Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 26

(Kylie’s Pov)

I woke up in the hospital. My body was all in pain. I couldn’t move. I tried to remember why and it all flashed back before my eyes. I looked down at my hand and found Nick holding it while asleep. I smiled and slowly moved my hand out of his grips and pushed back his curls. A minute later he woke up.

“Hey! You’re awake. It’s about time.” He said with a smile on his face as he leaned forward and kissed me.

“Yeah, how long has it been?”

“A week…”

“And you’ve been here the whole time?”

“I told you I will never leave you. I’m here to protect you.”

“Aw, I love you Nick Jonas!” I said holding my arms out for him to hug him.

“I love you too Kylie Smith.” He said hugging me. When he let go he kissed me. Sadly it only lasted a minute because Joe and Kevin walked in with everyone else.

“KELLY WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?” I said not remembering anything that happened to her.

“My leg got hit by the car. I got the better deal out of that whole thing. But it’s good to see you’re up now.”

“Yeah yeah yeah I know. I’m happy to be up. I get to do this now.” I said pulling Nick’s dog tag to get him to come closer so I could kiss him again.

“EW!!!!” Frankie said as Joe covered his eyes. We parted laughing.

“So how are you feeling?” Mama Jonas said walking over and sitting down in the chair on the right side of the bed.

“Fine, just in pain. But that’s what I get for getting hit a car.”

“You had us all scared. Nick the most. He though you were never going to wake up. That’s why he never left this room for the whole week.” She said looking at Nick who was not sitting on the bed right next to me holding onto my hand tight.

“Did you see the white light?” Joe asked being all stupid.

“No…” I said rolling my eyes.

“Did you see anything?” Frankie asked sitting on Mama Jonas’s lap.

“Yeah…my parents…” I said trying to figure it all out. Everyone saw that it made my a little sad so Kevin so cleverly changed the subject.

“We’ll get you some ice cream!” Kevin shouted really loud. Everyone laughed and I said ok.

Kevin, Gwen, Frankie, Mama Jonas, and Mr. Jonas left to get the ice cream. Nick, obviously, stayed and so did Joe and Kelly. Kelly had to go to the doctor anyway…so her and Joe headed down there to give me and Nick time together.

“So what have you been doing while sitting here waiting for me to wake up?” I said trying to sit up.

“Watching you sleep, thinking about the future, writing songs…” he said pointing to his guitar in the corner.

“What did you write about?”

“You…losing some you love, like how I though I might lose you. Other things too.”

“Can I hear a song? Any song it doesn’t matter to me I just need to hear you sing.”

“Of course.” He said getting up and going to grab his guitar. He came back to bed and started to play. I closed my eyes and pretended we were on a beach. I listened to every word and every cord. I loved it.



“Do you think we’ll get married?”

“If we can survive what life troughs at us for now, which I think we will, so yeah.”

“Where do you see us in the future?”

“I see us sitting outside in our back yard with Joe, Kevin and everyone. You’re holding a baby and our other child is running around with the other kids. We’re happier than ever.”

“Good. That’s how I want it to be.” I said smiling at him.
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Hope you like it...i have like no idea what else to say cause my head is clutter with the fact 8 kids are about to walk in my door for me to babysit them...and i have a headach...but ANYWAY....i hope you like it...
