Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 3

It was about 9 when we woke up. I groaned at the brightness when Kelly opened the blinds. We went downstairs to find something to eat. There was nothing we wanted so we threw on our shoes and headed to WAWA. We got slushy’s, skittles, soda… for later, and I got twizzlers and she got a Red Bull. We walked back to her house and had a few guys honk at us or scream. We just laughed and screamed that we loved as a joke. It was funny because we were in our pajama pants and band shirts. We walked into her house and went up to her room and turned on the TV. She sat on her bed and I sat on the floor and as we watched Saved by the Bell. After a while we got dressed and headed downstairs. Although it was like 94 out side we were still in skinny jeans. At least we had our tang tops on, minus the fact that they are black. We hung out by her pool for a little bit before doing our hair and make-up. She straightened her hair first while I was doing my make-up then we switched. We were so stocked for this concert. It was about 12 when we were ready to leave. We wanted to get early.

When we got to the venue the boys where out signing girls posters as they screamed their little heads off. We just walked up and got in line. We loved them but we didn’t act like fan girls. We stayed cool even if they were standing in front of us. As they made their way down to where we were standing the girls started to push their way further up. Kelly and I just sat down on the concrete. The guy’s had finally mad their way to the end of the line where we were sitting. No one was behind us. They stopped and looked down at us.

“You two don’t want anything signed? You’re not even flipping out like everyone else. What us with that?” Joe asked looking straight at Kelly.

“Yeah.” Nick said shortly after Joe.
I looked up at Nick and smiled. “Well maybe where not like other girls.”

“I can see that…” Joe said looking us up and down…well sort of.

“We’re just your everyday normal teens in line to see a concert of 3 very hot boys.” Kelly said with a smile on her face and red checks.

“You two are definitely different.” Nick said with a little laugh.

“Thank you.” I said giving him a big cheesy smile.

“Well anyway… wish we could stay and chat but we kind of got a show to get ready for. Why don’t you come back stage after the show? We can talk more than.” Joe invited us trying not to really smile.

“Sure. Only if you let us in?” I said looking over at Kelly who couldn’t even speak let a lone look up at Joe who was looking down at her.

“Now why would we not let two gorgeous girls backstage to chill with us?” Nick said now giving me a big cheesy smile.

“Cause your insane.” I said smiling.

“Maybe we are but everyone seems to still love us.” Joe said looking back down the line of crazy screaming girls.
We laughed and I responded for to two of us, “Of course we would love to chill with you back stage after the show…but…what about your meet and greats that you have to do…?”

“You can wait in the dressing room for us. Can’t you?” Nick said a little scared that we would say no.

“Of course we can. Why are you so scared that we wouldn’t want to hang with you?”

“I don’t know…” Nick was diffidently covering up something.

“Well it was nice meeting you. We’ll see you later, but we REALLY got to go.” Kevin finally decided to talk. And with that they were off.

We got board sitting there so we decided to listen to our iPods. I know who would bring an iPod to a concert. Well when you’re sitting outside waiting to go inside…you get board. It was about 3 when we got to go in. So let’s see… we left at like 12:05. The car ride was about an hour, so we got here about 1:20ish. We meet the Jonas Brother’s around 1:25ish. And for the rest of the time we’ve been sitting here getting tan. We were still listening to our iPods when we were walking in. It took us like forever to find our seats. Never let to girls who act like blonds go to a concert alone and expect them to find their seats in a second. But when we did we were surprised by Big Rob. Why he was not with the boy’s I don’t know.

“You two the ones who the Jonas Brother’s invited backstage after the show?” He said in that low scary voice.

“Yeah…?” I said so confused.

“Joe and Nick wanted me to give these to you.” He handed us these too pieces of paper and two backstage passes.

We hadn’t told them our name’s so they didn’t know them. But they were smart enough to single us out on the front of the folded paper. The one for Kelly had said “Red Head” on it and the one for me said “Brunette”. Very clever.
Kelly’s said, “I forgot to ask your name. How rude of me. I feel stupid for Putting ‘Red Head’ on the front of this note. I feel stupid for doing this but I thought it would be the best secret way I can give you this backstage pass. Now you have to be let back here to hang with us. And since you didn’t want us to sign anything before we took it to our liberty to sign these passes for you. Hope you enjoy the show. Love, Joe = D” her face turned read while she was reading it and she couldn’t stop smiling.
Mine said, “I feel so dumb for not asking your name. I’m beating my self up for it right now. I guess I was just caught up in your blue eyes. I love your eyes. There not one color but it nice. I’m really looking forward to after the show. I want it to be over already. Is that bad? Well as you can probably already tell that we signed your backstage passes for you guys since you didn’t want us to sing anything before. Looking forward to seeing you when I’m on stage, if I can find you out there, and after the show. Love, Nick <3” I just smiled at every word he wrote. He was so sweet.

I looked up at Kelly whose face was still red and just giggled. This was so random but yet really sweet. We knew that it probably wouldn’t be too hard to find us since we were pretty close to the front. Second row dead center. Amazing seats. How we got them, I don’t know. I was stocked to see them and Demi perform before we got here but now… I mean Nick Jonas just said I had nice eyes…I thought it was never going to start. When it final did I though I would never be able to hear them when they got on. Everyone was just so loud for Demi. And to be surrounded by fan girls. Well let me just say they can scream REALLY loud. Demi was so good though. With in a half hour after Demi was on the Jonas Brother’s FINALLY came out. It took Nick about 5 minutes to find me and Joe about 20 minutes to find Kelly. It was funny because you can tell that they were looking for us.
Once Nick had found me though a smile had grew upon his face. For the whole concert it seemed to be there. I could tell he was trying not to laugh at me and Kelly acting like losers. We were shaking our head and jumping up and down and screaming the words. It was so funny. I can tell that once he got the chance to laugh he did. Joe laughing every time he was not singing. I think after a while we were trying to make them laugh. Kelly and I just started laughing our self’s. When intermission came we kind of got sad. But not to short after they got off the stage did Big Rob come back to us. Kelly sighted as Big Rob handed us two more letters. I laughed and all the girls around us just stared at us.

“It’s not polite to stare you know.” I said wonting everyone to just look away.

“Yeah well not every day Big Rob is walking up to two random girls to give them letters.” Some random chick in front of me felt the need to talk back to me.

“Yeah well get over it we got letters from Big Rob. Sorry if you don’t like it.” I said annoyed that we were still being looked at by everyone.

“Who are they from anyway?” some other random girl said.

“What’s it to you?” Kelly said wanting to read her letter so bad.

“Well it had to be important or from one of the guy’s if it’s coming from Big Rob.”

“So. These letters are for us and ONLY us. If you were meant to see them then you would have one. Now do you have a letter? No, that’s what I though. These are for us ONLY. It doesn’t concern you.” I had gotten really mad by this point.

“Geez you don’t have to get all pissed.”

“You don’t have to be in our business.” Kelly sad as annoyed as I was.

“Curiosity killed the cat. So let’s leave it at that. And be done with this.” I said turning and staring at every last person starting back at me.

They all finally looked away. But by the time they did they were back out on stage. That’s how long this thing took. It was more of a stare down than anything. But with everyone up and paying attention to the boys we could read the notes with out anyone trying to read it.
Kelly’s face turned red again as she read hers. “You two are two funny. You need to stop making me laugh while I’m trying to sing. You’re going to make me mess up one of these songs. But then again you don’t even need to do anything but smile to do that. It’s half over. Hope you’re enjoying yourself…you look like it. Well I got to go. Love, Joe = D” she loved his smile face at the end of all the letters.
Nick had said to me in this letter, “You’re going to make me mess up one of these songs. But I love it. If I was going to mess up I rather it be because of you than anything else. I… I’ll wait till later to tell you. Just try not to make me mess up as bad anymore…please =[. See you when I get back out there and later. Can’t wait. Love, Nick <3” he was so sweet. Kelly wished that she got hears at the end of her letters like Nick gave me but she was happy with the smile faces she got. We both started laughing and stood up to show our faces to the boys.

Once they finished the last song Kevin started talking. “We meet some pretty cool girls tonight. They have mad us laugh as we’ve been up here playing for all of you. If you couldn’t tell that whenever we had a chance to we were laughing. Joe and Nick more than me, but still all of us up here. And we are sorry to those girls if we gave them a little trouble tonight. And to those girls…we will see you in a minute.”
They all walked to the center of the stage and bowed. Joe and Nick gave us a wink and all the girls thought it was for them. They said their goodnights and everything and walked off the stage.

Since we didn’t have to wait for anyone Kelly and I grabbed our bags and ran out of there. Big Rob was waiting for us at the V.I.P. gate.

“Why are you not with the boys? I would want you with them instead of us.”

“Well they want me with you instead of them right now.”

“Well…they really need you more than we do.”

“But I’m ‘suppose to make sure you get to them save and sound.’ So that’s what I’m doing now lets go. The boys are in the dressing room right now.” He stepped aside to let us go in front of him.

We just walked forward quiet as anything. We had no idea where we were going we just kept walking hoping that if we had to turn Big Rob would tell us. There was a turn up on my right so as we approached it I looked down the hall. I saw Nick standing in the hall and Joe’s back to where we were coming from. I felt like running up to Nick and tackling him to the ground but I controlled myself. I stopped in my tracks when I saw him. He didn’t even seem to notice me. It took Kelly a few seconds to realize that Big Rob was not behind her anymore and I was not at her side. So she walked back to where I was standing. Once Nick did notice us I took my pointer figure and put it to my lips cause we were going to sneak up on Joe. So Nick sat there and acted like everything was fine. All of a sudden Kelly jumped on him and he fell to the ground. I laughed as a kept walking to Nick. He pulled me into a hug. I didn’t want to let go of him but I know I did. But I did keep my arm around his shoulders.

“So what’s up?” I said looking down at Joe and Kelly on the floor.

“More like what’s down.” Kevin said walking out of the dressing room.

“Kelly jumped on Joe and they seem 100% fine down there. But that’s for the speech.” I said giving him a quick hug.

“So that’s your name, Kelly” Joe said trying to at least turn over.

“Yes.” Kelly said with a smile on her face letting him turn over at least.

“That reminds me…” Nick looked over at me laughing at Kelly and Joe. “What’s your name?”

“Kylie…” I said still laughing.

“Pretty name to match those pretty eyes.” Nick said staring into my eyes but I couldn’t look back into him. Instead I looked away from him and back down at Kelly and Joe. I don’t know why I did and I wish I hadn’t.

“Well you guys can chill in here…”Kevin pointed into the dressing room, “till we get back.”

“Aw. I don’t want to go.” Joe wined.

“I forgot about having to do the meet and greats…” Nick sighted and looked at me. “Come on Joe we have to go. We’ll be back.” He bent over to help Joe up.

“But I’ve been waiting ALL day to be with Kelly.” He cried.

“I’ve been waiting all day to be with Kylie. Now a few more minutes won hurt.”

“Fine.” He pouted and hugged Kelly tight as Nick hugged me.

As Nick pulled away he gave me a quick kiss on the check. For a second I couldn’t move but when I came back to reality I grabbed Nick’s arm and pulled him back. I kissed him real quick on the lips and let him go. He stood there for a minute and Kelly and I just walked into the dressing room. Kevin and Joe had to push Nick to the meet and great. I pulled out my iPod again and the first song what ‘When You Look Me In The Eyes’. I sat there in what seemed to be Nick’s chair since it had his jacket on it and Kelly was in Joe’s chair.
When they finally came back Kelly and I weren’t paying attention and she was listening to her iPod and texting and I was just sitting there singing ‘Love To Burn’ from Instant Star.

“I can live without you, happy by myself.
But you get to me
You make me feel like there is no one else.
What cha' doing,
leaving hearts in ruins.
Can't you see for us to be,
that just won't fly wit me.
Slow down,
let's get it right,
make it last,
let's start tonight.
Have you got love to burn?
Kisses for days?
Don't you wanna grab onto something real,
and never let it get away?
I don't have love to burn,
time to waste.
Cause I've waited for to long for the spark to become a flame.
And, if it comes true,
I'd only have love to burn for you.
I see you through,
if I were sure you'd feel this way for me.
It's gotta be much more than anything we say,
for love to everlast,
I need to know it's not just touch and go.
But you are here to stay {here to stay}
Yeah that you are here to stay”

Nick was standing in the door way with his brothers not wanting to interrupt us.

“Are they done yet?” I said as the song ended knowing I was talking to myself since Kelly’s music was so loud I could hear it.

“Just about…” Nick said from the door way.

“Took you long enough. Or did you want me to be waiting for you?” I said as he came to give me a hug and a kiss. Kelly still didn’t notice till Joe wrapped his arms around her.

“So you have love to burn?” Nick asked mocking the song I was singing.

“Yes… and other things…”

“Like what…?”

“You…” I said jokingly as I kissed him but this time it was longer and passionate.
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Hope you like it....since it's like 3:15 and it took me like forever to write.