke to soon.

“What are you doing here.” I said as I looked up. “I told you to stay away from me. After what happened earlier today you’re the last person on earth that I want to see right now.”

“We’ll I heard what happened and though that you would need someone for help…but I guess that was dumb of me. I mean you got Demi, Selena, your brothers, your band, and your parents. Oh and Gwen and Kelly.”

“Yeah…we’ll it would be nice to have extra help…but not from you cause of what it going on and all.” I said as I got up ad started to walk to Kylie’s room.


“What?” I turned around right before I opened.

“I’m truly sorry…for everything. I hope she gets better.” Miley said as she got up and walked away.

I opened the door and Kylie laying there. She had her own room, thank god, but once I saw here I almost fell to the ground. It was so shocking. She had cuts all over, her leg was lifted up a little in a cast, and I started to cry just at the sight of her. I sat in the chair next to her.

“How could this have happened? How could I let this happen to you? Why did I let sty behind at the hotel?” I grabbed her hand and held it to my lips. I never want to let go ever again. Joe and Kevin walked in shortly.

“How is she?” Kevin said shutting the door quietly as if not to wake her.

“The doctor said she has a broken leg and 2 broken rips. Scratched up a bit and in a coma.” I tried not to cry but couldn’t help but let the tears fall. “How is Kelly?” I said looking over at Joe.

“Fine, she’s in her room resting right now. We’re about to head to the hotel you staying?”

“Yes, I’m not leaving her side until she is out of this hospital and safely in my arms on the bus.” With that they left and I feel sleep next to Kylie in the hospital.
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yeah!!! my internet decided to work..hope you like the new chapter <3333