Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 29

(Kylie’s Pov)

I woke up in Nick’s arms. He was still sound asleep. I laid there thinking about what could be the next 5 years, Nick sitting by my side in the front yard with everyone. Watching the kids run around playing, screaming, laughing. Nick looking deeply into my eyes, we were more in love than ever. I wish I could skip all this to go to that moment right now. But then again, is it really going to happen? I was disrupted by the sudden movement of Nick.

“Hey beautiful.” He said kissing my forehead with a smile.

“Good morning.” I said with a smile.

“You sleep ok? I was almost scared that you wouldn’t wake up…”

“Nick…I’m fine. I slept great especially that I was in your arms.”

“So did I. this is one of the first nights since the accident that I really got a good sleep. I had nothing to really worry about. “

“I’m here and awake now. Nothing will happen, Nick. I’ll fight with all my might not to leave you. I love you to much to leave.” I said giving him a kiss.

“Kylie…I have kind of, sort of, bad news.”

“What?” I said looking at him having the feeling that I needed to cry.

“We have to go to Europe for a month. We as in, Joe, Kevin, Me, and my dad.”

“Your mom isn’t going?”

“Oh yeah…she is…I just forgot…” tears were starting to slowly fall from my eyes. “Don’t cry, that’s the last thing I want you to do right now, is be sad.” He said as he wiped the tears away.

“When are you leaving?”

“The week after you get out…” I closed my eyes and let more tears fall as Nick pushed them all away.

“I guess I have to get use to you leaving all the time.”

“No…most of the time you can come with me, just not this time. You, Gwen, and Kelly are going to stay at the house with Frankie.”

“Is Kelly now moving in?”

“Yeah… does that help make it feel more like home?”

“Nothing is going to feel like home for a while. But as long as you’re holding me, it’s the closet thing I have.”

“I wish I could make it easier.”

“I wish you could to. But we’re all just going to have to get use to the changes. So why are you going to Europe anyway?”

“Interviews and we’re dong like 3 concerts there. Promise everyday you’ll call.”

“Of course. And promise me you wont find another girl to love.” I said with a little smile on my face.

“There’s no chance that I could love someone as much as I love you right now. No one could ever take your place.”

“Good…that’s how it should be.” I said smiling right before we started making out. This is by far the perfect morning.
♠ ♠ ♠

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANKIE JONAS <3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you guys like the new chapter..,Comments <3