Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 32

(Kylie’s Pov)

I woke up in Nick’s arms. I guess we fell asleep while watching TV. Nick was still sleeping so I slowly got up and limped my way to the front of the bus. There was no need for my churches on the bus and plus, I can walk on my foot I was just told not to. So I just walk slowly and put as little weight on my foot as possible. There is always stuff to hold onto on the bus too, so that helps. I sat down on the couch in the front with Kelly, who was sitting on Joe’s lap. Gwen and Kevin were in Kevin’s bunk talking about wedding plans and Frankie; well he was somewhere playing something. Paul and Denise were sitting at the table.

“So are you going to stay on the bus when we got to the venue?” Denise asked out of curiosity.

“Well I’m staying in the dressing room. Nick would flip if he found out I was up and wondering around in ‘my condition’. “

“AW…that mean I have to stay with you.” Kelly said all sad.

“No Kelly, you can go do whatever you want to…I don’t care.” I said rolling my eyes wishing Nick was up so he can wrap his arms around me.

“Ok, well you know where we are backstage if you need us. I don’t think Nick will get mad if you were looking for us.” Denise said jokingly.

“You never know…Nick does get tempered…when he’s having one of those days.” I said joking at first then getting a little serious.

“I’m cold.” Kelly said, like always, out of know where.

So I decided to be random too. “I want to talk to Demi. I wish I was on her bus right now.”

“It’s good to know that you would rather be on a different bus than with your boyfriend.” Nick said walking to the front of the bus rubbing his eyes.

“Nick watch…out…” I said as he walked into the door that was halfway open. We all laughed.

“Ow!” Nick said rubbing his forehead as he came to sit down next to me.

“You okay babe?” I said with a giggle.

“No…I just walked into a door.” He said pouting.

“Aw…it’s ok we all have our moments. Some more than others.” I said looking at Joe who falls ever 5 seconds.

“What!? Why am I the one who gets looked at? He’s the one who just walked into the door.”

“Yeah but you always do that…plus other things like tripping, falling, cutting yourself instead of the food…”


“You know what will be fun?”

“What?” Joe said scared of what I have planned.

“To count how many times you trip or fall today.”

“Oh shit!”

“JOE!” Paul and Denise said at the same time.

“Sorry…” he said trying to cover it up. “OH SHOOT!”

“This should be fun.” Kelly said laughing.

“But wait, how will you see me trip if you’re going to be in the dressing room?”

“I have my ways Joe. I have my ways.”

“Plus, I’m on her side, so I’ll be counting for her.” Nick with a smile.

“You might want to run off this bus when we get there.”

“We’ll we are almost there.” Nick said getting ready to run.

“Now boys play nice.” I said shaking my finger at them acting like they were 2 and I was their mom.

“You took the words right out of my mouth.” Denise said laughing at me. I say it all the time so I use to being calling the baby mom.

“What’s up?” Kevin and Gwen came walking up to the front holding hands.

“Nothing…” we all said in unison.

“Joe and Nick are just fighting and I told Joe that we were going to see how many times he trips today.” Kelly said because she feels the need that Kevin needs to know everything that goes on when he’s not there.

“I say he’s going to trip about 25 times today.” He said laughing as he sat down next to his mom and Gwen sat across from him next to Denise.

“Well I say I want trip at all.” Joe said trying to stand up for himself since NO ONE was.

“That will be a miracle.” Nick sticking his arm around me again.

“Nick you might want to start running right now.” I said because the bus had stopped and we were at the venue.

“Oh Crap!” Nick said getting up and running out. Luckily we were right next to the door and since Joe had to pass me he had to be careful not to hit my leg. Once Joe got passed me and ran out of the bus, all you could hear was this loud thud. I looked out the door and sure enough Joe had tripped and fell.

“That’s one.” I said laughing but it hurt because I was laughing to hard and couldn’t stop and for the fact 3 of my ribs were broken. I just help it though.

“JOE!” Kelly said laughing. Nick wasn’t that far away from the bus and he stood there laughing too. In fact he was laughing so hard he was on the ground rolling around. Good thing he was still not dressed or ready for the concert.

“Nice Joe.” Kevin said standing up and holding his hand out for Gwen. “I need my coffee.”

“Oh that sounds good. Het me some too. GET STARBUCKS!!!” I said flipping out just from the thought of it. Nick was still on the ground out side laughing.

Joe got up and was holding Kelly right out side of the door. “Get us some too.” Joe said turning and starting to walk into the venue.

“Fine, I’ll get everyone something. FRANKIE WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DRINK?” he said calling for Frankie who was somewhere in the back of the bus.

“CHOCOLATE MILK!” He said all happy and he skipped out to the front of the bus and sat with me on the coach.

“Kay. We’ll be right back.” Kevin said as he walked off the bus with Gwen and went into one of the cars that were there for later when they had to go to the photo shoot, and left for Starbucks.

“Hi Kylie!” Frankie said waving.

“Hi kido. How is you’re day so far?” I said messing with his hair.

“GOOD!” he said with a big smile on his face. “NICK!” I turned around and Nick was walking back on the bus whipping away his tears from laughing.

“Hi Frankie.” He said as he moved out of his parent’s way as they walked off the bus.

“Are you guys in love.” Frankie asked as Nick kissed me real quick before sitting at the table across from me and Frankie.

“Yes.” Nick said blushing a little.

“Aw Nick…you’re blushing.” I said laughing.

“What does it feel like to be in love?” Frankie asked.

“Like magic.” Nick said with a smile on his face and he grabbed my hand. I just smiled.

“Are you guys going to get married like Joe and Kevin are?”

“Possibly, one of these days. We are also younger than Joe and Kevin so we still need to wait a while. But we are happy with the way things are right now.” I said keeping my eyes attached to Nick’s.

“Can I be in your weeding too?” Frankie said with a HUGE smile.

“Of course. You can be my best man.” Nick said with a smile, but was serious. I guess we need a new ring bear. Maybe by the time we get married Joe or Kevin will have had a son.

“REALLY!?” Frank said so shocked.

“Yeah.” Nick said messing with Frankie’s hair.

After that Frankie ran off the bus to go find Paul and Denise. Nick and I were alone on the bus.
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Hope you like it. It's nice and long for you XD

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