Sequel: When Your Eyes Say It


Chapter 35

(Kylie’s Pov)

I felt bad for Joe getting yelled at so I made a random chain text and sent it to Kevin, Gwen, Kelly, Joe, and Nick. Nick walked on the bus opening the text trying not to laugh.

“Nicholas Jonas!” Mr. Jonas yelled at Nick.

“Dad, it’s a chain text. Here look.” Nick said handing his phone to his dad putting his hand on my back to push my forward to go into the back of the bus. Boy I wish he didn’t have do that.

“Well get ride of it. You too Joe. I don’t need Frankie hearing that, or opening that text if he used on of you’re phones.” Mr. Jonas said sitting back down at the table with Denise.

“Kylie?” Nick said walking to the back of the bus to find me. I was standing facing him with a scared look on my face. Joe was with Kelly in her bunk but Gwen and Kevin where in the back…making out REALLY intensely. “What?” Nick said walking past me. “OH MY GOD KEVIN GEZ. CAN’T YOU WAIT TILL WE GET HOME WHERE YOU HAVE YOUR OWN ROOM?”

“No.” Kevin said laughing a little as he pulled away from the kiss, but went back in to it.

“Ew Kev.” Nick said turning around. “I’m sorry.” He said wrapping his arms around my waist kissing my neck. As much as I liked it, right now it felt weird.

“Nick, don’t. It feels weird right now when you kiss me.”

“Haha you’re right.”Nick said turning me around to face him. “So since they have that room occupied what do you want to do?”

“Sleep…today was tiring.”

“Such a big day for my little baby.” Nick said in his cute baby voice. I nodded my head slightly with my eyes closed. “You look like you’re about to fall forward and go right to sleep.”

“Well if I do would you catch me?”

“Of course. I’m not just going to let you fall on the ground.” He said while kissing me and wrapping his arms around me so I couldn’t fall. “Here…” Nick said picking me up and putting me in his bunk as he climbed in after. “Now go to sleep my love.” He said with one last kiss and I feel right asleep in his arms.

(Nick’s Pov)

Kylie was tired so I put her up in my bunk as she feel asleep in my arms. My parents have warmed up to us sleeping in the same bunks. We just have to be care that Frankie doesn’t see things that will give him the wrong idea. I love that kid but he ruins things for us some times.

I sat there holding Kylie’s sleeping body in my arms. I watcher her sleep and listened to ever breath she took. I laughed a little as I heard her mumbling things. I never really noticed that she talked in her sleep. I guess I was always so caught up with my thoughts that this is the actual first time I’ve watched her sleep. I guess time got away from me because sure enough I was brought back to real life by my dad’s voice.

“Guy’s, we’re home.” He said poking his head into my bunk and Joe’s and looking in the back room for Kevin. I guess Kevin heard dad before he actually poked his head in the back room because my dad would have flipped if he saw them making out like they were.

I didn’t want to wake Kylie up and she looked so peaceful sleeping so I slowly picked her up in my arms and carried her inside. My mom carried a sleeping Frankie into his room and everyone else was wide awake so they walked in. Kev and Joe told Gwen and Kelly to just go inside and that we would deal with the bags and everything. So they went in and tried to not get lost while finding Kevin’s and Joe’s room. I mean the house is huge. Gwen has been here for like a week but it takes time to get use to. I still get lost in the house. But I know how to get from my room to the basement with no problem.

(Kylie’s Pov)

I guess we were home because when I opened my eyes all I could see was a dark figure looking over me but I was in a much bigger bed.

“Nick?” I said in a whisper because I was still half asleep.

“Sh! Go back to bed babe.” Nick’s soft tender voice rang throughout the room.

“Are we home?”

He gave a little chuckle. “Yeah, we’re home.”

“What room is this?”

“My bed room. Now stop asking questions and go to sleep. “He said with a kiss to my forehead. I could tell he was smiling.

“But I want to stay up with you. I’m not that tired anymore.”

“Are you sure you want to stay up?”

“YES! I want to stay up and be with you.”

“No matter what you will be with me. I’m not leaving you.”

“I know, but I want to stay up. Please?”

“Ok fine. So what do you want to do?”

“Can I get a tour of this house to see what it looks like since you carried me in here while I was asleep and I couldn’t see anything.”

“Ok we’ll start with this room…I’m going to turn the lights on so you can see.” He said warning me.

“AH!” I screamed a little as he turned the lights on sending my eyes into shock.

“Ok… so this is my lovely new room. Over here is the bathroom right next to our closet. You can put everything in tomorrow or whenever.” He said with a smile. Then I remembered something.



“What about the stuff I have at the house in Jersey?”

“Oh, well that’s being brought over. My grandma has been staying there and she’s coming here tomorrow and she said she would bring your stuff. Not like it’s much.”

“I know but I would still like to have it.”

“Ok, well on with the tour…” Nick said grabbing my hand. Nick showed me the rest of the house and that got me tired again. The house is HUGE. So we went upstairs and went to bed...again.

-Later that morning-

I woke up and Nick wasn’t by my side or holding me. I sat up and looked around the room for him, but he wasn’t there and the bathroom door was wide open so he wasn’t in there. I got up and tried to find my way to the kitchen. It wasn’t that hard since it smelled so good. I guess someone was making breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and there stood Nick making pancakes.

“Is everyone else still sleeping?” I said quietly walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around him.

“What? Oh, no they all went out.” He jumped at first.

“Aw, did I scare you Nick?”

“Yes.” He said pouting.

“Why did everyone leave?” I said walking around the counter and sitting in a chair.

“Kevin took Gwen out for breakfast. Joe took Kelly out for the whole day. And my parents are going to get my Grandma with Frankie.” He said putting 2 pancakes on a plate and placing it in front of me with a smile.

“So our you ready for tonight?” I said with a huge smile.

“What’s tonight?” Nick looked all confused.

“Tonight…it’s the 31st…Halloween…” I said trying to get him to remember.

“Oh, SHOOT!” He screamed completely forgetting. I just giggled as I ate.

“You could just walk out of the house like that and no one would know.” I said as a joke.

“When you’re done eating and after our showers we’ll go out for costumes.” He said taking his own plate and walking to sit next to me.

“But what about Frankie? He’s more of a kid than us I think he needs a costume too.” I said feeling bad for Frankie.

“Fine we’ll wait for him and then we’ll go.”

We finished eating and Nick jumped into the shower while I sat on the bed waiting. I just sat there playing random notes on the guitar. I don’t know how to play at all but I want to know. When Nick came out I put the guitar down and went into the shower stealing a kiss on my way past him. It was hard to keep myself from pushing him on the bed and climbing on him I mean all he had on was a towel wrapped around his waist and drops of water where falling down his chest. I jumped in the shower and when I came out Nick was dressed and lying on the bed waiting for me, playing his guitar WAY better than I was.

“Nick I need to get dressed.” I said pointing to the door.

“So get dressed.” He said not moving looking into my eyes.

“Haha very funny. Now out.”

“No it’s my room.”

“And it’s mine now too, so out.”

“Fine.” He pouted and walked out the door. I locked it after him knowing that he would try and get back in. I got dressed and fixed my hair. I went to open the door to let Nick back in and when I did Nick feel at my feet. I started to crack up as Nick laid on the floor looking up at me.

“What were you doing?” I said as I started to calm down.

“I WAS sitting against the door waiting for you. I guess that wasn’t so smart.”

“You think.” I said sarcastically.

“No.” Nick said mocking me as he stood up wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me in for a kiss.

It got instance and he pushed me backwards onto the bed. He climbed on top of me as he deepened the kiss. We stayed like that till we heard Frankie from down stairs.

“We’re home!” Frankie yelled as he walked into the house.

“We better get down there.” I said looking Nick in the eyes.

“Yeah, you need to meet my Grandma.” Nick said standing up holding his hand out for me to take. I grabbed his hand and fixed my shirt and his. We walked down the stairs and Grandma Jonas was just walking in the house with Paul.

“Hi Grandma.” Nick said walking up to her giving her a hug. “Grandma, this is my girlfriend Kylie.”
“So this is the infamous Kylie. Every time I talk to Nick is talked about you. I believe that I have some of you’re things too.” She said looking at all the bags. “Ah, yes. Here you go dear.” She said picking on of the bags up and handing it to me.

“Thank you so much for bringing it with you.” I said as she held her arms out for a hug. Nick took the bag from me as I went to hug her.

“Hey Frankie, you want to go get a costume?” Nick said playing with Frankie’s hair.

“YES!!!” Frankie said all excited.

“Ok, well we’re going to go finish getting ready and we’ll be right down to go, okay?”

“Okay Nick.” Frankie said skipping into the other room. I smiled at his child-ness and Nick laughed.

We walked back up to Nick’s room and finished getting ready. When we were done we grabbed Frankie and jumped in the limo. We headed to the outlet around the block from the house. We went into an all Halloween store and it was perfect, Frankie found his costume right away.

“I WANT TO BE THIS!” he said holding up a pirate’s costume.

“Okay Kido, now we need to fin ours.” Nick said looking around.

“I know what I want to be.” I said walking down an isle.

“What?” Nick said fallowing me.

“Snow White.” I said grabbing the costume that was in front of me.

“That’s cool, now I need to find one…” he said looking around.’

“You should be my prince.” I smiled.

“If we can find the costume, then I will.” He said walking into the next isle that was for guys. “Here, found it.” He said showing me the costume.

“Perfect.” I said kissing him lightly. We paid for the costumes and went back home. We pretty much just hung out in his room talking for most of the day. Some how we managed to talk for hours about nothing. The day became night, and we wanted to get something fast to eat so Frankie, Nick and I jumped into the limo and went out for pizza, in our costumes. Frankie thought it was funny that we did this. Once we where done eating we went straight out to trick or treat. Frankie was so excited he was running to every house. It was a long night. When we got home we collapsed on Nick’s bed. Frankie fell right asleep. Nick picked him up and carried him into his room and went downstairs with all the candy. He poured them into separate bowls and made sure that you could tell whose was whose. Then he came back upstairs and by then I was changed into my pajama shorts and my tang top. I fell on the bed and went right to sleep. Nick changed while I was sleeping.
♠ ♠ ♠
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! (The whole pizza thing in our costumes thing is ture. This is what i shall be doing tomorrow. =D)

Hope you like the very long special chapter...<333 just for all of you lovely readers.. Hope you like it and comment me what you think.