Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 28

(Nick’s Pov)

I was SO happy that Kylie was awake. We only had so little time alone since she woke up. A minute after she woke up everyone had walked in. Then they were gone getting ice dream for like 10 minutes. I think I’ll spend one more night with her. I’m to scared to leaver her now. I fell like the second I leave her side I’ll never see her again.

“Hey guys.” The doctor said coming in to check up on everything and noticing that Kylie is awake. “Kylie you’re awake! How are you feeling?”

“Good besides being in pain.”

“That’s good. Does you’re head hurt really bad or anything?”

“I got a headache…and no nothing else really hurts that bad.” She said putting her hand to her head.

“Ok, we’ll give you sum Advil for your head. But that’s good nothing else hurts really bad. Did they fill you in on everything or no?”

“No, they’re all just glad I’m awake.”

“You were hit pretty badly. You have a broken leg, a few broken ribs and you’re bruised up a little. But that’s all.”

“Ok…well I can see that…how much longer till I can leave?”

“Uh…another week or so. We have to run some test and make sure your ok.”

“Ok…just wanted to know.” She said with a smile on her face.

“Kay, you guys have a good night.”

“Bye.” Everyone said in unison.

“Ok, Nick you staying her again tonight?” my parents said getting up to leave.

“Yeah…I don’t want to leave yet.” I said grabbing onto her hands.

“Ok, if you need us just call. Night guys.” Mr. Jonas said giving us hugs, like everyone else, and leaving.

“I’m glad I got you alone now.”

“You had me alone before.”

“Not for long. Now I got you to myself for a long time. No one can interrupt us…well besides the nurses and the doctor…”

She laughed as she rested her pretty little head on her pillow.

“So what’s the first thing you’re going to do when you get out of here?” I said lying back in the chair.

“I don’t know. I mean I still really can’t do anything considering I have broken bones…I guess the first thing I’m going to do…is either go to a concert…or hangout.”

“YOU ARE NOT GOING TO A CONCERT LIKE THIS. I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU. YOU’LL GET YURT EVEN MORE. AND IT WILL BE HARD TO MOVE WILL THE CROWD OR PEOPLE PUSHING AND EVERYTHING.” I snapped up and screamed. I just didn’t want her hurt anymore than she already was. I hate seeing her like this, in pain.

“Ok, ok calm down superman.” She said sitting up slowly. “I’ll just chill out on the bus or something…it’s no big deal.”

“I’m sorry. It’s just I hate seeing you in pain and the thought of you in more pain is killing me.” I said sitting on the bed, right next to Kylie.

“Then we’ll have to get you thinking about something else wont we…” she said pulling on the front of my shirt as we locked lips. She smiles into the kiss and whispered, “This is perfect if I wasn’t hurt and we standing outside somewhere romantic.” And at that moment you can hear the music of the rain taping on the window. You could feel the love in the air. The magic seemed to be all over the room now. We locked lips again and there were more fireworks then ever. We really got into it and the kiss was becoming more heated. But a hospital is never silent, so we got disrupted but a crash we heard from the hallway. I ran out into the hall way to see what was going on. Some older person had fell…I don’t know what they were trying to do and I really didn’t care. The nurses were taking care of it.

“Hey Nick, I got a question.”


“You never left my side right?”


“Were you at least taking care of your blood sugar?”

“Yes…the first few days it was crazy because I was scared about you but I got in under control.”

“Good, the last thing I need is you ending up in a hospital bed right next to me. That’s the last thing I need right now. I need you to take care of me.”

“I intend on staying out of a hospital bed for a long time. Only if I’m in this one with you sleeping.” I said putting arm around her as she snuggled up to me.

“I’m so lucky I got you. Nick you’re the best boyfriend on the world.”

“Oh…you missed something while you were in a coma. And I don’t even think you noticed it today.”

“What?” she said looking at me all confused. She looked to cute.

“Joe and Kelly are now engaged too. But they already said their not getting married till next year.”

“OH MY GOD! WHY DIDN’T SHE TELL ME? WHY AM I JUST LEARNING ABOUT THIS? THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN LIKE THE FIRST THING AFTER SHE SAW I WAS AWAKE, THAT SHE TOLD ME!!! I’M GOING TO KILL HER TOMORROW.” She was so mad but I got to shut her up by kissing her…which we did till we got tired and went to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah...and now i got to bed....Hope you like it. Thanks for reading...I love you all....Miley Fucking Cyrus SUCKS!!!! XD